Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Stockholm Syndrome


by whoah-that

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2010-10-31 - Updated: 2010-10-31 - 1174 words - Complete

Paulina’s insides squirmed as she lay in the bed beside Gerard. She shivered, feeling the bile rising in her throat, wanting to jump out of the bed and lose the contents of her stomach. Deep breaths, she told herself. Just take deep breaths…

Suddenly, she heard a thumping noise, faint at first, then getting louder and louder. It turned into a pounding step from down the hall. Gerard must have heard it too, as he muttered, “Fuck,” and sat up, leaning forward and running his hand through his dark hair. Paulina’s eyes grew wide, and she huddled down into the covers, shaking.

With a crack like a gunshot, the bedroom door was thrown open and Frank strode in, his jaw set and his eyes alive with fire. He stood beside Gerard’s large bed, gaze flashing, staring at the two huddled beneath the covers.

In a fit of will, Paulina scrambled out of the bed, rushing to collapse at Frank’s feet. Timidity aside, still completely in the nude, she huddled, grasping his ankles, beginning to breathe roughly. Instantly, though Paulina couldn’t see it, Frank’s gaze softened, just a bit, as he bent over to lift her from the floor. He grabbed her under her arms, pulling her up and slipping his arm around her waist and guiding her to the door. He stopped with his hand on the doorknob.

“Gerard,” he said quietly, in a voice that suggested that the other man should be hanging on every word. “I’d get dressed if I were you. We’re not done.” With that, he led his charge out of the room and down the hall to another bedroom, one that Paulina did not recognize. “This is your room,” he told her, guiding her into the bed and sitting her down. She nodded, turning onto her side and curling up into a ball.

“Thank you,” she murmured hoarsely, every inch of her body and mind exhausted.

“That wasn’t supposed to happen.” Weight was added to the mattress, and Paulina felt a hand fall lightly on her back.

“No shit.”

“Don’t curse,” Frank said sharply. Paulina was silent. “Do you want to take something for the pain?”

“My life.”

“Don’t say that.”

“Do it for me, then. Put me out of my misery.” Paulina turned around and sat up, wrapping her arms around her upper-torso securely, and looking at Frank, wishing she could somehow convey to him her deep desire to cease living.

“In a little while, you won’t feel like this. Come on, let’s get you dressed.”

Timidly, Paulina stood, arms still wrapped around her body, and followed Frank to a closet in the corner of the room. From it, he produced a long pair of plaid pajama bottoms that Paulina recognized as the ones that Frank had been wearing that first morning that she’d woken up with him. He also clutched a black tank top, which he handed to Paulina, along with the pants. Grateful to have them, Paulina slid the pants up her legs, but they were too big and sagged at her hips. Frank pulled the drawstring as tightly as it would go before tying a knot to secure it. Slipping on the cotton tank top made Paulina feel almost human again.

“Now,” Frank said, guiding her back to the bed. “Go to sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning. I have a surprise for you.” Paulina’s eyes grew wide; she didn’t need anymore “surprises.” Paulina bit her lip, wishing Frank hadn’t said anything. What she really needed now was to sleep, not to dwell on what new punishment these maniacs had dreamt up. “It’s nothing bad,” Frank assured her, rubbing her back gently. “Just sleep.” Paulina nodded and closed her eyes, trying to breathe deeply. She heard Frank’s steps out of the room and the door close quietly behind him. She could even clearly hear his footsteps as he walked away. Trust them to give Paulina the room with the thinnest walls.

“Gerard,” came Frank’s voice, as clear as if he were speaking right outside her door.

“Yes,” Gerard’s voice floated lazily through the walls.

“I don’t know what the fuck you were thinking, but I hope you fucking enjoyed it, because that will not be happening again.” Even Paulina was frightened of Frank’s tone, and this wasn’t even directed her way. She wasn’t even in the same room.

“Please, Frank: spare me. Don’t take out your frustration on me because there’s something in the experiment that you didn’t count on.”

“What are you talking about?” Frank spat, his anger emanating through the walls, stinging Paulina’s ears. She wanted to stop listening, but she just couldn’t pull away.

“You know perfectly damn well what I’m talking about. You’re losing control of your control variable, and it scares you.”

“That’s not fucking true, and that’s not what this is about, Gerard!” Frank hissed. A loud bang resonated, and Paulina believed that Frank had slammed his hand against the wall. “This is about you straying from the plan. Rape was not in the plan.”

“Oh, please. She probably enjoyed it.” Paulina gagged, anger flaring up once more. Enjoyed it? Enjoyed it? Her guts wrenched, and more anger filled her mind. She wanted him dead.

A bark of bitter laughter struck Paulina’s ears, and she recoiled from the door, where she was crouched, trying to hear better. “You are ridiculous,” Frank said coldly. “Get dressed. Clean yourself up. And Gerard,” he added as an afterthought. “If you touch her again, and I mean one more time, I will kill you, and then I will bury you in the most obscure area there is. They will look for you for a hundred years and never find you.”

Paulina froze, her mind cold as ice, as she heard the footsteps coming closer and closer. She jumped back into the bed and secured herself beneath the covers. Just in time, because Frank opened the door once more, nodded when he believed her to be asleep, and shut it again, a slight squeak from the un-oiled hinges being the last thing Paulina heard before her exhaustion and her contentedness with Gerard’s reprimand took over, and she fell asleep.

Happy Halloween. I'm pretty proud of myself for getting this up in four days. I wrote this all last night after getting home from a party and this morning when I woke up. Believe it or not, I gave serious thought to having Frank actually kill Gerard, and come back to Pen with his blood on his hands. I thought that would be a great scene to write, but not really following the character and situation that the story's established thus far. Maybe in a future chapter/story. Oh well. So, what did you think? Please go comment/subscribe, and stay tuned for the next update. OverAndOutxx
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