Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Original Sin

Daughters of Darkness

by devilsgyrl 0 reviews

Narcissa gets embarrassed...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Narcissa - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-11-15 - Updated: 2010-11-15 - 2272 words

I glanced around the room nervously as if the answer to the equation was going to be posted on one of the walls or something. Unfortunately, I was not so lucky. All the pairs of the eyes were staring at me. Some were looking at me in amusement and others were giving me condescending looks. I blushed and turned my gaze downwards onto my pad of paper which I had supposedly been doing my equation on. Sadly, there was not one number written down on the paper.

However, on the other hand, the paper was filled was little hearts and Lucius' name. Oops...I hadn't even realized I had been doodling. I guessed I must have somehow ended up drawing while I was daydreaming. It's funny how things can do that. I mean, who would've known I would be such a good multi-tasker?

"Ahem," Professor Cassiopia cleared her throat loudly and tapped her foot against the floor as she reminded me, "I'm waiting." Mind whirling around in a hurricane, I stammered out an excuse, "I...I don't know, Professor. I of distracted earlier." Okay, that was a totally bad excuse that literally meant that questions were going to be asked.

Raising an eyebrow at me with disdain, Professor Cassiopia asked, "I see. What kinds of things were you distracted by earlier? I'm hoping it was something that was worth your attention." My cheeks immediately flushed bright red and I stayed silent. The last thing I was going to do was tell the Professor that I had been distracted by a very hot guy. No, that certainly wouldn't do.

As I drowned in my own silence, I heard a movement from behind me and then felt someone's breath on my neck as someone leaned over my shoulder. I whipped my head around indignantly to see who it was. Surprisingly enough, it was none other than that pureblood, muggle-loving Arthur Weasley. I had despised him from the moment he hit me with that curse in Potions. What the fuck was he doing looking at me desk? Didn't he know that you're suppose to give a girl a bit of distance? Apparently not!

Before I had a chance to figure out what Arthur was doing or what he was going to do, Arthur grabbed the piece of paper on my desk and waved it around wildly in the air as he said imperiously, "This is what Narcissa has been distracted by during class." Oh god, I felt like I was going to die. How dare Arthur steal my paper with my Lucius drawings all over it?

I stood up and tried to snatch the paper back from Arthur, but it was kind of an impossible feat since Arthur was a good foot taller than me. Being short really sucks sometimes. As I continued to try to grab at the paper, Professor Cassiopia ordered, "Bring me that paper, Arthur. I think the entire class should know what Miss Black has been distracted by, don't you?"

My cheeks turned an ugly purplish-red color and I felt I was going to drown in humiliation. Giving me a very unsympathetic, evil smile, Arthur nodded and agreed with Professor Cassiopia, "You know, I think that is a great idea, Professor!" With that said, he took his time swaggering up to the front of the classroom and handing my piece of paper to the Professor.

I kind of forgot to breathe while I watched the Professor scan over the paper with narrowed eyes. With a rather amused look on her face, she held the paper out so the whole class could see and then said, "Lucius Malfoy? My god, you think that guys are more important than your studies, Narcissa? Detention, my office, tomorrow night."

Fuck, I had been trying really hard to avoid detention. The last thing I wanted to do was go to the Professor's office tomorrow night when I was already tired and worn out from the day's earlier classes and complications. Unfortunately, I had no choice about going and even though I wanted to argue, I kept my mouth shut. Bickering with the Professor would only piss her off even more and get me into even greater trouble. Obviously, that was going to be something I was going to avoid.

"Wait..." a small, anxious voice called out from the back of the classroom. Everyone's head whipped around to try to see who had just called out. Surprisingly enough, the voice belonged to Natasha. She was staring at me with big, wide eyes that looked haunted. Finally, she added, "This is just a joke, right? You aren't really with Lucius...are you?"

I could hear pain and many mixed emotions in Natasha's voice. I could also see desperation in her eyes. It was like she was willing me to tell her that no, I most certainly was not with Lucius. But was I? Was I now Lucius' girlfriend? I hesitated before answering her question. I wasn't sure what my status with Lucius was at the moment. What if he did what he normally did and completely ignored me the next time we met? I didn't think I could bear it if he treated me that way, but there was nothing I could do about it. I was completely at his mercy.

Before I could figure out what to say to Natasha, a girl with long brown hair and matching brown eyes answered her question, "Hell yeah, of course they're together. Didn't you see them earlier?" Oh god, I didn't like where this was going. Natasha looked at the girl with confusion and shook her head. The girl continued on, "Oh. Well anyways, Lucius was snogging Narcissa in the corridors in front of everyone. You should've been there. I don't think I've ever seen Lucius kiss a girl before."

That was apparently too much for Natasha. Her eyes filled with tears, she gave me a hurt look, and then ran out of Arithmancy without a backwards glance. The brunette looked after Natasha and then turned to the class with a puzzled expression on her face and said, "What? Did I say something wrong? I only told her the truth."

The girl obviously didn't know about Natasha's previous relationship with Lucius. Before the situation could get any more out of hand, Professor Cassiopia cleared her throat a little more loudly than necessary and said, "Ah hem! Class for the day is over as you all seem to be pretty distracted. Fill out the page in your work book on page fifty-two."

Aw, we had homework. That sucked. I didn't mind homework that we could do using magic, but filling out bubbles and doing long equations wasn't exactly my cup of tea. As I dumped my bag around my shoulder and started towards the door, Professor Cassiopia fixed me with an eagle-like stare and said, "Don't forget about your detention tomorrow night, Miss Black."

Feeling kind of deflated, I nodded slowly and trudged out of the classroom and down the hallway. As I wandered towards the Slytherin common room praying that Lucius was already there, I heard someone call out my name, "Hey Cissy, long time since I've seen you. What's up? And whoa...what the hell happened to your eye?"

I sighed, feeling all the eyes in the hallway turn to look at me and see what was wrong with my eye. I really hoped Severus would remember that potion that he had told me about earlier. You know, the one that was suppose to get rid of black eyes. They really were a bitch. Glancing up, I saw it was Wilkes, the big blonde, who had spoken to me.

I remembered talking to him once before. He had been pretty nice to me then and he had obviously had something against Walden. That made me like him. Anyone who disliked Walden was instantly a friend of mine. Deciding to forgive him for making such a big deal about my eye, I offered Wilkes a sad smile and said, "Not much. I'm just heading to the common room to do my Arithmancy homework. How about you?"

I decided to ignore the question about my eyes. Hopefully, Wilkes would get the hint and drop the subject. He stared at my eye for another moment, but then replied to me, "I'm looking for Rabastan. He and I were going to practice some spells for Transfiguration together. You haven't seen him lately, have you?"

Wracking my brain, I tried to think about whether or not I had seen Rabastan. To be honest, I hadn't really been paying attention to anyone but Lucius and Natasha. Shaking my head, I said, "Sorry, but no, I haven't seen him. Good luck finding him though." Wilkes thanked me and looked like he was about to leave, but then hesitated and turned back to me.

In a low voice, Wilkes murmured, "I don't know what happened to you, Cissy, but you look kind of sick. You're much too pale and much too thin. You looked okay when I met you, but now you look a bit like a skeleton. Please don't take offense to that. You're still pretty of course. I'm just saying you need to take care of yourself, okay girl?"

Hm, this was odd. Two people had said I looked too thin in one day. Was it possible? I dismissed this possibility almost as soon as it entered my head. Of course I wasn't too skinny. You could never be too skinny. Besides, all I could see when I looked at myself was fat. I wasn't as skinny as Natasha and so that automatically made me fat in my eyes.

I thanked Wilkes for his concern and then we both went on our separate ways. Luckily, it didn't take me too much longer to get to the Slytherin common room. Once I reached it, I paused outside of the doorway before going in. Part of me wanted to burst in and the other part wasn't really sure if I wanted to know what I would find inside the doorway.

Would Lucius be there? And if he was, would he be nice to me? Or was all that had happened earlier just a dream? Deciding I might as well go ahead and face my fears, I pushed the door open and stepped inside. I peered around the room bravely and found that Lucius was not there. My heart plummeted in my chest. I had been looking forward to seeing him more than I had realized.

Before I could get even more depressed, a voice called my name from the end of the table, "Hey Narcissa, come over a sec." Obeying the command, my feet already started moving towards the voice even before I realized who was speaking to me. When I looked up, I found it was Severus smiling shyly at me. Sitting on the table before him was a small cloth and a little ceramic bowl filled with some pretty gross dark green substance. It looked thick ane was bubbling inside the bowl.

Hoping that was not the potion that got rid of black eyes, I sat down hesitantly next to Severus and said, "Hey. How was your day?" At my words, Severus' smile disappeared and he looked just as depressed as I was feeling. Slowly, he replied, "It was alright. I suppose it could've been better though. At least I got around to making your potion though. How was your day?"

Deep inside, I had a feeling that Lily Evans was what was making Severus feel depressed. I knew exactly what it was like to be rejected by someone you loved so dearly. Figuring that Severus didn't want to talk about Lily though, I answered his question instead, "It kinda sucked to be honest. I have detention with Professor Cassiopia tomorrow night. this the potion for my eye?" I pointed at the green globs that were continuing to bubble around in the bowl.

"Profesor Cassiopia is a bit of a bitch," Severus sympathized me and then gave me a little smile, "Yes, this is the potion for your eye. I know it looks like shit, but it really does work. All you have to do is dip the cloth into the potion and hold it on your eye for a bit. That's all there is to it. Here, let me do it for you."

Without waiting to hear my protests, Severus dipped the cloth into the mucked and rested the cloth gently against my eye. I expected it to feel slick and slimy, but it actually felt slightly warm and comforting. I relaxed immediately and gave Severus a little smile, "Oh, I guess it's not so bad after all. Thanks for making it for me."

"You don't have to thank me. It was easy enough to make really. All I had to do was combine a few different ingredients and then whip them up. Lily and I use to make these potions all the time..." Severus' eyes instantly went sad and he seemed to go off into his own world of memories. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. I wanted to comfort him and let him know that Lily wasn't the only girl out there. So in a gentle manner, I leaned over and rested my hand over Severus' in a comforting manner.

Severus looked up at me and gave me a grateful smile just as the common room door popped open with a loud click. Standing in the doorway and looking not too happy was Lucius.
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