Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Let's Try That Again, Shall We?


by Circaea 2 reviews

Follows Harry's birthday; a few paragraphs about several different characters. Short.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Ginny,Tonks - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2011-01-11 - Updated: 2011-01-12 - 796 words

The Harry Potter universe is the creation of J.K. Rowling. This is fanfiction. The standard disclaimers apply.


Chapter 9: Miscellaneous

Saturday, July 28, 1990, 10 PM


Augusta Longbottom

It had been stunning to watch Neville actually make friends with other children, and even more so to see him acting outgoing and polite with their parents. Algie had remarked it was the social equivalent of throwing him out the window to see if his accidental magic would activate, and pointedly told her that the boy needed more challenges. Nymphadora had agreed, suggesting she get the boys a tutor, dropping hints that Remus would be a good candidate. The girl wasn't very subtle. Augusta didn't really like the idea of her cousin getting involved with a werewolf, but he was smart, trustworthy, unemployed, and had been friends with the boys' parents. She'd think about it.

She wasn't sure about Neville, but the past month had certainly been a challenge for her. She felt twenty years younger from the exhilaration of taking on both Dumbledore and the Ministry while trying to make up for Harry's childhood so far. Nothing nearly that exciting had happened to her since she had dueled some Death Eaters during the last wizarding war.


Susan Bones

The party had been weird. Susan wasn't really used to talking to boys, and despite the adults' best intentions had only become a little less awkward by the end. She knew it eventually wouldn't matter, and that there was a good chance she would be interested in one of those boys romantically someday, but today was awkward. It didn't help that she was never sure whether she got invited to events like that as an excuse for someone to invite her Aunt Amelia, or whether they genuinely wanted Susan around for her own sake. Hannah always came up with a long list of reasons why she shouldn't worry about it, but none of them were very comforting when it was late at night and she was staring at the ceiling.


Xenophilius Lovegood

The sound of crickets came in with the night air as Xenophilius sat drinking tea in his kitchen. He was wondering whether it was ethical to write columns about someone once you and your daughter have gone to their birthday party.

He had guessed at first that Luna had been invited so that he would get access to Harry, and he did, in fact, get to talk to Harry for several minutes, but no one had said anything about an interview, and he felt awkward about bringing it up. It had briefly crossed his mind that somebody just wanted to annoy the Daily Prophet. After a while, though, he concluded he really was there primarily as "Luna's father", which was puzzling. He wasn't really sure why Luna had been invited, since previously her only friend had been Ginny Weasley, but Luna had certainly seemed to enjoy herself. Listening to her talk after the party about the Longbottoms' greenhouse had been the happiest he had seen her since his wife died in the spring.


Ginny Weasley

"Gah?" All you could say was "Gah?" The boy you have had a crush on for approximately forever invites you to his birthday party when you didn't think he knew you existed, and every time you tried to talk to him all that came out was "gah!". Also squeaks, Ron had pointed out afterwards. She had squeaked and blushed stood there speechless, and Harry just stood there wondering what was wrong with her. Ron had, for once in his life, come to her rescue—"Oh, Ginny's just shy, don't worry"—he said, and then proceeded to steal Harry's attention and talk about quidditch at every opportunity.

Ginny and her brother had been sent to bed shortly after getting home, but she was sure breakfast was going to be even more embarrassing once Ron told Fred and George about her.

On the plus side, Harry had turned out to be really cute.


Nymphadora Tonks

Tonks would have been exhausted if she weren't absolutely wired from making sure the day went off as she had planned. And "planned" was the right word—she had never done so much subtle manipulating of people in her in her life, making sure various people met each other. Actually it might have been as much "subtle" anything as she had ever done. But it had all pretty much worked, to her astonishment. Of course, orchestrating a 10-year-old birthday party was hardly auror-level work.

And Remus had come! And talked to her for at least fifteen minutes. It was mostly about Harry, but it was a start. She had no idea what he thought of her, which unfortunately was her normal experience when dealing with Remus. Well, it was progress, at least.
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