Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Original Sin


by devilsgyrl 1 review

Narcissa pleads with Tom...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Narcissa - Published: 2010-12-15 - Updated: 2010-12-15 - 2164 words


Tom gave me a very strange look at my request. His eyes met mine but they didn't pull memories to the front of my head like usual. Bella, on the other hand, was indignant. She gave me a disgusted look and said in a haughty voice, "Why would you need to speak to Tom alone, Cissy? Anything you say to him you should be able to say in front of your own sister!"

I had been expecting Bella's retort. Trying to stay calm, I ignored Bella and pleaded to Tom, "Please?" Tom remained silent for a long few seconds. His face was unreadable and I couldn't tell what he was thinking. Bella, on the other hand, continued to look disgusted. Her eyes were murderous and she was regarding me with mistrust.

Finally, Tom came to his verdict, nodding, he replied, "Alright, I'll speak to you alone for a few minutes, Narcissa. Take me wherever it is where you want to talk." With that, Tom stood up, pushed in his chair, and looked at me expectantly. I stood agape for a few seconds. To be honest, I definitely had not been expecting Tom to say yes. I mean, he obviously hated me. Why then would he agree to speak to me alone? Oh well, no point in mulling that over now that Tom had said yes.

Trying to act confident, I stood up from the table as well and started towards the living room. I didn't think anyone would be in there this time of day. No doubt Andromeda was still sleeping and mother was in the bathroom taking a shower or doing her makeup. But before Tom and I could get anywhere near the doorway, Bellatrix interrupted us.

She stood up from the table as well and gave each of us a very suspicious look. Finally, she said, "I want to come alone. I don't like you two alone. What would you do with her, Tom?" Bella's words sounded strange to my ear and I couldn't quite figure out what she was asking. Confused, I looked from her to Tom and then back to her again.

After a few seconds, I finally figured out what it was that Bella was asking. She thought Tom and I were going somewhere alone together to make out or have sex or something like that. It was a very silly thought really considering how Tom and I didn't get along at all. I suppose that's why sex does to you though; it makes you paranoid when other girls are hanging out with your boyfriend. I would probably feel the same way if Lucius wanted to speak to Bellatrix without me around.

Nonetheless, Tom was able to clean up this situation pretty well. He looked directly towards Bella and replied, "We're just going to talk, Bella. Nothing more, nothing less. I will be back in a matter of minutes. Wait for me here. When I return, we can finish discussing our plans." Tom's voice was firm, yet gentle. For the quickest of moments, I actually wondered if he might love Bellatrix.

The thought quickly vanished as Tom turned his cold eyes on me. Raising an eyebrow, he said, "So where are we going?" Remembering that I actually had to move my feet, I turned towards the door and slipped through it. Tom followed me all the way until we were in the large living room with the high ceilings, ornate paintings, and expensive furniture.

Deciding that sitting was always better than standing, I took a seat on a red velvet chair and Tom took a seat on a green leather chair across from me. Tom waited expectantly as I tried to figure out what to say. I was never good with words. Finally, I decided to start the bridge to the topic, "I wanted to talk about my relationship with Lucius."

Tom's eyes flashed, but he remained quiet. I wasn't sure if I had used a good opening sentence or not, but I didn't want to just jump right in and demand that Tom would let me and Lucius have sex. And really, Tom was doing pretty good so far. He hadn't tried to pick my brain this morning (which was a rare thing considering that it's Tom we're talking about here), he hadn't done anything to hurt me, and he had even actually agreed to listen to my request. This Tom seemed quite a bit different from the Tom who had tortured Lucius almost to the point of death not only a week ago. Either Tom had big mood swings or Christmas just making him more laid back.

Deciding the quietness was a good sign, I continued on in a shaky voice, "Tom, Lucius and I will remain loyal to you even if you would allow us to be a couple. I know Lucius' loyalty lies with you. He would probably be even more inclined to do your wishes if you'd be kind enough to let us be together in the way we want to be."

"In the way we want to be," Tom repeated my statement nice and slowly. Looking at me carefully, he asked, "What's that exactly suppose to mean, Narcissa?" I had kind of meant having sex obviously, but now I didn't exactly want to word that aloud. It was too embarrassing! So instead, I kept my mouth shut and looked at the floor instead.

Rolling his eyes at me, Tom went on, "Oh come, you know what I'm talking about. You want to have sex with Lucius. It's written all over your face. Now tell me, what exactly is the purpose or sex? What does it lead to?" I was so surprised that Tom would talk about sex so openly that my jaw dropped and I just kind of stared at him for a moment.

Getting impatient, Tom started tapping his food on the floor in irritation. Finally, I murmured, "I'm not quite sure...pleasure, I guess?" Tom gave me a pathetic look and shook his head, "No. That's not what sex is for. Sex is for making babies. That's the soul purpose of it. Therefore, giving that reason, I think you should see why I don't approve of you two having sex."

"But Lucius isn't going to get me pregnant," I replied rather indignantly. Okay, I suppose there wasn't any way to know one hundred percent that he wouldn't get me pregnant. I mean, birth control sometimes fail and condoms break. Still though, there was like a ninety-nine percent chance that I wouldn't get pregnant. Besides, it wasn't like I wanted kids at eleven years anyways.

"That's what they always say," Tom replied with a knowing look in his eye. I forget trying to stay nice and polite to Tom. At this point, I was rather pissed and just wanted straightforward answers. Looking him right in the eye (which could've been a big mistake since he could've used that to his advantage and read my mind), I replied, "Why are you so paranoid about me getting pregnant? Did someone else get pregnant before or what? I don't see why it's such a big deal."

Sighing loudly, Tom started fiddilng with a blanket lying on the arm of his chair. Not even bothering to look at me, Tom replied, "I swear we've been over this a million times before, Narcissa. Just how many times are we going to have to go over this?" Frowning, I insisted, "Just one more time. I need to hear the reasons."

"Very well," Tom exhaled loudly. "As I've told you numerous times before, "I don't want anyone getting pregnant. When a pregnancy occurs, the people who have committed the deed re-adjust their loyalty. Instead of the Dark Lord being their top priority, they become committed to each other and to their baby as well. Lucius is one of my most loyal and faithful followers. No way do I want him going off, getting a girl pregnant, and then refusing his duties to me because of it. I'm sure you see what I'm saying?"

I did sort of see what Tom was seeing. Regardless though, it didn't seem like a good enough reason to keep Lucius and me apart when we were so in love. Using the only retort that came to mind, I replied, "I'm sure Lucius would still be loyal to you." Rolling his eyes, Tom said, "Maybe. Who knows? He would certainly be more loyal to you after being with you so intimately though."

I didn't have any other excuses at this point. I just sort of stared at the ground in dejection. Suddenly, I remembered how Tom had had sex with Bellatrix the night before. Opening my mouth, I stared out, "It's not fair though. You can go and..." I let my sentence trail off. How in the world was I planning on explaining how I knew that Tom had had sex with Bella the night before? If I finished my sentence, Tom would obviously know that I had been in Bella's room and he might think I had been spying or something. At this point, it was best just to keep my mouth closed before I got in even more trouble.

Tom wanted to know what I was going to say though. Raising his eyebrows at me, he asked, "Well? I can go and do what?" I just shook my head in response and hoped that I hadn't said too much. Immediately, I felt those snake-like eyes of his boring into my skull. He started picking through memories and surprisingly enough, he didn't find the memory of last night.

Releasing my mind, Tom went ahead and guessed what it was that I had been about to say, "I've had sex before, yes. But there are reasons for it. With your sister, it only makes her more loyal to me. The more loyal she is, the better she will be as a Death Eater. If you were like your sister, I would allow for you to have sex as well."

Ew! Like no way would I even consider having sex with Tom. I found that thought quite revolting and disgusting. My nose even scrunched up from the mere idea of it. Something didn't seem right though. Tom had only had sex with Bella to make her more loyal to him. He didn't love her or care for her. He was only using her affections to his advantage.

Even though I had been pretty pissed off at my sister lately, I didn't think she should be treated this way. Standing up for her, I slitted my eyes and replied dangerously to Tom, "But...but that's not right! You should have sex with someone you care about because you love them and would do anything for them. I would do anything for Lucius..."

"Yes, we know that!" Tom replied with a roll of his eyes. "But anyways, there is really no point in continuing to talk about this. You having sex with Lucius is out of the question. Like I said before, my answer remains the same. That is why I don't want you two to see each other. Seeing each other will only make you two want to do it even more, which will therefore make Lucius hate me more."

Ugh, Tom was just so selfish! He could care less about what Lucius was feeling or what Lucius wanted. All he cared about was his little band of Death Eaters and accomplishing Salazar Slytherin's task. Unable to help myself, I answered Tom, "Lucius would probably like you a lot more if you didn't try to torture him to death, you know."

Tom emitted a low chuckle and his eyes gleamed malevolently. Studying me curiously, he replied, "You think so, hm? Let me tell you something then, Narcissa. A little bit of fear never hurt anyone. Now, I have something to tell you. There is a girl who did get pregnant. Believe me, I made her pregnancy and her life hell. You don't want that to happen to you. So make wise decisions. You're not stupid. You know what to do and not to do."

Yeah, I did know what I wanted to do and what Tom wanted me to do. Unfortunately, we were on opposite pages. Suddenly, the rebellious side of me raised its ugly head. Suddenly, I realized something. I didn't have to obey Tom. Sure, I might suffer later as a consequence, but I wasn't his slave. I wouldn't do what he wanted. I would have sex with Lucius with or without his approval.

Just as I was thinking this, Tom came crashing into my memory once more, making me feel hollow and naked. As he flipped through past memories, Tom spoke to me, "Remember that I can always see you. I will always know what you do. If you have sex with Lucius, I will know. And believe me, there will be severe consequences."
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