Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Heart-less

Part Two

by Ariss_Tenoh 0 reviews

Leon discovers that his past is not yet dead and that sometimes second chances are given.

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Romance - Characters: Cloud,Leon - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-05-15 - Updated: 2008-07-05 - 413 words

Part Two

"Have you heard? There was an attack on a bar last night. A lot of people lost their hearts." Yuffie somehow managed to bounce up and down while standing still in Cid's shop.

Leon leaned against the opposite wall. He wished she'd just say it; they were dead. When the Heartless took a person's heart, soul, essence, whatever one called it, there was nothing of that person left. It was doubtful that even banishing the Heartless forever would return those people to their original state.

It was a terrifying way to die, Leon thought. To have your very being ripped out, leaving only your body. A empty shell of flesh.

He'd never looked at sea shells the same way afterward.

The door chimed again and Leon lifted his eyes to see a man wrapped in a red cloak silently enter the shop. Cloud looked straight at him and said, "There was another attack in the west square."

Yuffie gaped. "But it's broad daylight! How can a Heartless be walking around at noon?"

Cid cursed and chewed madly on his toothpick from behind the counter.

"You're assuming it's a Heartless. Not every evil has to be a shadow." Cloud's face was expressionless but everyone knew he meant himself.

"Maybe it's a new breed of 'em. Damn and the kid's just bounced to another world too," Cid grumbled in his usual gruff manner.

No, Sora wasn't here but that didn't mean they couldn't deal with this new menace. Leon pushed himself off the wall and walked to the door, ignoring the rest of the discussion.

"Hey, where're you going?" Yuffie almost shouted in his ear as he passed her by.

"I'm going to see what this is about." He opened the door and walked out.

He was surprised to see Cloud following him. The man was a loner and preferred the company of his self and his massive sword. Leon turned and glanced at him.

Cloud noticed even that infinitesimal movement. "I'd like to come with you. There was something strange about the attacks."

Leon frowned. "Strange?"

"There were scorch marks in every location, like someone cast a very strong fire spell," Cloud said. Voice dispassionate and low.

"Scorch marks? That doesn't sound like the work of a Heartless." Leon picked up his pace and Cloud walked beside him, if a little to Leon's right.

Leon hoped they'd find this new monster soon. The sun was setting in an hour.

~ To Be Continued ~
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