Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This Is Where It Starts

This Is Where It Starts

by kenzoid 1 review

Babbette is modeling for SVA when she meets the shy Gerard Way. The two hit it off and begin a very physical relationship. But will it be able to withstand the drama that lies ahead? Rated R for se...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2010-10-31 - Updated: 2010-11-01 - 1224 words - Complete


I was strolling around the campus, looking for room 205. I was going to be modeling for one of my favorite teachers. I checked my watch; class was about to start. Mr. Devin Martin was in a different room this year, so I booked it down the halls to try and find him. After about two minutes of running and looking, I saw him standing outside the door, his smile widening when he saw me.

“Babette!” he said, embracing me in a tight hug. He smelled like saw dust and paint. His long, wiry beard tickled my neck.

“Devin, it’s so awesome to be working with you again!” I panted, pulling back to look at him. His already wrinkled face had become even more varicose since I’d last seen him. It made me a bit sad, thinking about how old he was getting. I pushed the thought from my head as he lead me into the classroom, rambling about how good the students were.

I looked around. This room was bigger, and the class was much small than last year. The large and nearly empty room made the class seem even smaller. There were six girls and five boys all sitting in stools near the back where there were huge and human sized sinks. I took a big breath of the paint fume-filled air. I felt at home again.

“Alright class, this is Babette Wells, she’ll be our model for most of the semester.” Devin began. I busied myself by undressing putting my things down. I took my wavy black hair out of its bun and shook it loose.

“Alright Babs, if your ready, could you please take a seat here?” Devin asked, patting the huge wooden table in front of him. There were big stage lights casting all sorts of shadows as I climbed up.

The thing about modeling nude is that you have to realize that the human body is perfectly natural. Whether you’re thin or fat, it’s just a body. They’re just things. And none of it really matters. All these students were in college, they were mature. It’s not like they would be jerking off under the seats. I wasn’t shy about my body, I didn’t mind at all.

“Okay, now sit so that your knees are up to you chin. Perfect, now wrap your arms around…perfect!” Devin mumbled as he positioned my arms the way he wanted. I was no longer showing anything that would interest anybody, just huddled up under hot lights that were casting shadows.

Devin began instructing people and helping them but I zoned out and stared into space. I loved to model. I didn’t even know I was good at it until I got an eviction notice and had to make money. That’s where it all started. The school thought I was perfect for it and hired me. The money was okay, and things had settled down for me since then.

I would never be able to do commercial modeling though. I had a huge scar running from the top of my left eyebrow, down to my bottom lip. It was pretty noticeable, but I didn’t really care. I thought it made me look kind of edgy and cool. Also, I had a mole on my left breast. It was barely noticeable, and I actually like the way it looked, but I always figure it and my scar would get in the way. I mean, who in their right mind would hire some chick with a big ass scar splitting her face? I wouldn’t…

So as I was posing, I decided to take peak at all the students. They were all pretty average. Their brows were furrowed as the scribbled and erased furiously. I decided to just go back to zoning out, my moving eyes my throw them off.

Before I knew it, Devin was talking and critiquing the students of their work. My part was done. I got off the table and put my clothes back on. I didn’t put my hair back up though. It was fine down.

“Uh, Gerard, could you help me with these lights? I’m afraid my arthritis is acting up again.” Devin said. I had to smirk. That was his excuse whenever he didn’t want to do any heavy lifting. A boy who must’ve been Gerard stayed behind after cleaning up and began stowing the lights in the back room. I felt kind of bad for him, so I went over to help.

“Hey, need any help?” I asked, peeking over at him as he struggled to fit the large lamp in the closet. He looked up and blinked a few times.

“Uh, yeah…” he mumbled, hunching his shoulders. We maneuvered the light so that it fit and went back over to get the rest.

“So…where ya from?” I asked, trying to make conversation.

“Oh, uh, New Jersey.” Gerard said, his voice slightly nasal. “From Newark.”

“That’s a dangerous place.” I said. Gerard nodded and there was a pause. I shook my head, trying to stop the wicked memory from coming back. It always had a way of sneaking up on me.

We stayed silent as we put the rest of the lights away. When we finally finished, I turned to Gerard, who was wiping his brow with the sleeve of his shirt. He wasn’t too bad to look at. Shy, yeah, but not ugly.

“Hey, do you think I could see your drawing. I kinda wanted to know what I looked like up there.” I said, once again trying to make polite conversation.

“Uh, sure.” He said, turning to his messenger bag. He rummaged through it for a while until he found the right sketchbook. He flipped through to the right page and handed it to me, standing back shyly.

He had seen me from my left side, so that my head was turned toward him. He seemed to have every detail. He paid extra attention to my scar. All the angles were perfect, the light was just right. I was surprised to see that he had spotted even the mole on my breast.

“Wow! This is really good.” I said, stilling looking at it with hungry eyes. Gerard just stood back, saying nothing. “Look! You even got the mole on my boob!” this made Gerard crack up a little, and me too when I found out what I had just said.

“Well, you’re very talented. I liked the way you paid attention to my scar.” I said after an awkward pause.

“Thanks. How did you get it, if you don’t mind me asking?” Gerard mumbled.

My blood froze and I had to squeeze my eyes shut for a second before replying.

“I’ve had it for a long time.” I said, forcing the words out of my mouth. I could tell he wasn’t satisfied with my answer.

“Well, thank you for showing me your drawing.” I said, offering a warm smile. He flashed me a small, weak one that caused mine to falter. “Well, I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow.” I said after a moment.

“Yeah, okay.” He said. And without a single goodbye he stalked off out of the room.
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