Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Original Sin


by devilsgyrl 0 reviews

Walden is not done with Cissy...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Narcissa - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2010-11-18 - Updated: 2010-11-19 - 2351 words

Walden sighed and gave a little nodded, "Yeah, I guess I was drunk. Once again, I apologize for that, Cissy." For some reason, that statement bothered me. I didn't want him calling me "Cissy". Only people who knew me intimately or who were my friends could call me back. Without mercy, I stated, "Call me Narcissa."

Sighing and looking like I had just slapped him in the face, Walden said, "Alright, Narcissa then. Anyways, back to the point. I didn't mean to get drunk. I really didn't mean to! It just kinda...happened. I'm sure you know what I mean, right?" Walden gave me a hopeful look. I just stared back at him coldly. I honestly had no idea what he meant.

"Um, no, I don't," I replied back nervously, sliding farther away from Walden on my chair. The more time I spent in his prescence, the more worried I got. It was only too easy to remember those black eyes glittering at me with malice, that smooth face contorted in a twisted smile, and those large hands touching me and hurting me.

Walden looked slightly irritated at my comments, but if he was, he didn't really show it. He continued onwards in that too nice, false apologetic tone, "Ah, I'm sure you don't. A pretty, respectable girl like you would never get drunk or try drugs I suppose." I didn't like his tone here. Was he mocking me? I couldn't quite tell.

Once I made it clear I wasn't going to comment on that remark, Walden looked nervous for the first time and hesitated before continuing his apologies, "Um, Narcissa? What I tried to do to you in the corridors on that night of the dance...I didn't mean it. It was the alcohol controlling me. I never would've tried to do that to you if I had been sober."

I looked deep into Walden's eyes and wasn't quite sure if I believed him or not. There was no way I could ever trust him again. Even from the day I had met him, he had kind of been forcing himself upon me. I could never be with a pushy guy like that. And besides, I hoped I would never have to try to choose another guy after this. After all, I had Lucius now. Well, I thought I did anyways. Speaking of Lucius, where the hell was he? I guess he must be skipping breakfast after all. Maybe he had just slept in.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I realized that Walden was still looking at me and was waiting for some kind of answer. Figuring I'd better try to create one, I said simply, "Hm." This time, Walden really did grimace. He probably didn't want that reaction from me, but I wasn't going to fake anything. I really wouldn't have been surprised if Walden had tried to rape me even if he was sober.

Leaning forwards to get closer to me, Walden looked up earnestly into my eyes and said, "Narcissa, I'm so sorry. I wish so badly I could take back my actions from that night. Unfortunately, I can't though. What's done is done. All we have is the future. And for the future, I want you. Please? You're my flower - you're so beautiful and amazing." Walden's eyes traveled over my body and he was no doubt imagining me the way he had seen me that night in the corridor. I shuddered at the thought.

Walden wasn't done yet, "Will you give me another try? I really want to be with you. I'll do anything. Just say you'll give me another chance." Um...what the hell? I stared at Walden like he had suggested I jumped on top of the table and pretend to fly or do something totally stupid like that. I mean, how in the world could Walden think I would give him another chance?

My answer was cold, resolute, and non-negotiable, "No." Walden's face grew harder at my refusal and I could see a bit of the Walden from the dance hiding behind the Walden I was talking to right now. He leaned even closer to me and touched my cheek gently, "Oh come on, Narcissa. You know you want to. We got along so well together. Besides, you're the only girl I want."

I didn't give a shit if I was the only girl he wanted. All I wished was that I was the one girl he didn't want. Why did I always have to end up being the unlucky one? It just wasn't fair sometimes. Frowning, I told Walden, "No for two reasons. First of all, I can't ever trust you. Second of all, I'm with Lucius now. least I think I am."

Walden's eyebrows immediately flew up at my remark, "You're with Lucius?" I nodded. Walden contemplated this for a moment and then laughed right in my face. I could feel some of his saliva hit my cheek and I grimaced in disgust. Still laughing Walden said, "Haha, very funny, Narcissa. We all know that Lucius doesn't date. You're just a liar. Besides, where is Lucius now? Where is he when you need him most or in your times of trouble?"

I stayed quiet. Lucius was obviously nowhere to be seen and there was nothing I could do about that whatsoever. Feeling kind of stupid and pathetic, I simply looked at the ground and ignored Walden's question. Seeing that he had made me uncomfortable, Walden continued on in a slippery voice, "I would be there in your time of need. I would always be by your side."

This was starting to get a bit uncomfortable at this point. I hated the way Walden kept moving closer and closer to me. I also hated the way he was being so hypocritical. I mean, where had Walden been during the dance? He had been at the Durmstrang girl's side and not mine. He was obviously just spinning me a tangled web of bullshit.

Still not really having anything to say on the matter, I remained quiet and wished Walden would just vanish into thin air. Was there a vanishing spell? If there was, it would certainly be on my list of words to learn ASAP! Sadly, Walden did not disappear into thin air though. On the contrary, he moved forward so that we were merely centimeters apart and dropped his hand on my cheek to my breast. I took in a little gulp of air and hissed, "Don't touch me there."

Without removing his hand, Walden replied, "Oh, just shut up, Cissy. You know you want me. The whole story about you and Lucius is shit anyways. Besides, who's going to make me stop?" A little spasm of fear pulsed through me once again. Walden was right; who was going to make him stop? I certainly couldn't do anything about it as he was so much stronger than I was.

I shot a quick glance over my shoulder at where Bella and Tom were. They had their heads put close together and were obviously going other some plan or another. Of course, they were not paying any attention at all to Walden and me. Feeling rather anxious now, I turned and glanced towards where Rabastan and Rodolphus had been sitting. Their spots at the table were now empty. They must've gone off to class already. Shit! Where was everyone when I needed help?

I could scream; that was always a possibility. It was a sure way to get people's attention. The only problem with that solution was that Walden could instantly let go of me when I screamed and tell everyone that he hadn't done a thing to me. That would only make everyone think I was crazy or had mental issues. I was definitely stuck between a rock and a hard place.

As I tried to figure out how best to handle the situation, Walden leaned down and pressed his lips down against my neckline. He had my hands held securely behind my back with one hand and his other one was still on my breast. I couldn't move. I was completely helpless. I guessed that at this point, screaming was the best option even if it was going to make me look like an idiot.

I opened my mouth, but never got the scream out. At that moment, a large red gash split across Walden's cheek and spilled blood everywhere. He instantly removed his hands from me as well as if he had just been burned. Looking down at his hands, I had seen that they had indeed been burned. They were raw and tender and would obviously be causing him pain for the next few days.

Walden and I both looked up to see who had saved me. Lucius was striding towards us with a facial expression that looked like he had been battling the fires of hell. His jaw was clamped down and every muscle in his face was tense as he pointed his wand menacingly at Walden. Walden's eyes narrowed and he glared back at Lucius.

Lucius hurried over to the chair that I was still trembling upon and put two firm, solid hands on my shoulders. At his touch, I instantly relaxed. Everything was going to be alright now that Lucius was here. He wasn't going to let anything bad happen to me. He would keep me safe and out of harm's way.

Turning to Walden with that fire still blazing in his gray eyes, Lucius hissed, "I told you once before to keep your hands off Cissa. I see you have been foolish enough to try to touch her again." Glancing around to make sure no one was listening, Lucius leaned forward and whispered so that only Walden and I could hear, "I would kill you now if we weren't in the middle of the Great Hall. Then I would spread your blood around and leave to die in shame."

For the first time today, Walden was looking pretty nervous even though I could tell he was trying to cover it up. Trying to cover up with an uncomfortable smile and joke, Walden replied, "Well, I guess it's a good thing we're in the Great Hall then, hm?" It was a lame attempt to lighten the mood and it failed completely and utterly.

Lucius tilted his head to one side and gave Walden a funny look, "Are you trying to mess with me? I'm being completely serious. Next time I see you when you're not in the Great Hall, we have a lot to discuss. I'm no coward - I'd kill you easily. Much, much more easily than you can imagine. This isn't over between us."

Walden started hastily backing up, obviously wanting to get away from Lucius and me as soon as possible. In a rather high-pitched voice that seemed to reverberate around the room, he said, "Ah...well...I'll just be going then! I'" His sentence trailed off as he took one last look at Lucius and turned tail and ran the hell out of the Great Hall.

If I wasn't so scared, I might've laughed at the way Walden had run from Lucius. It was obvious that Walden was quite scared of him. Lucius was smart, intelligent, and knew quite a few advanced spells though. There was reason to respect him and keep him on your good side. I guess I was lucky Lucius had never lost his temper with me while I had annoyed him when we first met.

Lucius and Walden's bickering had finally attracted the attention of Tom and my dear sister sitting across the table. They were both looking over at us with curiosity written all over their faces. When neither Lucius or I said anything, Bella, always thirsty for gossip, broke the silence with, "Well? What's going on?" She suddenly noticed Walden disappearing out of the Great Hall and her eyes immediately narrowed, "Was that motherfucker messing with you again, Cissy?"

"Yes, he was," Lucius replied for me, hands still placed firmly on my shoulders. "Bastard. I'm going to have to keep an eye on him." Lucius' cold gaze moved from Walden's retreating back to me. He knelt down next to me and whispered, "Are you okay, Cissa? Did he hurt you or touch you at all?"

Lucius' gaze was so full of love and concern that I was almost grateful for the encounter with Walden. So long had I dreamed that someone would look at me the way Lucius was looking at me now. Remembering that I still had to answer Lucius' question, I replied, "He didn't hurt me. Not really anyways. He was kind of touching me though..."

Lucius' eyes temporarily rested on some of the more private parts of my body. However, unlike with Walden, I didn't squirm or feel uncomfortable as he gazed at me. Everything was different with Lucius. It was just right somehow. Of course, Lucius didn't gaze at me too long though. With a little blush on his face, he whipped his eyes from my chest back up to my face, "I'm sorry. I wish I had been here sooner for you. I accidentally slept in. I had to stay up half the night working on Arithmancy homework."

From across the table, Bella called out, "Cissy, I don't want you traveling places alone right now. I don't want Walden to touch you again. So stick with Lucius or me. You'll be safe then, okay?" I nodded to Bella's request. She obviously did care quite a bit about me even if it didn't show. However, when Bella looked away, a new pair of eyes gazed into mine.

These eyes were snakelike and filled my body with a terrible cold and dread. As the chill seeped into my bones and throughout my body, Tom gave me a very wicked, sadistic smile. Would I really be safe under Bella's or Lucius' careful eye? Was Walden the only one who wanted to hurt me? It was so hard to know.
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