Categories > Theatre > Shakespeare


by PoetikGenius 0 reviews

How I came to be

Category: Shakespeare - Rating: G - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-10-24 - Updated: 2010-10-25 - 150 words

Clouds gather creating an eerie vibe in the air. Animals run for shelter. Civilians head toward community bomb havens. Then; in an instance the sun grows brighter than usual, as if this is its last stand. The earth splits in two, geysers of piercing hot boiling water erupt sending the substance thousands of feet high. Gravity causes the sun to fall into the earth. The sizzling and crackling of its flames is engulfed when the earth begins sewing its self back together. Darkness covers the earth. It is the one thousandth nine hundreth eighty fourth year, eighth month and sixteenth day. Another strange thing occurs. The ground explodes sending the sun back into the sky leaving humans comatose. Then out of the volcanic ash and destruction emerges a child pure in mind, but soon taken over by the evils of this world-Now in an everlasting battle of conscience....

~Poetik Genius~
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