Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > Darkness Of Flashbacks

Bringing Pain

by AlexandraSweden 0 reviews

Jared's new psychiatrist makes his life more miserable and Jared flashbacks to his first date with Yolanda.

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-10-30 - Updated: 2010-10-30 - 1304 words - Complete

- So don't forget to breathe tonight -

May 16th, 2007

Jared immediately decided that he would never like Micha, his new psychiatrist, because of how she put Madison in a bad kind of light. As if it had been her fault that Jared hadn't started talking.
"It's time to drop the act." Micha said coldly and leaned back into her chair with her arms crossed over her flabby chest. Jared refused to even look at the strict and repulsive old woman who smirked and looked disgustingly superior.
"Just talk. Stop the bullshit now and spill about what happened that night in February." she ordered with the same cold tone as before. Micha had a feeling that she had the upper hand and the last saying. It was a bit like a competition for her as Madison had given up on Jared's case and therefor failed miserably. That spurred Micha to crack Jared's stubborn will like a powerless nut.

Jared disliked the woman more for each and every word she said. The sound of her voice was like jumping green frogs and stinking feet combined in a soup of yuck. Jared bit his lip hard. He wouldn't ever give her the pleasure of hearing him speak. He was not going to let her win but she wasn't going to give up without a fight.
"I see that you and Dr. Ivory didn't do much." Micha stated and bent forward to pick the large and thick file up. "Communicating via your eyes and a drawing... Pathetic." she spat with aversion. Micha could not believe how Madison could be so sloppy that she hadn't made any progress at all with the patient.
"So, Jared..." Micha said loudly to get her patients attention. She failed though as Jared pretended like he hadn't heard a word. He had the strategy to treat Micha like air so that she would eventually realize that it was hopeless and give up.

Jared wondered why Madison had thrown in the towel and given up on him. He hoped dearly that she would get back to her senses and get back on his case again. Even if Jared had treated her kind of badly he still felt like they shared something that couldn't be seen or felt and that they felt comfortable around each other. He mourned the loss of the only person he could truly relax around quietly in his head.

"How was it to kill Yolanda? Did it feel good? Did she scream and fight? Was it satisfying?" Micha asked coolly and drummed her fingertips on top of the hard surface of Jared's file. By a reflex, Jared gasped and closed his eyes hard. He desperately tried to make his own head empty, black and blank but didn't have the power to do so. He also didn't have the powers to fight against the arriving flashback. The darkness wrapped him up like a cold and terrifying blanket. A choking, strangling and smothering feeling made the world blurry as Jared tried to open his light blue eyes. Then he could see something clearly from a distance.
A table with living candles. A woman sat at the table. A woman with a black strapless dress and honeyblond hair which danced on her shoulders as she laughed.
Jared felt himself being sucked into the vision.

July 12th, 2000

"So you're both an actor and a musician?" Yolanda asked shyly. She had made an amazing effort on looking good for hers and Jared's dinner date. Yolanda had put on a ton of mascara and had spent at least an hour with her pink straightening iron in her hand. And even then we haven't mentioned the time it took for her to actually choose the simple black dress to wear.
Jared on the other side was more casually dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a white long sleeved buttoned down shirt. But Jared was nervous too. Maybe even more nervous than Yolanda.
He had always had a silly fear of being rejected.

"Yeah, you can say that." Jared stuttered back as a reply. He took a sip of the wine he had ordered in before their starters. Then he panicked as he realized that he hadn't given her a question in return. Jared almost spat out the mouthful of wine in his heat. "So, what is your job?" Jared asked and tried to sound calm and collected. He hoped that his panic wouldn't shine through the facade. Yolanda envied Jared for seeming so cool and calm as she herself felt like a nervous wreck. She had no idea that he felt exactly the same thing right there over the table.
"I'm studying hardcore to become a doctor." she answered and reached for her wine glass to chug down the contents of it. Sadly, she missed her mouth and the red fluids splattered all over her and the table.
She stiffened and cursed like an old sailor inside her head. She couldn't believe that she had embarrassed herself like that in front of the incredibly handsome stranger.

The corners of Jared's lips started twitching and he broke out into a loud laugh. Yolanda looked down upon the stained tablecloth and her ruined dress and could do nothing but laugh herself at the hilarious situation. From that second on the awkwardness and nervousness was completely blown away between the two of them.


Jared snapped back to reality only to see Micha staring right back at him.
"I don't appreciate you sleeping during our valuable and important sessions." she snarled. Her foggy eyes shot lightnings as she was furious. Jared exhaled and felt relieved as he was back again. The flashbacks only got closer and closer to the events that Jared most of all would just like to forget. The memories who needed to be locked away for good.

When Jared had left the therapy room, Micha grabbed the thick file and marched right down to Garth's office. Garth was the boss who kept the place running and had the last saying in exactly everything that happened inside the walls of Martha's. She knocked on his door but didn't wait for an answer before she entered the room. Garth jumped and touched the left side of his chest.
"Oh my... Micha. You scared me!" he huffed and breathed heavily. Micha didn't care about his condition at all.

"I have now had my first session with the patient. Jared Leto." Micha stated loudly and paced the room with Jared's file tightly clenched into her wrinkled hand. Garth watched her and thought to himself that the pacing couldn't be a good sign. He had worked with Micha for years and knew how she reacted when she met obstacles.
"How did it go?" Garth asked politely and exhaled loudly. Micha stopped in her tracks and snarled quietly.
"That bastard is messing with my head. He won't speak even though there's nothing wrong with him." Micha growled and threw the file over Garth's desktop. "Well, I warned you that he wasn't going to be easy." Garth explained and raked his thinning dark hair.

"I want to have your permission on trying some... drastic moves on him." Micha suddenly said softly. Garth arched his brows in confusion. "What exactly are you suggesting?" he asked curiously.
"That if the patient continues to refuse talking we make him talk." she hummed and grinned.
"I still don't understand." Garth sighed.
"I mean electric shocks. Beatings. Bring him so much pain that he'll spill about everything." Micha said calmly. Garth's heart almost stopped. Sure he wanted Jared to speak, but he didn't know if it was worth taking the risk and actually harm the man.

Garth coughed. "Give Leto two more days to talk by his own free will. If he doesn't I might consider your idea."
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