Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Lights You Make

Another Day Waking Up in the Familiarly Unfamiliar

by camrae 1 review

Gerard wakes up unsure of what has happened.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-01-12 - Updated: 2011-01-13 - 1163 words

Gerard opened his eyes slowly. His head was lying on a hard surface and to his surprise he seemed to be sitting in a chair. Had he fallen asleep at his desk? Scattered visions of what he thought were memories from the prior evening filled his mind. Judging by his lack of pain he assumed that he had experienced an awful dream. A night terror perhaps? They were nothing new to him, he had them since he was a kid. They usually ended by him waking up screaming in cold sweat however. This was different. He remembered the fight and the whiskey. He also remembered the feeling of speeding through the dessert, singing at the top of his lungs completely carefree and unencumbered. He definitely remembered a crash. He couldn’t possible feel this unaffected after that. Not at the speeds he was traveling.

He finally lifted his head from the table it was lying comfortably atop and took a long look around at his surroundings. He appeared to be in a large white room, with a simple table and chair in the center. The white was so blinding that things seemed to blend together, like the room went on forever. He was unsure of where he was, but it was not as if it would be the first time he woke up to the scenario. Waking up in unfamiliar rooms with spotty memories of the previous evening was painfully...familiar to him. Though the lack of hangover symptoms caused him to believe further that something amiss.

He got up from his chair and was pleased to not feel any residual effects from his obvious night of drinking at all. No achy body. No tender spots of flesh from falling into or off of something. He felt healthy, comfortable even considering he had fallen asleep sitting at a table. He was sure to have at least a stiff neck. He tested his muscles, forcing his head all the way to his left shoulder and then quickly to the right. Curiously enough he felt loose and at ease. He didn’t even feel the usual tension that seemed to have permanently settled between his shoulders. He shrugged his shoulders carelessly.
Walking around the foreign room he began to notice physical proof that the situation he found himself in was not the norm. Something indeed seemed off. The lights were surrounded by a champaign haze and the room appeared to possess no doors...nor windows or walls for that matter. It was just empty. The lights seemed to float as there was no ceiling in which they could have been attached to. Just an endless line of wire stretching up into the white abyss.

“Aw fuck.” He said out loud, passing a confused hand through his long dark hair.

“Happy to see that you could join me.” A soft voice came from behind him causing him to jump and stumble slightly over the chair that was behind him. When he looked back to see the culprit, it had vanished.

“What the hell is going on here?” He demanded looking back at the woman whose voice had spoken to him. The furrowed line in his brow softened slightly as he set focus on the owner of the voice. His eyes met a pair of wide, grey-blue eyes. Thick, dark brown, blunt cut bangs hung just barely above those beautiful eyes. Her hair hung straight down and ended in a soft bend towards her face just above her shoulders. He knew this face, he knew this woman. He just wasn’t sure how he knew her or where they had crossed paths. But there was something eerily familiar about her, yet completely alien at the same time.

“Do not be alarmed.” The women said, a small smile spreading across her thin, cherry red lips.
“How did I get here? What is going on?” He pleaded, taking a step closer to the woman. She was dressed in a very nondescript champaign colored dress and flat shoes of the same shimmering color. He pale skin nearly blended with the color and presented the same understated sheen. He blushed slightly when he noticed the voluptuous chest that sat proudly underneath that dress. She didn’t look like anything out of a pornographic film so he was fairly certain that he wasn’t experiencing some sort of erotic dream.

“Do you have any memory of what happened before you came here?” She asked, tilting her head moderately to the right.

“I keep getting these flashes of visions. I thought I remembered a crash...but then I remember being on a gurney, rushing through the!” He said putting his hand to his forehead. The expression on her face brought him to the realization the flashes that were running through his mind were not some part of a fragmented dream, but reality. “No! This has got to be a mistake! I can’t I? Am I dead?” He asked frantically, closing the gap between himself and the girl and grabbing her shoulders firmly. She had no physical reaction to his approach and her facial expression remained soft and controlled.

“You are not dead, Gerard.” She stated calmly in the same soft voice.

“Thank God!” He said, breathing a sigh of relief and releasing his hold on the girl. “I mean, I’m important, there’s no way I can be dead. I have fans that adore me.” He said with a smirk.

“Yet.” She smiled. “You’re not dead, yet.”

“Wait, what?” He asked puzzled.

“You’re body remains...hooked up to monitors in a hospital in Los Angeles. You are not dead, yet.” She stated again.

“Stop saying that!” He said, furrowing his brow. “Am I going to be?” He asked desperately.

“It has yet to be determined. Your body is still fighting.” She replied.

“So...where am I now?” He asked impatiently.

“You might think of it as...the inbetween.” She stated carefully after some thought.

“Like, in between what? Heaven and Earth?” He was growing more confused and scared by the minute and her calm, soft demeanor was not making the situation any easier for him to deal with.

“In between Earth and what you may consider Heaven.” She stated simply.

“You’re killing me here. What do you mean ‘what I may consider Heaven?’” He asked, running his fingers through his hair. Her expression changed slightly from serene to cautious.

“Thing’s are not as black and white here as Heaven and Hell, there are many different versions of each. There are also places that are quite like Earth. The afterlife is not so different” She said.

“So why am I here?” He asked frustrated. “I’m still alive, why am I in the inbetween?”

“You are here because you are being offered a rare opportunity, Gerard. An opportunity that many do not receive. The opportunity to revisit your past.” She smiled.
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