Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Halls of Hogwarts

omen or amen

by jjbro 0 reviews

Harry's summer draws to a close.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2010-10-15 - Updated: 2010-10-17 - 10352 words - Complete

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my ideas.
Chapter 5 – Omen or Amen

It had been almost an entire week since Dumbledore had received Harry's letter in the middle of the order meeting inciting panic in a meeting. The anger expressed in the letter was directly contrary to what Dumbledore had felt in the boy when he helped to him escape in Diagon Alley and had left him prey to a feeling he had not felt often in his long life. Confusion.

A knocking at the door interrupted Dumbledore's musings. The door opened, Kingsley Shacklebolt entered. The auror looked dishevelled, large bags surrounding his eyes, and his brows furrowed on his forehead.

"Aaah, hello Kingsley," Said Dumbledore conjuring up a tray with a bottle and two glasses and a padded armchair, "Please, sit."

"Thank you Albus," Sighed the auror, "Well…" he sucked his teeth, "I've found Harry, and I gotta' admit he did a fine job, I've seen worse from real criminals."

"Where is he?" Dumbledore inquired

"That's the thing, I don't think we should get him." Kingsley braced himself, "I went to find him this morning and what he's got it's not too bad. If I hadn't known exactly where to look I would never have found him, and I don't know, I just remember the letter, and I think 'the kid needs this'."

"But Kingsley," Dumbledore replied, "If you could find him, what's to stop a death eater searching for him and locating him also. You must never underestimate the Dark Lord and his resources. If we can find exactly where to look then they can to. You simply cannot count on luck holding out."

Dumbledore steepled his fingers and frowned at Kingsley over the top of his half moon spectacles. Kingsley was right of course, but so was he and this left him in somewhat of a predicament, Harry had expressed so much rage at the world, at himself, at Dumbledore, at anything he could that despite the affection Harry had displayed in Diagon Alley he was unable to disregard it as grief. Dumbledore knew the sort of bigoted people the Dursleys were and from what he had learned from his students and his colleagues and friends over the last 5 years he knew that Harry had no freedom, or enjoyment, while on his holidays. The rest of his year being spent of Hogwarts he could empathise with the lack of freedom Harry had expressed he had felt all his life, and he imagined if given this latitude he would emerge a stronger person more ready to undertake the tasks he would undoubtedly be burdened with over the next few years.
However, on the counter side of this argument, he was at so much danger while not in his relative's household or Hogwarts castle that it was almost unthinkable that he would leave Harry thus just so that he could appease his conscience in regard to Harry's personal well being. Would it prove more damaging to give into Harry's desires or his own? Voldemort was no longer hiding himself. When he discovered that Harry Potter was missing it could, no it would, lead to disaster for the light side. Dumbledore could see one of these choices was a mistake, but as it had this last week, the answer eluded him.

"Albus..?" said Kingsley tentatively.

"Yes Kingsley," Dumbledore offered, he had almost forgotten that the Auror was there, "I agree with you that Harry needs this, but we need Harry and I'm afraid I must rather take Harry and bear his anger against the magical world than leave him out there vulnerable. You understand?"
"Yes Albus." Said Kingsley, shocked. He was surprised at the amount of worry he saw clearly written on the Headmasters face, as well as the reassurance he sought from Kingsley, something that in turn deeply worried and concerned him. "Don't worry Albus we will make sure no harm comes to him. I'll call in a team and go get him immediately."

"Thank you Kingsley," Albus offered.

Kingsley drained the last of his glass, stood up, and walked quickly to the door. When Dumbledore was alone again he relaxed and took a sip from his glass. Was it his place to pull Harry from whatever place he'd likely been enjoying the last week? What gave him the right to make someone live in a way they did not want to, even if that person's life was in danger? Albus sighed again, it was the same reason he had placed Harry with his Aunt Petunia as an infant, it wasn't his right, but it was his duty.

Harry had entirely disrupted his planned summer activities.

Fred looked down from carefully sliding the modified ear through the crack at the top of Ginny's door and gave George a nod. They had been working on a newer version of the extendable ear that could stretch further and had a better quality of sound. George was currently at the bottom of the steps having been waiting for the go ahead. Placing the tube into his ear George listened carefully for any sound of a person talking.

Fred and George had achieved their life ambition several months ago and now had a thriving store in Diagon Alley catering to the many children of the wizarding world and business was booming. They had employees, they had customers and they felt like they had the world at their feet. Even with the slight drop in numbers in Diagon Alley caused by Voldemort's now visible return their profits still grew. Still, the success had not gone to their heads and Fred and George knew that if they ever got complacent in their work their competitors would try to run them out of business, something they were determined to prevent.

This was the completely justifiable reason they were currently testing their new ears in depth on their sister Ginny. That she was talking to her current boyfriend Dean Thomas, who they vaguely remembered, was of no matter to them. They weren't spying, they were testing.
George looked back up the steps at his brother and shook his head causing his hair to fall over his eyes. Brushing it out of the way he looked up again to see Fred frown and ease the extendable ear further into the crack before nodding at George again. George listened then shook his head again, then frowned, then sighed.

"She said 'Come in'," George sighed as he started to walk up the stairs. He shrunk the ear as he yanked it out, a new charm, then gave it to Fred who put it in his pocket. Slowly he pushed the door open to Ginny's room. "You first Forge."

"Gladly Gred" Fred replied leading the way into their old room. Since Fred and George had moved out and Ron had declined moving into Percy's room last year out of bitterness, their Mum and Dad had decided to offer their room to Ginny who had been pleased to say the least. Since it had been both of theirs, their room was a fair bit larger then the other sibling's rooms. Taking a quick look around Fred noted the changes quickly. It was still long and wide and the roof was still shallow, barely 6 feet above the floorboards, but that was all that had not changed. Ginny was the only girl in the family and the twins liked to think of her as the sibling most similar to them, she was level headed, smart, good at spell work, with quite a mischievous streak. A few of the qualities that they themselves possessed, even if they were not quite as pronounced in her, and as the baby sister they'd always looked after her and never really expected her to grow up. But while they had accepted that she had their mother was still somewhat in denial.
Looking at the pink, fluffy, carpet that covered their feet in amazement the twins finally looked up to the pink painted walls with their many posters of unicorns and other magical creatures in 18th century skirts and dungarees to see a thoroughly annoyed Weasley woman. Ginny was scowling at them as if she had just entered a Snape impressionist competition and was sitting in that pose that let them know she was actually quite annoyed. Legs crossed, arms folded she glared at them and barked out something incomprehensible.

"Ay?" said Fred.

Ginny took a deep, deep breath to calm herself and after a few moments looked at them again and said icily,

"Why were you spying on me and Dean?"

The twins in sync looked to her right to see the floating head of Dean Thomas staring at the twins looking extremely embarrassed at the scrutiny he was receiving.

"Errrr, we weren't spying, sister dearest, we were just testing some new products of ours." Said George with his best sales face.

"For the shop" Chirped Fred helpfully, beaming in embarrassment.

"I find that somewhat hard to believe surprisingly, especially considering that you made those bloody ears over a year ago!" she replied scathingly, her voice rising.

"These are new ones sis." Said George slowly as if explaining to a child,

"For the shop" Chirped Fred again still grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"We use them to see if they work. To... test... them." Continued George slowly.

"For.. the.. shop" parroted Fred once more.

"Well? why did you need to test them on me, WHILE IM TALKING TO DEAN!? AND IF YOU SAY FOR THE SHOP ONE MORE TIME FREDERICK WEASLEY" she finished ominously.

Fred and George looked at each other again. They slowly started to edge toward the door.
"Well…." Said George, shrugging his shoulders slowly and raising his arms palm outwards nonchalantly, "If I had to hazard a guess….I'd say it was..."

"For the shop" Fred guffawed.

"AAARGH" Ginny screamed snatching up her wand.

Fred and George laughed running down the steps just as Ginny's famous Bat-Bogey Hex flew out the door.

Still laughing they walked into the kitchen looking for food. They looked around and spotting no sign of their Mum walked into the front room where she was talking with some guests.

"Hello Remus, Auror Shacklebolt." Said Fred formally, "What brings you here? Order business?"

"Oh, hello boys," Said Remus in greeting while Shacklebolt nodded, "you could say it was, in a way."

"They've found Harry," piped Molly, "and they want a small group of people to go get him with them, I'm going, can you two come?"

"Well..." Said Fred, "We were planning to go to the store we've got a new shipment we have to test."

"No, go Fred, give me the ear, I'll go back to the store and you can go get Harry. I'm dying to hear about how he avoided the Order for a week."

"Ok then," Said Shacklebolt, "I guess you're in Fred, if we're all ready, apparate to platform 9 and ¾."

“Im George” He lied.

Harry sighed in contentment, life was good. In the week he'd been inside the trunk he'd started to relax immensely. The trunk and its living spaces were finally starting to feel like home, and for once Harry was able to appreciate the unique enjoyment of laziness. In the first few days he'd been living in the trunk it had been quite difficult, for the first thing, there was no security, Harry Potter, - currently hunted by the most evil wizard known to man and his legions of dark followers, most of whom were as vicious as they were stupid - was living in a trunk in an easily accessible area in London that could be opened by anyone.

Harry didn't think a simple padlock would be quite sufficient in this case. First, he'd tried to make a recognition pad that would only allow the trunk to be opened when it sensed his magical signature. But that had proved much too complicated to do with what he had learned from his birthday book. He'd created a pad that would open whenever it detected any magic what so ever. Next he'd tried a sort of internal lock that would open when ever he put his thumb to one of the panels on the handle but again, while he could sort of almost make that, he had had no idea how to get inside the handle so it now rested on his desk, a somewhat blunt, personal switch knife. His next attempt was actually a magically altered padlock, and this worked. A simple mechanism, he measured the girth of the handle outside and then cut out a hole in an amber coloured metal and scraped of a chip at the bottom of the padlock. He charmed it unbreakable, and then on the small chip he had scratched off copied a rune of opening and a rune of joining from a textbook. Charming this shard onto the pointy end of a thin black needle he formed a key and solved the problem of basic security until such a time he could create a more sophisticated way of protecting himself.

The second problem was furniture. The first night Harry had been too tired to do anything too strenuous, and had ended up transfiguring an old pair of socks into a big quilt and small pillow. The next morning Harry read both his sixth and seventh year transfiguration textbooks and committed them to memory. By mid afternoon he was halfway through the big bumper book of spells and felt ready to take a crack at making some respectable furnishing. A stone on his shoe became a desk so wonky it was pretty much stable, while some loose parchment was transformed into a bedframe and mattress. A tiny shelf was created and messily attached to the wall at waist height. Essentially a potions surface for a chopping board and an assortment of tiny cauldrons, the shelf had not received much attention since its creation as Harry had not visited the apothecary on his jaunt to Diagon Alley.

He had created a large arm chair, but when the reclining mechanism proved too much he vanished it. It had taken up too much room anyway, he could always lie on his bed. Finally he'd conjured up a muggle mirror and got his posters of the chudley cannons - given dutifully by Ron every Christmas and Birthday - up on the wall before puzzling out how to operate the bathroom. On the cubicle's left most wall were a series of silver metallic panels with stylised symbols on them. The top most one activated a powerful shower of water, Harry had had to change after discovering that one, the middle made an odd little toilet shimmer into existence and the last a small alabaster sink. Harry had been a little perturbed when he noticed that the toilet had no flushing mechanism, thankfully, on his first exploratory usage his bold decision to vanish the toilet paid dividends when the waste went with it.

Harry, having not much else to do, had spent the last week reading and learning. He'd got through all his transfiguration books, all his cookery books and all his charms books as well as spending enough time playing the horrid game to develop a loathing of gobstones. He hated their abnormal movements, he hated their irregular sizes and mostly he hated their noxious fumes. After three days he had case finite incantatem on them all and vanished them.

Harry was currently reading one of the slender volumes on the dark arts that he'd bought from Borgin & Burkes. There were one or two interesting curses and jinxes that may be useful, such as a blinding curse that he was saving to use on Malfoy, but most of them were just horrific depictions of how to perform sacrificial magic using animals, and in one case a human, for effects that could be done just as well with a quick enchantment or a ward.

All in all though, Harry had learnt a lot this week and he thought that his friends would be quite surprised to see what he could do. If he studied as much as he had this week over the next 3 until he had to go back to school he thought he'd find this year very easy, educationally. In every other aspect he was sure it would be just as troublesome as ever.

According to the calendar on his wristwatch today was the day he was supposed to travel to Diagon Alley and collect his robes from Madame Malkins, it was about 1 O' clock in the real world and he decided with trepidation this was as good a time as any to get them. He'd actually decided a few days ago that he would also pop into the ministry and try to gain a legitimate apparation licence. He'd thought of this a few days ago while reading through one of his history books. It turned out that while he'd had a good idea originally and in times gone by the magic of the station would have hidden him from intrusion, in the last war against Voldemort the ministry, showing uncharacteristic forethought, cast a ward that recorded the presence of any witch or wizard within to prevent ambush. It was only blind luck that Harry had not been caught already. Plainly he needed to find another place that was well protected and quickly.

As Harry undid the lock of the trunk and climbed out he smoothed his robes and looked around. Even though he'd been out here while experimenting on locking devices it still disconcerted him to see the platform so empty. Shrinking his trunk he concentrated. The three D's. Sliding his trunk into his pocket and his eyes closed he turned on the spot and was gone.

Kingsley apparated, with a slight pop, just outside the ticket barrier and secret entrance to platform 9 and ¾. Around him the other 3 appeared, and near them the muggles slid past, their brains ignoring what they knew to be impossible.

He turned to the other 3. Speaking gruffly he said,

"We go in, its unlikely they'll be any sort of fight between us and Harry or us and Death Eaters, our main objective is to collect Harry and not spook him off, understand?"

"Sir, Yes Sir!" Said Fred cheekily, promptly being swatted by his mother,

"We're ready Kingsley" She said kindly, "Lets go in."

As one they stepped through the barrier and looked up the platform to see a twirl of a cloak and jet black hair and heard the slight pop that accompanied apparation.

The team was silent for a second until Kingsley spat.

"Oh, for Fu-"

Harry twirled out of the horrible compression of apparation and settled to get his bearings, he was in the alley across from the Leakey cauldron and the arch that traditionally let people into the alley. Unlike his last trip to the Alley Harry had no thought of spending money. He made his way to Madame Malkins and collected his robes. Offered to try them on he did so and found they were a comfortable fit, thanking her he left her shop and bought an ice cream, before meandering over the apothecary and spending a couple of galleons in there. Polishing off his treat, Harry sighed. Next trip he wouldn't spend anything. Heading back to the disapparation point Harry span on the spot and was gone.

Appearing in the Lobby Harry turned and shuddered. The last time he had been here a month ago the place had been a wreck and he had lost Sirius. He had no time to get all emotional about that. Harry looked around as the lobby looking at things to focus his mind. Currently there were very few wizards streaming in and out of the ministry's fireplaces but there were still a lot of people forming a queue at the only entrance. Harry went to join the queue, the hard heeled dragon boots he wore click-clacking loudly on the marble floor. The queue shuffled slowly forward and Harry eventually found himself being checked thoroughly by the 3 guards on duty at the desk. He guessed that since the Ministry's last screw up the department of magical law enforcement had decided to step up the number of guards on duty.

After being thoroughly prodded, probed and searched Harry was issued a visitor badge thanked by the guards for his 'valiant' effort last month and then politely as possibly positively kicked through the gate. Harry guessed they weren't too pleased about being shown up by a bunch of school kids, but it served them right, if they'd just done their jobs properly in the first place none of it would've happened.

But there was still no time for that. Harry wound his way over the reception area to the right of the lifts keeping his eyes open for anyone who knew him. He was running a big risk by being here but was hoping that the order and other ministry officials would be so busy looking for him afar that they wouldn't see him when he was right under their noses. The worst part of it though was the fact that he couldn't simply cast a glamour charm on himself as he needed to look himself if he wanted to get his apparation license.

Harry's eyes found a large floating parchment that contained an exquisitely drawn map of the ministry from floor one, home of the minister himself, to level 10, the courtrooms of the magical world that Harry himself had been acquainted with. After a few moments Harry found what he was looking for, The Department of Magical Transportation shared floor 7 with The Department of Magical Games and Sports. Just as Harry finished looking the map changed itself to a bright wizarding picture or a woman applying a brand of lipstick called notice-me-now. While the advert itself didn't mean anything to Harry, the name had given him idea.

As he strolled to the lifts he thought. What if he cast a charm that, while not disguising him, would simply make people not notice him unless he tried to draw attention to himself? A notice-me-not. Harry smirked, well first the incantation. Well both animadversio and conspicio would serve his purpose but the former was more to do with unfavourable notice, so that would probably make the spell work better. Add a negative and he had his spell. Harry reached out and tapped a button on the wall on the farthest to the left lift. Above him memos flew quietly rustling below the lamplight. For the wand movement, he'd need something similar to the glamoire for disguise but less focus on physical appearance. Also as it wasn't directly affecting him it was affecting him the people around him so it would need more a swish for the area of effect then a poke.
Harry slid his wand out of his pocket and concentrated on what his wanted. 'Nullus animadversio' he muttered quietly as he gave a quick curved swish with his wand. The bell chimed to signal that the elevator had arrived and Harry slid his wand back into his pocket as the doors opened to announce the 'Level 8 – Atrium' Harry stepped in and was happy to see that while people didn't step on him or try and walk through him no one seemed to pay any attention to him, of course, that didn't necessarily prove that his spell had worked.

Harry and his unwitting companions travelled down to level 7 before he disembarked and made his way to British and Irish Quidditch league headquarters. He had been planning to go straight to the Magical transportation section, but passing so close to the centre of administration for the league Harry couldn't help but be drawn inward.

The department contained more memos than Harry had seen throughout the rest of the ministry combined. Magical windows displayed brooms undergoing tests, exposed to weight and heat and wind. Small, fastidious men poured ceaselessly over broom twigs, measuring, inspecting and scribbling conclusion, occasionally spelling words onto the brooms themselves.
Further along, wizards generously intoned damaging curses at prototype brooms. That particular testing chamber was aglow with dissipating magic. At the moment a predominately pink hue, Harry watched as the colours fused and swirled like a living oil slick, surging through a kaleidoscope of colour. Eventually tearing his eyes away from the entrancing light show Harry looked around and snagged a loose memo from an empty desk at his side. The shape of a broom stick Harry chortled as he opened it up. Reading it, his expression darkened,

Due to Black's exoneration and decease, I'm afraid we can no longer facilitate your request to appropriate his collection of rare Holyhead Harpy memorabilia, as such things are once again personal property and under the jurisdiction of his executor.

Harry methodically cast the strongest itching hex he knew on each quill on the desk as well as the seat of the desk's chair. Satisfied, he left the department, one more task at the ministry had become apparent. Harry had never known the Quidditch team that Sirius supported. He wasn't surprised to find that it had been the all-female Holyhead Harpies.
Eventually Harry found himself at the door to the apparation license office inside the much less chaotic Department of Magical Transportation. Knocking and entering Harry saw a spartan room with a severe looking man seated at an oak desk. The man looked up upon Harry's entrance before his gaze sliding back down to his work.

“I can come back if this isn't convenient, Sir” Harry said calmly.

“No, no. I'm not that busy” Said the man looking up at Harry. He paused for a moment, then shook his head as if to dislodge an invisible fly and craned back over his desk. Cursing, Harry flicked his wand behind his back. “Finite Incantatem” He whispered. Immediately, the man raised his head again. He looked abashed.

“Apologies Mr..Oh! Harry Potter. Apologies Mr. Potter, that was incredibly rude of me, I was curiously absorbed in these documents.” Harry waved his hand as if to say nothing of it and he continued “How can I help you, today?”

“I'd like to gain an apparation license” Harry replied.

“Well, this is most irregular, but very well. Please, step back.” Harry did as instructed and with a flair the wizard conjured three steps of varying height horizontal to each other. He then touched a small device that looked somewhat like an oil pump that flared a white-gold light.
The test was quite simple, Harry apparated onto each step in turn, then a random sequence of the three. After a minute it was over and the tester informed him of his success.

“I shall update the roll of approved apparaters to include your name Mr. Potter. Congratulations.” Reaching down to a drawer he extracted a single piece of parchment. Signing it, he handed it to Harry. “This is your license, keep it safe, we do not issue replacements lightly.” His stern expression lightened. “Well done again, Mr. Potter” He reiterated. Harry smiled and left. Now to the Department of Inheritance.

"Mr. Fides will be with you soon Mr. Potter"

"Thank you," Harry replied, standing.

Harry took this opportunity to look around. The booth was quite comfortable, a black leather couch stood in front of a stout wooden desk. The desk had 3 racks upon it each one containing about 12 quills with inks of various colours. Behind the desk on the wall were various pictures of a family smiling, cheering and hugging as well as a few certificates from various places qualifying him as the possessor of prestigious skills. To the side on was a Wizarding Wireless portable that was at the moment playing a slow, relaxing tune.

As Harry looked up at the pictures on the wall at the smiling family, of the children in their parent's arms, the door clicked opened.

"I see your enjoying my pictures Mr. Potter"

"Yeah," Said Harry turning to face Mr. Fides as he entered, "Your family?" Harry looked at Fides appraisingly. He was about, 6 feet tall and stocky from what Harry could tell through his plush midnight blue robes. With sandy brown hair that was quite messy like the wizarding fashion of the time and dark brown eyes he seemed quite the ordinary wizard.

"No, no. Not married, and the family I do have would not be so merry if we were ever all forced into the same space. The department insists that we have these pictures on our walls, supposedly to help family who have just lost a member. I think its codswallop though. If I'd just lost someone close to me I wouldn't want to see pictures of happy families." He sighed, "That's the ministry nowadays for you."

Harry laughed quietly. He was unusually blunt.

"Please, take a seat Mr. Potter." Harry acquiesced and sat down on the squeaky leather couch. Sitting down in his own chair and pulling out a folder Fides continued, "I'm sorry for your loss Mr. Potter"

"Call me Harry" Said Harry without thinking.

"Harry then. Unusually, Mr. Black's will is not going through the Ministry's systerm or as far as we're aware Gringotts either, I'm afraid I can't help you today."

Harry frowned. It looked like he would have to schedule a chat with Dumbledore. If he arranged a meeting, he didn't think that it would class as 'being caught'. However, perhaps he was placing too much trust in what could've been a momentary lapse in judgement by the revered wizard. It was something to ponder at another time.

"It's Ok Mr. Fides, that's not the only reason I came here today."

"Go ahead." Said Mr. Fides as Harry paused.

"I was hoping that you could tell me something about the will that my parents left, if they're any possessions I should have inherited." Harry continued.

"Flattering as it that you think I've been working here for 16 years, I don't actually know anything about that off the top of my head. I'll go and check the department's files for you, if you'd like?" He said pleasantly.

"Yeah, that would be great." Harry replied.

Fides stood up quickly and strode confidently out the door. While Harry waited, he conjured himself a small bottle of some pumpkin juice and a glass, for some reason he found his throat dry. After about 10 minutes of waiting the door to the booth swung open and Harry looked up expectantly but it was only the receptionist bringing some glasses and a bottle of orange juice. Looking at the glasses Harry had conjured in confusion she placed down the glasses with a frown.
"He said it might be quite a wait." She offered sympathetically. Harry nodded in thanks.
Fortunately it wasn't that long afterwards that a grinning Mr. Fides returned.

"Ahhh Harry we're in luck, the files from the old war are very jumbled, I thought it would take hours to find this" he waved a file in the air, "but on the second draw I just found it poking out. Now let's see what it says." He sat with a flump in his chair and then delicately opened the folder on his desk. "huummmm" he said frowning, an "oohh" and a "aahhh" followed shortly afterwards. "When you said possesions Harry did you mean anything in particular, or everything?"
"I was really just curious, so everything I guess." Harry replied tentatively. It wouldn't do to state that he was searching for a property.

"Hummm," He repeated turning back to a page in his folder, his eyes scanning it quickly, he continued slowly, "Well from your father's side as the last Potter you have inherited the Potter manor which is found in southern Hertfordshire. You have a small condo on the west coast of Portugal, hmmm, and of course there is the infamous Godric's Hollow, in Godrics Hollow in the west country of England. Not far from the city of Brighton."

"Pardon?" Said Harry.

Fides looked up. "Well the house is actually called Godric's Hollow as well as being in Godrics Hollow. I actually live on the outskirts of Godric's Hollow. The village, not the house. I assume you'll be dropping in soon? I can always give you a guided tour of the village. Its half muggle half magical, and beautiful this time of year."

Harry hesitated. “I can't. Maybe at Christmas, but I have a very strict itinerary in the summer.” He lied.

“Would you like my address? You can owl anytime you want to visit.”

"Ok" said Harry standing up, "where do I make it out too?"

"Jasper Fides 12 staunchant way, but call me Jasper I'll kill you" He said laughing, "I prefer Jas, or Fides."

"Cheers for the help Jas, I guess I'll see you at Christmas time."

"Yes, you too Harry" He replied. Exchanging a few more pleasantries Harry left his office and smiled. It'd be good to know one of the locals. Harry set off to the lifts and rode up to the atrium recasting his notice-me-not charm. From the atrium he walked back through the guard's security post and caught the elevator that would take him up to the London exit.

After he got out he went for a quick stroll, easing his aching muscles and enjoying the fresh air for the first time a week. He dispelled the charm and decided to use some of the muggle money he had it wasn't like he'd need it that much after these holidays.

Finding a fast food outlet nearby called Tasty Fried Chicken Harry dived in, ravenous. Fast food was not really something he'd ever had as a child, it was more a form of ineffective torture the Dursleys had tried, making him watch as Dudley ate mounds of burgers and chips, of course having never had fast food he was more affected by the horrific sight of Dudley eating then by envy. He could see what he was missing out on. Even knowing it was terrible for him it tasted delicious and he found himself going back to buy seconds.

After gorging himself Harry found himself at a loss for what to do next. He had total access to the things in the muggle world he had dreamed about until age 11, yet he could come up with nothing to do. Having been exposed to the magical world there was nothing really left here that he wanted.

Harry sighed and finding a wide back alley flung out his wand.

BANG! A puff of acrid, purple smoke accompanied the triple decker purple bus as it appeared magically. Harry flung himself to the wall quickly as it ground to a halt, its front tyres resting where he had been only a second before.

The doors swung open to reveal Stan Shunpike head held regally and in a professional manner who proceeded to say,

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard, Just stick out your wand hand, step on board, oh" Here he looked at Harry and his expression changed from that of dignified conductor to that of a scowling teen. "It's you. Ernie, it's Potter again."

"Ar" Said Ernie philosophically.

"Wer 'Choo wanna go then, get on. 11 sickles" he said all at once, sticking his palm out. Harry jumped on quickly and thrust the money into his hand. "I ain't getting' you a toofbrush or a 'ot chocolate"

"Godric's Hollow please" Harry said coldly; with a BANG they were gone.

It had been about an hour on the Knight Bus being cold shouldered by Stan before they reached Godric's Hollow. Being day time, instead of beds there were rows and rows of benches that slid wildly, often toppling over, taking Harry with them. By the end of the trip it was all an extremely annoyed Harry could do not to blast the benches apart with a well deserved reducto.
In this mood Harry had jumped off the Knight bus, which promptly drove away, to be confronted by the sensation Dementors engendered. It wasn't strong and they weren't anywhere close but cautiously he pulled his wand from his pocket. There was a thick fog covering the muddy trail he was walking on and for some reason in the middle of summer at half past 5 the sky seemed to be getting dark.

Treading carefully Harry worked his way along the frosted muck. Every step he took was accompanied by a deep crunch that sounded like a gunshot in the contrasting silence. Walking up to a short drive Harry looked left and right slowly and patiently to keep his thoughts in order. The drive up to the house seemed about 8 or 9 paces across and at either end was a short cobbled wall about 4 feet high.

Just beyond the wall where the landscape started to fade in the fog Harry could see majestic pine trees rising up out of view. Beads of dew condensed on the grass near him. Was it really that cold? Harry shivered and passed through the cold metal gate.

Finally after an interminable amount of time his sharp eyes started to pick out the features of a house lurking in the fog. As it loomed closer, his brain started to take in what it was he was seeing.

The building looked like a typical detached house in the English countryside, if not slightly larger than most. Two stories high and pretty wide it had grey brick walls and a slate tiled roof with a traditional chimney attached. White framed windows, ivy creepers extending slowly up the left side of the house, a large brown wooden door; the perfect place for a new family starting out in the world, Harry thought. The passage of time was evident on the house, as well as spell damage from that day.

Harry approached the end of the drive as it widened out and split in two before curling back in on itself to form a circle that passed just by the steps leading up to the door. Harry walked straight across the plants in the middle to the steps and spotted a plaque fastened to the wall just left of the door. It read:

Godric's Hollow
in memory of
James and Lily Potter
Taken from the world
Too young.

Harry reached out to open the door and pushed it open, it was unlocked. Tensely marching in he looked around and stamped his muddy boots on the bare wooden hall floor. “This house should be lit” Harry murmured. In a perfect world Harry would've been disciplined for bringing mud into the house, he thought. Was the last person to pass through this door Voldemort, his parents murderer?. The anger bubbling within Harry collapsed and caved in turning cold as the air on his skin.

Going into the door on the left Harry saw an inviting living room with a dusty, red, plush carpet and matching upholstery. The curtains were covered with tiny Gryffindor Lions and the windows themselves formed a sort of enclave, each of the three windows possessing a layer of white lace that hung down gracefully, smacking of a woman's touch. The non-functioning lights seemed to be normal muggle light bulbs and Harry found this to be the same through the entire house. Toward the back of the room there were double doors that lead into a large dining room decorated lavishly. A long table made to seat twelve seemed to be carved out of a single piece of oak with the varnish itself giving of a gentle fragrance of something minty.

On the left side of the room facing the backs of one part of the 5 seating part of the table was an ornate…. Well he didn't know what it was. The bottom half was an ornately decorated cupboard with two large compartments splitting it in half and a wide draw above each of these. Then on top of this base were 2 shelves against a back board and a frame that then went on to be a decoration piece in itself. The closest thing he could compare it to would be a stereotypical old fashioned wardrobe with the two sweeping parts coming together in two big cloud like shapes before peaking and dropping slightly before meeting. Each of these protruded from the top of the odd dresser and each one was carved with various mythical animals. Smoke emitting dragons framed it while a lone phoenix swooped at something invisible to Harry. The shelves themselves were even more interesting. Scattered evenly across the display were pictures of his Mum and Dad on holiday in various places and other mementoes. He saw his Mum and Dad in front of a Greek temple, the coliseum, a geisha girl and in the middle of them all was a picture of himself being held by his mum and hugged by his Dad. As he watched the smiling James Potter reached down to kiss the baby Harry on the scarless forehead. Harry smiled sadly then went to explore the rest of the house.

Through a single door on the right of the room around the long table Harry strolled into the kitchen smelling the infused decade of must. Around the sides were various cooking apparatus and in the middle was a long block of what looked like granite surrounded by some some high stools while in the middle were two sets of taps and a double drain each separated only by a thin strip of rock. Harry's eyes travelling beyond the long kitchen, he observed a short single step that led into a small room with small chairs and children's playthings and a bean bag chair, this must have been where he played when his parents were in the kitchen cooking and cleaning. Before the short step there was a double patio door that led out into a moderate sized garden, about the same size as the Dursley's at Privet Drive.

Stepping out from the kitchen into the hallway he had been in previously he across the wooden floorboards to the staircase. Spell damage was evident on the first half of the staircase, black marks and splintered steps. Creeping upwards slowly Harry started to feel nauseas, the higher he climbed the worse it got, and by the time he reached the last couple of steps he had to sit down to let his stomach calm. He knew what was above him now, in one of these rooms his mother had died to protect him and Voldemort had tried to kill him. He'd already walked through the doorway from where his father was murdered. Feeling bile rise up his throat Harry had to forcefully calm himself. He steeled himself as he stood and opened the door on his immediate left.

This door contained nothing but a wardrobe and 4 single beds. Maybe it had been a guest room. He didn't know. Harry backed out and opened the second door, he wasn't afraid though as Harry was positive he knew which door it was. It would be the last door he'd come to; at the back of the landing behind him as he stood presently, he was certain. He looked into the room he had just opened. This was the bathroom, a large sunken bath dominated the room but in the corner hidden by wall a generous cubicle was present for the shower. He closed the door gently.
Opening the door starting on the landing he saw a small airing cupboard, a large boiler filled most of this but at the top were some racks holding a number of towels. He closed the door. He made his way down to the next door, the second to last. This must be his parent's room. He was starting to shake now.

He opened the door and stepped in quickly breathing deeply for about 10 seconds he continued to breathe in before sighing and breathing out. He didn't know what he'd expected exactly anyway, a whiff of his mother, a scent of his father's aftershave? All he could smell was decay, and damp. He looked around, there was a double bed and a vanity dresser and a wardrobe in the corner. Nothing of theirs remained. Harry stepped out and closed the door.

This was it, this was the room this was where he had become the boy-who-lived. The reason his life from 1 until present had been riddled with pain and tribulations. The reason it would continue to be so. It was an historical event, what was he afraid of? He reached out for the door handle slowly, his hand started to shake. Nausea rising, the door slid open. There was nothing there. It was just another room, it had a single bed a wardrobe and nothing else. Unlike the stair there was no sign that anything of note had occurred here. He had used the killing curse twice Harry knew, of course there would be no damage to the room. Most surprising of all though, Harry felt nothing, more relaxed now certainly, but normal. This was where his Mother had died? It was so normal, so plain and blank that Harry felt nothing. The image of Voldemort slinking toward them in this room just didn't fit and Harry couldn't wrap his mind around it. Was this normal? Now all he felt was confused.

Harry spent several hours in that room just thinking and imagining, coming to terms with the fact that he had mourned his parents long ago, that he didn't need to be overcome with grief over their loss and this house. Harry slept that night in the bed in that room before deciding to return to his trunk the next day.
The weeks both in the real world and in the trunk in flew past, and Harry made himself busy. On the first night he had stayed in Godric's Hollow he had turned to his most recent history books for details on his house. Although the original wards for the house had fallen with the death of his Dad, the ministry had reconstructed several and added others to keep the house intact and protected as befit a monument of such significance. Harry was satisfied that it would be acceptable to stay here for the short remainder of his holiday.

While in his trunk, he had taken to pushing himself physically and magically to see just how much he had improved since his first trip to Diagon Alley, he practiced Defensive manoeuvres and revised tactics and constantly improving his wand work. He made quick progress with his defence material, constantly experimenting with application, but left off detailed study of his care of magical creature course. He was taking the course for enjoyment and therefore didn't wish to spoil Hagrid's surprises.

Harry also dedicated some time to potions and found that without the dank, slimy walls of Snape's dungeons and the infinitely slimier Snape, it was a subject he actually quite enjoyed, challenging but rewarding when he got it right.

About two weeks in the trunk and a week in the real world after he had arrived at Godric's Hollow Harry had started to feel the need for human company. He had deliberate contacting Fides, but decided against it. Nice as the man was, he didn't want to give himself away. In the end Harry had slunk out and explored the village by himself. He saw the statue of his father, mother and himself in the centre of the village, and spent some time in the graveyard before lightening his mood by visiting a cafe and getting a butterbeer. The local muggles thought it was an original drink by the cafe, who's owner refused to sell the recipe. As such, it was a popular spot in the village as the muggles unknowingly enjoyed a touch of magic in their lives. Harry spent some time observing the ordinary lives and felt at peace.

Enjoying the weeks of freedom Harry was torn between excitement and disappointment at the prospect of returning to Hogwarts. But on Thursday he could put it off no longer and he sent an owl from the local post office - to the muggles they were the eccentric owner's pets - to Dumbledore requesting a meeting at a pub of Dumbledore's choosing to collect his ticket for the train and discuss various private subjects.

On Friday the 30th Harry received a reply from Dumbledore saying that he would be "much pleased" if Harry would meet him in the Leakey Cauldron where he would get them a private dining area to talk in peace. Harry packed up the few photos found in his house as his brain ran through all the different ways his meeting with Dumbledore could turn out, positively and negatively. Sleeping the last night in the bed in his room upstairs Harry woke up on Saturday the 31st excited and anticipating his meeting with Dumbledore.

Harry took one last look around the house and walked down the long path to the gates where he'd been dropped by the Knight Bus and then with a twirl and pop he was gone.

Harry appeared before the Leakey Cauldron at quarter to 4, 15 minutes before he expected to meet Dumbledore in the wizarding pub. He was wearing one of his new robes, dark blue in colour and simple in appearance, his stout, thick heeled boots and a pointed Wizarding hat with a large floppy brim that almost reached down to his eyes. Harry was sure the Hat would appear odd to most wizards, but he was also extremely confident that sitting next to Dumbledore in whatever he was wearing he would appear relatively normal. Harry was not disappointed.
Walking into the pub and looking around he saw that he was not the only one to have arrived slightly earlier then strictly necessary. Dumbledore was sat on a high stool, seemingly happy enough chatting to Tom the barman. Harry discretely placed his trunk on the rack for travellers provided to the left of the door, then reconsidering, shrunk it and stored in a pocket under his robes. Walking slowly up to the bar, Harry studied Dumbledore, he was right in assuming that he would be wearing an outfit that would draw notice away from Harry's own bizarre hat. Dressed in a predominately yellow robe that extended downwards to just above his ankles, he wore brown muggle slippers and a pair of white and green socks that drew the eyes. He had tucked his long silvery beard under a sparkling red buckled belt around his waist and looked a perfect example of a stereotypical eccentric wizard.

Getting closer to the bar Harry saw Tom stiffen and nod in his direction as he saw him. Dumbledore turned and smiled at Harry calmly,

"Hello Harry," He said politely, "I hope your trip here was without difficulties. Would you care for a drink?"

"It was uneventful, Sir." Said Harry happily, "And I suppose a butterbeer if you have any Tom, thank you." Tom reached behind the bar and uncorked a bottle which he promptly gave to Harry before leaving to attend to some patrons further down the bar. For a while the two sat in silence Harry supping from his bottle awkwardly and Dumbledore humming, appearing quite at ease. Eventually though Dumbledore continued the conversation,

"I was quite pleased to receive your letter on Thursday Harry and I have, after much persuading, managed to wrestle your option slip from Miner- -"

"Professor McGonagall, Sir" interrupted Harry teasingly,

"Yes, quite." Said Dumbledore chortling. He reached into one of the many pockets on his robes and pulled out a small piece of parchment folded neatly in half and a quill. "Harry I must inform you that after your display in Diagon Alley on the first of this month, I have taken the liberty – once more I'm afraid – of removing Apparation from your subject list. If you still desire to take the subject, it's your choice, but I believe you have already mastered everything you would learn in that class and it would indubitably be a waste of your time in so far as any lesson can be."

"Thank you sir," Harry replied opening the list, "it was the subject I was going to ask if I could drop. Taking it now would be as useful as taking Herbology. I'd like to replace it with the Animagus elective, if that's at all possible? I think it would be an advantage in the war."
"Never underestimate the power of understanding the living creatures around you Harry” Dumbledore replied, “I understand the reasoning behind your choices, but make sure that you're not ignoring a subject you'd enjoy for a subject you think you need to fight Voldemort." A shudder ran through the bar as Dumbledore spoke the name, "Sometimes what you want can be what you need also. Ahhh, Tom seems to be signalling that our private dining room is free, if you would care to join me?"

Standing, the two men followed Tom out of the main eating area of the pub and down a long thin corridor that passed the bottom of the staircase that led up to the Inn's accommodations stopping at a small door near the end of the corridor that Tom opened with a flourish. After they had been seated they ordered and Tom left quickly to relate their orders to the pubs cook. When he was gone Dumbledore spoke.

"I do love the roasts they offer here at the Leaky Cauldron," Dumbledore stated, "I tend to frequent the Hog's Head more than here and their cuisine often leaves something to be desired" He sighed, as if this was of great remorse to him before continuing, "However, I believe we were discussing your options for this year at Hogwarts. I was quite surprised to see that you had decided to take the less challenging transfiguration and charms courses offered." Here he lowered his voice and winked at Harry conspiratorially, "Both teachers were worried that you felt you were not capable of meeting the rigours of their courses. They instructed me to inform you that you are an above average wizard. I believe, however, that they have completely misinterpreted the reasons for your choices" Here his tone returned to normal and he leant back from the table, "I think you are not entirely pushing yourself Harry."

"Well sir, they sounded interesting, and apt considering the state of the wizarding world today." Harry replied honestly, "But I felt there were areas of magic I would enjoy concentrating on more."

"Hmmmm," Dumbledore frowned worryingly, but then his face was smooth again, "I suppose I can accept that. Having only 4 core subjects, and 2 of those less than strenuous for a wizard of your calibre, I would normally push you to pick two more, however I think from the expression on your face you will not be budged." Said Dumbledore shrewdly, "Well, Harry, I must say after your admirable score in your potions OWL I was surprised to see that you had decided not to choose potions as one of your subjects. If it is not foolish to hazard a guess I would say that this is because of the considerable enmity between yourself and Professor Snape, yes?" Harry nodded and Dumbledore sighed. "Well if I were to inform you that from September 1st Professor Snape will no longer be our Potions teacher at Hogwarts, would you be tempted to select it as a NEWT subject?"

"Snape has quit?" Gasped Harry in shock, beaming.

Dumbledore sighed "Professor Snape, Harry, has merely decided to relocate to a different area of the school. Now what is your answer to my suggestion?"

"Hmmm, where's he been moved to?" Harry said slyly.

"You will find out with the rest of the students on September 1st Harry, now I must insist that you answer my question." Dumbledore said.

Having the decency to look abashed Harry thought back to the few potions he had made over the last few weeks and the satisfaction he had got when he successfully brewed a difficult concoction. Without Snape and those dismal dungeons it might actually be quite enjoyable.
"Yes sir, I think I would quite like to do potions." Harry decided and he promptly marked a cross next to the subject.

"Excellent, excellent" Said Dumbledore. He reached across the short table and picked up the sheet of paper inspecting it closely before folding it and placing it in his pocket. “Finally, your sixth lesson slot. It would be foolish to waste such valuable time.” Dumbledore held up his hand to stall Harry's protestations. “You do not work in Hogwarts for as long as I have Harry without realising the incredible capacity for procrastination that youth bestows. I do not think you will be adverse to this unusual offer Harry. For all your time at Hogwarts Harry I have attempted to avoid the appearance of favouritism in your favour. It is a luxury we can no longer afford. I propose you accept me as your personal tutor for the rest of your time at the school. There will be no N.E.W.T qualification at the end of this Harry, but understand, it will prove testing.”

Of course, Harry agreed.

As he did the doors opened and Tom came in carrying two large plates filled with a generous roast that made Harry's water. Mounds of mashed potatoes, big baby carrots, soft peas, thick gravy, tender beef and deliciously crunchy Yorkshire puddings caught Harry's eye as Tom placed the plate in front of him. Harry thanked him and watched as he placed another identical plate in front of Dumbledore, who thanked him, before leaving.

Waiting for Dumbledore politely Harry leaned back in contemplation. The skills he'd learn from Dumbledore would be mighty, but he feared the effect this special relationship would have on Ron and Hermione. Especially Ron, he had a tendency for jealousy.

"Bon apatite" He said cheerfully as they tucked into their meals. However as they ate Harry could not help looking ahead to his meeting with his best friends. So much had happened this summer, and he had not contacted them in nearly a month. Dumbledore however didn't seem to notice Harry's mood, or at least pretended not to, happily engaging Harry in small talk and smiling to himself as he ate.

Eventually however both wizards had finished their meal and leant back peacefully, resting in the companionable silence. After what seemed like an hour but had most likely been only a few minutes Dumbledore leaned forward in his chair his face suddenly serious. Harry catching his mood placed his chair back on all four legs and leaned forward himself.

"Harry," Dumbledore started, "I have knowledge that I must relate to you of the utmost importance” Dumbledore swept his wand in a small semi-circle and a white sphere ballooned outward, fading to invisibility as it faded. “Be aware though that what I am about to tell you is of the utmost secrecy, and doubtless though it is that you will soon relate these events to Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger, I must ask that you speak of this to no one else and request absolute secrecy from your two companions."

Harry nodded wondering what Dumbledore was about to tell him. Leaning forward more closely he nodded again and Dumbledore began,

"A few weeks ago I travelled to a place of great significance to Lord Voldemort. A place I had not visited in many years, due to a memory I had recently received from an informant. A small village in the English countryside…" Dumbledore cut of as a wisp of silver flew past Harry's right ear and resolved itself into a tiny silver hummingbird that hovered in front of Dumbledore's face.

"Sir, is that a patron- "

"Yes Harry," He sighed and rose to his feet, "I'm afraid I must leave our story until another time, it is probably best as even here in the Leakey Cauldron we have no idea who could be watching us."

Dumbledore fastened a large, dusty black travelling cloak around himself and proceeded to stride to the door way. Harry quickly stood up and followed him back down the long thin corridor, past the staircase, through the eating area, and out the front door. Dumbledore turned and seemed to be surprised to see Harry following him.

"I'm afraid I have urgent business elsewhere Harry but I took the liberty of reserving a room in the Leakey cauldron for you if you choose to take it" He made as if to take another step before stopping again, turning back to Harry again he reached into his pocket, "I almost forgot. You'll be needing this for tomorrow" He gave Harry a long silver ticket, his Hogwarts express ticket. He walked forward a few paces before turning around and coming back to Harry in the doorway. "I also forgot would you be open to restarting the DA? I thought it a most wonderful idea, and while learning you strengthen interhouse relationships, it was a rather brilliant brainwave on your part Harry."

Harry nodded then extending his hand, "I'd been planning on doing so anyway sir. We'll discuss it at school sir."

"Yes, most definitely Harry, goodbye and good health till I see you tomorrow night, I'm sure Tom will take care of you." He extended his own hand and they shook, before Dumbledore turned and walked a few steps before disappearing with a loud crack.

Harry stood there for a moment before striding back into the Inn where Tom to led him to his room. When he was alone he went down into his trunk's modest library. Picking a potions book he climbed back into his room in the Leakey cauldron after an hour of night time reading Harry finished the book and dropped into an easy sleep.

A/N Review any mistakes that you notice, and I will correct them. This is the final refurbishment of my story and I will start writing a completely new chapter tomorrow.
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