Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > These Wings Of Ashes

Franky Krueger

by breestar 2 reviews

I love you, Dean Winchester.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2010-09-30 - Updated: 2010-09-30 - 646 words

Authors Note:
I'm back from my long trip! WOOHOO!

Chapter 10
Franky Krueger

This couldn't be true. A baby? Me? No way. I was way too young, and wanted to do things with my life. A baby may have been an option in the future. When I had a decent job, and a good household. I didn't care that Gerard could take care of all financial needs the baby and I would need. I wanted to do it. Many years from now, with someone I loved.
When I slept that night, I dreamed I was on the beach alone, hoping Frank would show up. When he finally did, he was only wearing jeans. His burns had healed completley, but there were scaring left. I ran up to him. "Oh, I'm so glad you look better, will your scars fade?"
"I hope not, they make me look bad ass." He smiled.
"You are badass, love." I kissed him, but he pushed me back a bit.
"Leigh, we don't have much time, I need you to wake up, and run outside before Gerard notices. I'll be waiting in Seth's car."
"You still haven't returned it?"
"He's driving, it's going to be light out soon, and in real life I don't have my sunglasses."
"You're going to have to keep your eyes closed--- Wait, Seth's driving?!"
"I'll explain later, wake up!" He shook me.
I sat up, gasping.
"Bad dream?" Gerard rubbed my back.
Crap, he's up. I thought.
"Yeah. I watch too much supernatural shows." I half lied.
"Frank in your dream? Or should I say.. Franky Krueger?" He sounded mad. He had caught onto my lie.
I didn't mean to laugh, but I did. Franky Krueger.. Good one.
"No no, but the beautiful Dean Winchester was." He laughed too, good he wasn't mad.
"Want to talk about it?"
"About what?"
"Your dream.." Shit, now he was suspisious. And I knew I didn't have a lot of time before I had to get downstairs to meet up with Frank and Seth.
"Mmm, well first I was being attacked by ghosts in my dream, but then Deean Winchester saved me, and I rewarded him with this.." I began to kiss his lips and neck. I started playing with his hair, and he started pulling up my shirt. This was my only chance.
I screamed.
Gerard pulled away, "What the? What's wrong?"
"I must be still tired, I thought I seen one of the ghosts from my dream right behind you," I lied. "I'll go make a cup of coffee, want one?"
"I could just have someone make it for you.." Gerard started kissing my neck.
"But only I and starbucks know the amount of coffee and sugar I like." Oh, what I'd do for a large tripple-tripple right now.
"Mhmm, fine. Be back up as quick as you can?" He smiled.
"Of course." I kissed him quickly. Good, I thought I was a horrible liar.
When I got downstairs, I realized I was only wearing a tank top and shorts and it's probably freezing out. But, it was the only chance I had, and if I fucked up now, I wouldn't ever get another chance.
I seen the main door, Frank never told me if that's the door I had to go to, but I assumed it was since it's the only one I've ever gone through. But as I got closer, I knew it was the right door. Frank was standing next to the dead guard.
I had ran to Frank, his arms were waiting open for me. I had kissed him hard, but again like in the dream, he pulled away. "We have to go now."
He held my hand as we ran to Seth's car, when we opened the door, Gerard was sitting in the passenger seat. He was covered in my ex-boyfriends blood. He killed him.
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