Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Frank Iero

by MelissaMalice 6 reviews

Just an essay from school.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-09-06 - Updated: 2010-09-06 - 2559 words - Complete

Frank iero.

My name is Frank Anthony Iero. I was born on Halloween, 16 years ago, My mother Linda Iero, Loves me very much. I couldn’t say the same about my dad. It’s the same every single night I come home from work; He’s drunk, and violent. Sometimes he even takes my money from my tips, can you guess what he spends it on? I can. I go to Belleview High School(In New Jersey) I can honestly say that I hate that school, and everyone in it. Especially, Paul Gates. He is the head of the football team. Don’t get me wrong, I like football, just not him.

I feel the frigid air brush across my face as I leave my house to work to school. I quickly put on my white hoody. When I arrive at my school I take a long look behind me, wondering if I should just turn back around and run back home. But, I decide to go into the school. “Hey Iero” Paul snickers at me. “Uh, hi” I reply. He looks at me weird. “Do I need to teach you not to talk to me, again?” and before I could shake my head no, he slammed my head into my locker. He smirks at me and walks off. Oh what a lovely thing to start my day off with. I walk into my first period class, and lay my head down, ignoring Mrs. Gray. I think about the first day I went to this school. I can’t believe I thought it was going to be any different from my middle school. Well, I was halfway right. It’s worse.

As I exit the school, I see Paul again. He smiles at me. I felt my heart race from fear, as I thought of him nearing me. But, to my surprise, he didn’t. I let out a sigh of relief, and started on my way to work. I work at Arbys, I take people their fattening food, as happy as I possibly can. Oh, yeah I forgot to mention I have Cacomorphobia, which is a fear of getting fat. Once my shift at Arby’s is done, I walk home (I do a lot of walking). I open the door, and guess what I see? My dad sitting on the couch with a bottle of vodka in his hands. “FRANK! YOU NEED TO HELP YOUR MOTHER CLEAN THE, ERR KITCHEN!” He slurs at me. I walk into the kitchen and see my mother cowering in the corner. “Ma, you ok?” I ask worriedly. She nods her head. I quickly clean the kitchen.

I ask my father if he wants anything, hoping not to get beaten tonight. He smiles at me and says “You know frank, you’re getting to be a nice young man, I bet if you take those piercings out, and stopped being so feminine, you’d have girls all over you.” I nod and walk away. I go up to my room, and pull off my school clothes, and put on some pajamas. Searching for my I-pod, I hear my cat, Puss, meowing at my door. I let him in and find my I-pod on my desk. I put my ear pieces in, and try to go to sleep.

Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm clock goes off; I sit straight up, and turn it off. Its Saturday, and I get up at six o’ clock, to run. I put on my sweats, and head out the door, kissing my mom bye. My father is still sleeping, with a massive hang over (as he always does). Running out the door, I see two boys across the street with a moving van. Should I go help them? I think I should. I run over there. “Hey, do you need any help? I’m Frank, I live across the street” The short really skinny one, with almost inflexible looking hair, smiles at me. I return the smile and he says “sure, if that’s okay with you, Gerard? I’m Mikey, and this is my brother, Gerard.” Gerard nods at me and says “You can help, if you’d like” then he turns away and takes some stuff in the house. “Don’t worry about him, he always tries to seem so hard, but truth is, he is one of the most sensitive people I know.” I giggle at Mikey’s statement. We grab some boxes, and start bringing them into the house. I see, who must be their mother, and smile at her. “Oh, dear, Mikey who have you brought us today?” I smile again politely at her. “My name is Frank, I live next door, I just wanted to help you guys move in.” She smiles and says “Oh, aren’t you just a gentleman, But why are you up so early dear? I’m Donna” “Well, you see, I wake up at six every Saturday and Sunday to run around the town, Ms. Donna” I reply, and she blushes. “Just call me Donna, hun” “Will do” I say as Mikey and I go up to his room. I look around his room and I see Iron Maiden and Smashing Pumpkins posters all over the walls. “The smashing pumpkins ones are mine, iron maiden is Gerard’s” I nod my head, and smile. “I love iron maiden, smashing pumpkins are okay.” I think Mikey and I will get along just fine.

After I get home from Mikey and Gerard’s both of my parents are asleep. I’m so very happy about that. As I run upstairs to go to my room, my cell phone starts vibrating. Three little vibrates, that means that I have a text. I open it up and it says it is from Mikey. The text says; Hey, its Gerard, Sorry for being kind of rude today, I would really like to get to know you. I reply; its okay, I’m used to people being rude to me, you can come over tomorrow, if you’d like. I fell asleep soon after that. Beep Beep Beep, My alarm clock goes off. My hand flops over on the snooze button, and I get up. Searching for something to wear, I notice that I have some new clothes in my closet, ‘mom’ I thought. I put on my new white skinnys, and a tight fitting iron maiden shirt. Combing my hair, I start walking out the door and down the hall. I spot my dad sitting on the couch. “Frankie, I really need you to know that I love you.” He says to me. “I know dad.” I reply. He smiles at me and gives me a hug; I return the hug, but not the smile. I know he doesn’t love me. I start off walking to school, and I see Mikey and Gerard. “HEY!” I yell out to them. They both turn to look at me and come to walk beside me. “Nice shirt, Frankie” Gerard says. Then I notice he has the same one on, also I notice he called me Frankie. “You too, Gee.” He giggles at my nickname for him. During lunch today, I saw Gerard. He came to sit by me. “You know sitting with me is social suicide.”I mumble to him. He shrugs, and says “Frankie, I like you, you’re cool; I don’t care what other people think.” I smile at him. “Hey, new kid, why are you sitting with that loser?” I hear Eric call out. Then, I see the most wonderful thing in the world. Gerard punches Eric right in his stomach. That’s when it all happened; Gerard became the popular bad kid.

Frank iero.

My name is Frank Anthony Iero. I was born on Halloween, 16 years ago, My mother Linda Iero, Loves me very much. I couldn't say the same about my dad. It's the same every single night I come home from work; He's drunk, and violent. Sometimes he even takes my money from my tips, can you guess what he spends it on? I can. I go to Belleview High School(In New Jersey) I can honestly say that I hate that school, and everyone in it. Especially, Paul Gates. He is the head of the football team. Don't get me wrong, I like football, just not him.

I feel the frigid air brush across my face as I leave my house to work to school. I quickly put on my white hoody. When I arrive at my school I take a long look behind me, wondering if I should just turn back around and run back home. But, I decide to go into the school. "Hey Iero" Paul snickers at me. "Uh, hi" I reply. He looks at me weird. "Do I need to teach you not to talk to me, again?" and before I could shake my head no, he slammed my head into my locker. He smirks at me and walks off. Oh what a lovely thing to start my day off with. I walk into my first period class, and lay my head down, ignoring Mrs. Gray. I think about the first day I went to this school. I can't believe I thought it was going to be any different from my middle school. Well, I was halfway right. It's worse.

As I exit the school, I see Paul again. He smiles at me. I felt my heart race from fear, as I thought of him nearing me. But, to my surprise, he didn't. I let out a sigh of relief, and started on my way to work. I work at Arbys, I take people their fattening food, as happy as I possibly can. Oh, yeah I forgot to mention I have Cacomorphobia, which is a fear of getting fat. Once my shift at Arby's is done, I walk home (I do a lot of walking). I open the door, and guess what I see? My dad sitting on the couch with a bottle of vodka in his hands. "FRANK! YOU NEED TO HELP YOUR MOTHER CLEAN THE, ERR KITCHEN!" He slurs at me. I walk into the kitchen and see my mother cowering in the corner. "Ma, you ok?" I ask worriedly. She nods her head. I quickly clean the kitchen.

I ask my father if he wants anything, hoping not to get beaten tonight. He smiles at me and says "You know frank, you're getting to be a nice young man, I bet if you take those piercings out, and stopped being so feminine, you'd have girls all over you." I nod and walk away. I go up to my room, and pull off my school clothes, and put on some pajamas. Searching for my I-pod, I hear my cat, Puss, meowing at my door. I let him in and find my I-pod on my desk. I put my ear pieces in, and try to go to sleep.

Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm clock goes off; I sit straight up, and turn it off. Its Saturday, and I get up at six o' clock, to run. I put on my sweats, and head out the door, kissing my mom bye. My father is still sleeping, with a massive hang over (as he always does). Running out the door, I see two boys across the street with a moving van. Should I go help them? I think I should. I run over there. "Hey, do you need any help? I'm Frank, I live across the street" The short really skinny one, with almost inflexible looking hair, smiles at me. I return the smile and he says "sure, if that's okay with you, Gerard? I'm Mikey, and this is my brother, Gerard." Gerard nods at me and says "You can help, if you'd like" then he turns away and takes some stuff in the house. "Don't worry about him, he always tries to seem so hard, but truth is, he is one of the most sensitive people I know." I giggle at Mikey's statement. We grab some boxes, and start bringing them into the house. I see, who must be their mother, and smile at her. "Oh, dear, Mikey who have you brought us today?" I smile again politely at her. "My name is Frank, I live next door, I just wanted to help you guys move in." She smiles and says "Oh, aren't you just a gentleman, But why are you up so early dear? I'm Donna" "Well, you see, I wake up at six every Saturday and Sunday to run around the town, Ms. Donna" I reply, and she blushes. "Just call me Donna, hun" "Will do" I say as Mikey and I go up to his room. I look around his room and I see Iron Maiden and Smashing Pumpkins posters all over the walls. "The smashing pumpkins ones are mine, iron maiden is Gerard's" I nod my head, and smile. "I love iron maiden, smashing pumpkins are okay." I think Mikey and I will get along just fine.

After I get home from Mikey and Gerard's both of my parents are asleep. I'm so very happy about that. As I run upstairs to go to my room, my cell phone starts vibrating. Three little vibrates, that means that I have a text. I open it up and it says it is from Mikey. The text says; Hey, its Gerard, Sorry for being kind of rude today, I would really like to get to know you. I reply; its okay, I'm used to people being rude to me, you can come over tomorrow, if you'd like. I fell asleep soon after that. Beep Beep Beep, My alarm clock goes off. My hand flops over on the snooze button, and I get up. Searching for something to wear, I notice that I have some new clothes in my closet, 'mom' I thought. I put on my new white skinnys, and a tight fitting iron maiden shirt. Combing my hair, I start walking out the door and down the hall. I spot my dad sitting on the couch. "Frankie, I really need you to know that I love you." He says to me. "I know dad." I reply. He smiles at me and gives me a hug; I return the hug, but not the smile. I know he doesn't love me. I start off walking to school, and I see Mikey and Gerard. "HEY!" I yell out to them. They both turn to look at me and come to walk beside me. "Nice shirt, Frankie" Gerard says. Then I notice he has the same one on, also I notice he called me Frankie. "You too, Gee." He giggles at my nickname for him. During lunch today, I saw Gerard. He came to sit by me. "You know sitting with me is social suicide."I mumble to him. He shrugs, and says "Frankie, I like you, you're cool; I don't care what other people think." I smile at him. "Hey, new kid, why are you sitting with that loser?" I hear Eric call out. Then, I see the most wonderful thing in the world. Gerard punches Eric right in his stomach. That's when it all happened; Gerard became the popular bad kid.
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