Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Original Sin

I Thought I Knew It All

by devilsgyrl 0 reviews

Cissy finds out some surprising news...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Narcissa - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-10-31 - Updated: 2010-11-01 - 1975 words


I watched Lucius leave with a sinking heart. I didn't want him to leave. Why couldn't he stay? I suddenly felt angry at Walden. Why had he had to go over and bother Lucius? If Walden hadn't gone over to him, he probably would still be sitting at the opposite end of the table where I could stare at him for the rest of lunch.

Walden returned to his seat next to me with an assured smile on his face. He seemed pretty happy that he had succeeded in scaring Lucius away. I, on the other hand, was feeling the complete opposite. Feeling pretty irritated at him, I frowned at Walden and said in an annoyed voice, "What was all that about? You didn't have to be so accusatory. You could've just asked him if he liked me or something like that. You act like I'm your property or something."

I guess my statement was going a bit far. After all, I kind of liked how Walden watched over me. I needed his protection and his directions around the school. Without him, I was a bit hopeless. Still though, in the heat of the moment, I was mostly just worked up about Lucius. Silly me getting carried away with my emotions as usual.

Walden gave me a little hurt look and replied, "Oh, I'm sorry, Cissy. Do you want me to back off or something?" I shook my head quickly and was going to apologize, but Walden went on, "It's just that you don't want Lucius Malfoy messing with you. We all know what happens when he messes with people, don't we, Nott?"

Nott nodded vigorously and gave me a wicked smile, "Oh, hell yeah, you don't want Lucius messing with you." Their statements immediately perked my curiousity and I wanted to know what they meant. Why wouldn't I want Lucius messing with me? In my opinion, Lucius "messing" with me would be the best thing possible.

Unable to let all this go, I kept the subject going and asked, "What do you mean?" At my question, Nott and Walden exchanged dark glances, but neither of them answered me. Wanting to be let in on the secret, I rolled my eyes and whined, "Aw, c'mon guys! You've gotta let me know you mean or else I'm going to imagine all these evil things."

Nott opened his mouth and looked like he was about to tell me what was going on, but before he could get a word out, Walden gave him a meaningful look and said in a serious voice, "Some things you just shouldn't know, Cissy. Anyways, new subject." Walden groped around in the back of his mind for something to talk about and then randomly turned to Nott and said, "Hey Nott, did you understand what the Professor was talking about in Arithmancy? I was confused after the first equation."

After that, the conversation turned completely into a boring one about Nott's and Walden's Arithmancy class. I wasn't taking Arithmancy this year so I had no idea what they were talking about. I listened to their conversation for a few minutes and then found it way too boring to listen to. Instead, I rested my tired head on my arms and let my mind wander.

At first I thought about my next class and if I could get through it without making a complete idiot of myself. However, after that, my mind started to drift towards the darkest parts of my brain and images started to appear in my head. I was standing in the corridor right outside of Potions that I had been outside of earlier today. Wondering what I was doing there, I looked around and saw that I was the only one standing there except for a figure standing across from me. The figure had long blonde hair and piercing gray eyes. Lucius, obviously. I felt like I was going to faint with him standing so close to me.

The two of us stared at each other for a moment before Lucius closed the gap between us with a graceful stride. He took my shoulders like he had taken Molly's earlier that day and pushed me up almost roughly against the wall. I was completely pinned against him and the wall. My heart pounded loudly in my ears and threatened to explode out of my chest. Then, Lucius kissed me. Our lips connected as Lucius brought me close. As my chest pressed against his, I could feel his heartbeat as well as my own. Before I knew it, they were beating in sync; one pulse for our two bodies. As Lucius deepened the kiss, his hand slid down under my dress and traveled down my back...

"Narcissa!" a loud voice made me jump into the air with alarm. Looking around wildly, I asked in a breathless voice, "What is it? Is something wrong?" Peering at the scene around me, I saw that Nott, Walden, and none other than Tom Riddle were sitting around the lunch table by me. The worst part was that they were all staring at me with amused little smiles. I wanted to disappear.

"Did you fall asleep there, Cissy, or what?" Walden teased me, brushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Feeling pretty embarrassed, I shrugged and looked at the new arrival. Tom made me feel uncomfortable for some reason. Trying to play cool, I asked, " you guys need something or did you just feel like waking me up for no good reason?"

Tom cleared his throat at this point and looked me straight in the eye. I got a really weird feeling when he met my eyes. I swear it was like he was seeing straight to my soul. Hating the creepy feeling, I quickly brought my eyes to the ground. Tom spoke to me in a dominating voice, "Actually, I do have an invitation for you. As soon as your classes for the day are done, meet us in the Slytherin common room. I'm calling a meeting. There are some things you need to be told."

From the tone of Tom's voice, I could tell that his "invitation" was really an order. I would go to the common room as soon as my glasses were done whether I liked it or not. To be honest, I didn't mind going although I was still a little creeped out by Tom. There were indeed things I was curious about and hopefully, Tom would be able to give me answers to those questions.

"Okay," I said meekly to Tom, unsure of what else to say. Tom nodded, a slim smile growing across his face. With that, he stood up and waved to us as he said, "Good. Anyways, I'd better be off to Potions. There are some things I would like to discuss with Professor Slughorn. I'll see you all in a few hours. Remember not to be late for the meeting."

~ ~ ~ ~

The rest of my classes seemed to go by relatively quickly. I sort of felt like I was sleepwalking as I went to Charms and History. I was so tired and it was almost impossible to keep my mind focused on what I was trying to learn in the classes. Much too often my mind drifted off to Tom's meeting or onto Lucius. I couldn't help but wonder what Tom was planning to tell me tonight. Would it be good or bad? Or maybe a combination of both? I guess I won't know until tonight.

After what felt like an eternity, History was finally done. I was so glad that it had finished that I was the first one out of my seat and out into the corridor. History was most certainly the most boring class of them all. Professor Bins just kept droning on and on about things nobody really cared about. And somehow, we were actually suppose to act interested in the shit. Crazy, huh?

As I hurried down the corridor, not really paying any attention at all to where I was going, I felt a hand rest on my arm and bring me to a halt. From the hand's light touch, I could tell it wasn't Walden. Curious to see who my friend was, I looked to my left to see my sister smiling at me with her fanatical brown eyes lit up.

"Hey Cissy," Bellatrix greeted me with a big smile. I could immediately tell she was in a good mood. Something told me that her good mood had quite a bit to do with the fact that Tom was holding a meeting tonight. Bella went on, "So how was your first day at school? I'm guessing you figured your way around Hogwarts pretty well. Hey, Tom invited you to the meeting tonight, right?"

Trying not to roll my eyes, I nodded. It only figured that Bellatrix would be most interested in whether or not I was attending Tom's meeting. Not really feeling like talking about Tom, I decided to elaborate on my day, "My first day was pretty good, thanks for asking, Bella. Walden helped show me around a bit. I guess that was a good thing or else I would've been totally lost."

"Oh really?" Bella asked, raising an eyebrow at me curiously as we continued along the corridors in the direction of the Slytherin common room. As I nodded, Bellatrix gave me one of her wicked smiles and said, "I think Walden likes you, you know. I could see it in his eyes from the moment he laid eyes on you. It was like love at first sight." Bellatrix fluttered her eyelashes at me.

This time, I really did roll my eyes as I gave my sister a playful punch on the arm, "Oh, come on, Bella. You know that's not how things are. Walden might like me a bit, but I don't really have any interest in him. He's totally possessive though. He went over to Lucius Malfoy earlier and demanded to know whether or not he had a thing for me. No shit!"

At this remark, Bellatrix's eyes widened and she slowed her pace. Pulling her crazy brown locks into a high ponytail on top of her head, she commented, "That's curious. I'm surprised Walden actually talked to Lucius." Bellatrix responded to my curious look by adding, "It's just that nobody ever really talks to Lucius much. You don't want to mess with him."

For the next few minutes, the two of us walked along the corridors in silence. I couldn't help but wonder why everyone kept telling me not to mess with Lucius. There was obviously something I didn't know here. That something I was determined to know. Trying to act totally innocent, I asked vaguely, "Yeah, everyone seems to avoid Lucius. Why is that? Did he like mess with someone and cause a hell of a lot of trouble before? Nott and Walden seemed to act like he had done something really bad."

Bellatrix's face was blank for a minute and then recognition dawned in her eyes as she nodded and said, "Oh that." I nodded eagerly, glad Bellatrix knew what I was asking about. Getting tired of waiting for my answers, I added, "Yes, that! So are you going to tell me what 'that' is or am I going to have to keep guessing all night?"

Bellatrix looked shocked at the tone of my voice and said, "Hey, calm down, sis! It's really not that big of a deal. It's just" Bellatrix gazed around to see if anyone was listening before she leaned down close to my ear and said, "Natasha got pregnant last year. There was a rumor it was Lucius' child. There's no proof of it or anything, but you know how gossip is."
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