Categories > Games > Fire Emblem > Prideful Love


by Saicha6744 0 reviews

Category: Fire Emblem - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-01 - Updated: 2010-12-01 - 914 words - Complete

0Unrated know the drill...see ch1 :p


Chapter 12: Partings

Port of Badon played host to many partings when the Davros docked again. Each member of the army felt like going their separate ways now and Badon was the place to do it.

Rebecca did not talk to Raven on the return journey, nor did he talk to her. They simply waited for each other.

Rebecca was weary and wanted only to rest for a day or so before she travelled again. Booking a room at the inn seemed to most logical thing to do at the time. Raven accompanied her.

Once they were in the room and away from all possible distractions Raven locked the door and gazed hard at Rebecca.

'Now talk.'

Rebecca swallowed hard and nodded. She had been delaying this moment long enough. Sitting down on the soft bed she patted a space beside her.

'You want to sit? It's kind of a long story...and there are no chairs...and you make me nervous when you stand over me like that...'

Raven uncrossed his arms and sat on the small bed next to Rebecca. The emerald-haired girl relaxed a little as she leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes. For a long time she was silent.

'I'm sorry...that I avoided you...I needed time to think.' She started lamely.

'I figured as much.' Raven replied. His tone was no longer stern and scary.

'It's just...I was scared. Not of you...Ra-Raven?' Rebecca hesitated and looked at him questioningly.

'I don't see why you're asking permission to call me that all of the sudden. That's how I introduced myself to you, remember?' Raven said simply. A small blush of embarrassment played over Rebecca's cheeks.

'Right...sorry. I was not scared of you, Raven. I was scared of what you saw in me. What could a noble see in a plain country girl like me? The thought alone was absurd even before I knew you were a noble.'

'Why is it so absurd for me to show interest in you?' asked Raven. Confusion was evident in his voice.

'All my life the only time when anyone showed interest in me...well that was when they wanted something. I became so used to that kind of treatment that the idea of someone liking me and not wanting me to do something for them was strange. Then you came along...and the idea did not seem so strange anymore. You fixed my bow and helped in so many ways, never wanting anything in return. That scared me, although I don't quite know why.'

Rebecca paused and glanced briefly at Raven. His ruby eyes gazed intently at her, but there was not judgement in them. Only understanding.

'So to hide my fears I convinced myself that I was imagining things. But that night when you kissed dashed all my fears and I was so happy...until you walked away. It felt like a little piece of me went away with you...and I convinced myself that you did not care about me. Soon after that I found out that you were a noble and I used that as an excuse to hide my feelings for you. How could a noble ever love plain me? The more I avoided you the more afraid I became of talking to you. I don't know why...I'm sorry.'

The silence that followed was thick. Rebecca nervously toyed with the loose strands of her hair.

'Why was it so hard for you to talk to me?' Raven questioned gently.

Rebecca blushed deeply and ducked her head, muttering her answer as softly as possible. 'Because I love you...'

Raven lifted her crimson face and looked deeply in her eyes. 'You are not toying with me?'

His question went unanswered. He could see no lie in her emerald eyes. Only love and a lot of vulnerability. Something in Raven stirred as he kissed her fiercely, arm locking round her body. Rebecca returned his kisses with building passion. Slipping a hand into his hair and resting the other on his neck.
Raven shifted and laid Rebecca on her back, never breaking thier kiss. His hand roamed over her body, finally entwining with her hair.
That night they became one. Expressing their love towards each other in a physical form.

It was still dark outside when Raven woke. Glancing to his side he saw that Rebecca was fast asleep, curled up like a little kitten. He gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

I'm sorry, Rebecca...but I cannot stay.

The sleeping Rebecca never realized how much it broke Raven's heart to leave her there.
Silently Raven made his way through the dark streets of Badon, never stopping to glance back at the inn. He knew that Rebecca would probably never forgive him. Perhaps one day she would understand.
He was not ready to be with her even though he loved her more than anything.


Bit of a short chapter, but I wrote what I wanted to in it.

Oh...and If ANY of you think that Eliwood went with Nills because he is some kind of PEDO...SHAME on YOU!!!

He is not a pedo.

I refuse to explain further. So just accept it.


And Raven's not a perv.

Just to clear up all the misunderstandings that there might be.
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