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The Jintake Ishimara Chronicles-Chapter 1-Entering the Gate

by Ishimara-Shi 0 reviews

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Kakashi - Published: 2010-08-28 - Updated: 2010-08-28 - 381 words

"What now?" Jintake said as he runs through the forest."Dammit I've been running for a while, Idon't even know where the hell I am. Huh wait......" Jin looks at his surrondings and notices that all the trees are beginning to slant up."The trees......this means I'm going uphill,at the top I guess I'll be able to see where I am from the top." Jintake begins to run uphill at full speed. When he finally reaches the top he looks out at the horizon in suprise.
"I know I've been running for a while but not this long but I guess I'm here, the Hidden Leaf Village."Though Jin can see it he's still a far way away from the Leaf Village. He runs until morning when he reaches th Leaf Village.
"I-pant pant I've finally made it." Jin said while attempting to catch his breath. He walked in without even paying attention to the two gaurds right inside of the door.
"Hey kid, your a ninja right? I'm gonna need to see your ninja ID." said Kotetsu.
"Huh? Oh yeah I forgot sorry." Jin said as he started looking for his ID. "Umm where is it? Huh Oh! I actually left everything." Jin whispered. "Hey I'm sorry I don't have it on me but if I can just-"
"Go in? You can't be that dumb right?" said Izumo. Izumo and Kotetsu begin to get up "Listen mabey you should come with us."
"That won't be nessacary you two. You see this is an old friend of mine."
"Who's there!" Izumo said while he and Kotetsu begin to draw kunai.
"Calm down it's just me," a cloud of smoke appears in back of Kotetsu and Izumo."Kakahshi."
"Oh, Kakashi you shouldn't do that."said Kotestu
"Yeah sorry anyway I'll be taking my friend." said Kakashi
"Well he should be ok with Kakashi, alright." said Kotetsu.
"Thanks. Now Jintake, your probaly pretty confused right now let me explain things to you.Come on take a walk with me." Kakashi said while walking away.
"Ummmm yeah lets go......I guess" Jins said.
Jin begins to walk with Kakashi Kakashi into the village.
"Jintake let me tell you a story about your clan and more specifaclly,your parents."
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