Categories > Original > Romance > NYC

An unexpected arrival

by Sillylittlelover-96 0 reviews

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-09-21 - Updated: 2010-09-21 - 813 words

Chap 2

2 weeks later, the interview was printed and the magazine released, but i didnt get time to enjoy it, nonono, the day after i was called into my editors office to "chat";
"Well, Lilly, i think you've excelled yourself and done very well this issue, i think its time we started talking about getting you an assisstant..." An assisstant?!? Was he crazy?! Why would i need an assisstant...? These were the questions i asked myself as i walked through the streets of the big apple to collect lunch. I guess i got a bit too into my thoughts because i bumped straight into some guy passing.
"Lilly?" I turned and saw that the guy was "call me scott" from the studio a couple of weeks ago.
"Oh, hey, scott right?" he nodded, "how are you?"
"I'm great thanks, and yourself?" he asked as he checked me out.
"I', good!" I replied with little enthusiam, i needed to get going, Stace needed my help back at the office.
"Listen," he said, moving closer to me so i could hear him, "i was wondering if maybe you want to go out some time? Like for Coffee or something?" Wow, that was unexpected, i mean, this guy was hott, like hott enough to get any frigin girl he wants, and he just asked me out. What the hell, He's nice.
"Sure, i'd loved too, let me just give you my number..." i trailed off as i raided my bag for a pen and a bit of paper, i stopped as soon as one was shoved nder my nose with a pen attached to it.
"Thanks," i said smiling at him as i wrote down the number. Once finished i handed him the paper and he winked and said he'd see me later. As he walked away i smiled to myself, then started in the direction of the bagel place i had been going to for the last 6 months of life in america.

"So, the usual?" asked Melanie from behind the counter.
"Nah, lets mix it up a bit...let me see...hmmmm..."
"She'll have a white chocolate and sprinkles sandwidge on me please." I turned around and found myself facing my sister, Cleo.
"Ohmygod, this cannot be real," i said as i hugged her, "What the frickin hell are you doing in NYC?!" i asked as i dragged her over to a booth and sat down opposite her.
"Well, you know how a couple of weeks ago i was telling you about that guy, Gus?"
"Ahh, yes, the one you called Gus...i do seem to remember that he had sideburns and jack-ups? Did he not??" i laughed to
"No, he was hot, and he bought new trousers and got his sideburns waxed for me, isnt that sweet," she sighed as the waitor placed our sandwidges down in front of us.
"Sweet, sure, thats the right word..." i grinned at her as i picked up my sandwidge, then remembered the other question on my mind; "By the way, how the hell did you remember the "ULTIsandwidge" after all these years??" i asked.
"Oh, yeah, i dunno, it just popped into my head i guess." she grinned back and picked up her sandwidge aswell. we sat there for an hour, talking and eating. at around 2, my blackberry vibrated in my pocket and i remembered what time it was. Shit, Bryce would kill me.
"Ahh crap, listen sis, i gotta go, but i'll call you, k?"
"Yup, see'ya." she smiled and i hit the answer button on my phone; "Hello, Lilly Berskin speaking?"
"Ohh, Berskin, thats a hell of a second name..." i smiled, Scott, god, that was quick...
"Aren't you supposed to wait 3 days before calling a girl?" i said making my way down 5th and taking a short-cut back to the office.
"Well, technically, yes, but...your not just any girl..."
"Oh really, then what am i" i said smiling to myself.
"Well, if you wanna get technical, your a woman, but anyways, thats not what i meant. Basically, i couldnt be bothered to wait the three days, so i called. So, wanna do something when you get off work?"
Wow, that took guts..."well, i do have a very busy schedule, but i guess i could squeeze you in somewhere..." i teased,
"That's what she said."
"Congrats, i think thats the worst "thats what she said" i've ever heard, anyways, i have to go, im about to walk into the office and i'm already late, so i'll call you back, maybe..." i teased once again before i hung up. As soon as i walked into the office i knew this was gonna be a good afternoon, Dee was back, meaning everyone would be laughing and joking and Bryce was gone, meaning no acting like a good worker in front of the boss. WOO.
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