Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Let's Try That Again, Shall We?

Interlude, Tonks

by Circaea 1 review

Tonks sits and thinks. Short.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Humor - Characters: Tonks - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2011-01-10 - Updated: 2011-01-12 - 692 words

The Harry Potter universe is the creation of J.K. Rowling. This is fanfiction. The standard disclaimers apply.

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Chapter 6: Interlude, Tonks.

Sunday, June 17, 1990. 10:34 PM.

Tonks was sitting on her bed, staring across the room at the briefcase on her desk. It was a magic-dampening box, designed for carrying dangerous artifacts. Inside it was another, smaller magic-dampening box, and inside of that was the ring of Marvolo Gaunt. It was making her uncomfortable, although not necessarily through magical means.

It had been surprisingly short work to pick up the cases in Knockturn Alley; they were widely sold and unregulated by the ministry. The shack had been where Dumbledore had said it was, and she could feel the presence of the ring as soon as she entered. A few quick privacy charms, and she started pulling up floorboards while standing in the doorway. The ring turned up in about twenty minutes, and she hovered it into the nested boxes without ever coming closer than twenty feet. It was probably just dripping with untriggered curses, but so far, so good.

She planned to take it to Gringott's in the morning. For all Dumbledore's power and good intentions, he was clearly not infallible. The past timeline's incident with the ring had showed that. Maybe the goblins would have a trick or two for dealing with horcruxes. Not that she could afford it, but she at least had enough squirreled away to pay for a vault for a year, and if the goblins knew something was a potential burglary target, she was sure they would cheerfully put some absolutely deadly security on it, just for fun.

She was more worried about how to handle the conversation with Harry tomorrow. It seemed like it ought to have been something epic right at the outset, but she had stumbled over it and settled for scaring Vernon and Petunia. That, admittedly, had been something she had been dying to do for years, but it wasn't what she had originally gone there to do. What do you say? "You're a wizard, Harry!" seemed woefully inadequate.

In any case, she had managed to do the whole thing without using any magic and, thus, without triggering any of Dumbledore's little gadgets. Not that he'd necessarily notice after years of ignoring them, but if he had, she assumed he would have shown up to investigate, which seemed not to have happened. She intended to keep him in the dark about her involvement with Harry's life for the foreseeable future.

Depressingly, she had no memory of what she had done the summer between her sixth and seventh years at Hogwarts. She was pretty sure she had hung out with friends for much of it, but a lot of those memories had been displaced by the stresses of the auror academy and the war. Oh, and by some good memories of times with Remus. She smiled, and then was immediately anxious again. How the heck was she going to get in touch with him? "Dear Remus, You don't know me, but in an alternate future I convinced you to marry me and I had your baby. Now that I have been thrown into this timeline, you should just take my word for it that you are in love with me." Hm. Probably not, but it would be awfully convenient.

The right way was probably to convince Dumbledore to hire Remus for the Dark Arts position earlier than had originally happened. Unfortunately the best time for Remus to be teaching, from Harry's perspective, would be while Harry was actually attending. Well, what would happen if she simply told Remus where Harry was? That was the reason he hadn't checked up on Harry the first time around, right? Dumbledore had done his level best to cut Harry off from the wizarding world, and Tonks wasn't sure that was a bad thing by itself, but Remus was also the closest thing Harry had to a loving family member who was not in prison. Which led to Sirius . . . She had an idea for how to deal with Sirius, but it had the potential to go seriously wrong in unforeseeable ways.
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