Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > Ain't It Fun

Chapter 17: Your Betrayl

by rmrose2662 0 reviews

Riley looks for support from Izzy and Duff, but has to deal with Slash, Erin, and Axl still.

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2011-01-18 - Updated: 2011-01-19 - 1229 words - Complete

I fell back against the cushions and groaned. “Oh, my God he’s right! I am a slut!”
“Riley, no you’re not. I pushed you into that, and you had every right to do that with Izzy. Don’t let him to get to you.”
“But now he’s going to know that there isn’t anything between Izzy and me.”
“No he won’t. Just make sure you’re all over Izzy when he’s around.”
“You’re right. Where is Izzy anyway?”
“I think he went to buy more heroine.”
“Dammit,” I mumbled.
“But he should be back soon.”
“I hope so.”
The front door swung open, revealing Izzy in a long black coat. “Speak of the Devil…” Duff said standing up.
“You guys were talking about me? What about? Is it good?”
Giggling erupted from Axl’s room and I winced. Izzy followed the sound and looked back at me. “Who’s he got in there?”
“Erin,” I whispered, moving my eyes to the floor.
Izzy sighed and sat next to me. He put his arm around me and pulled me into his chest. “It’ll be okay, Riles. He’s just trying to make you jealous.”
“Like what I’m trying to do to him?”
“Well…yeah. But you have the right, he doesn’t.”
I sat up straight and faced the T.V. “I’ve got a question for you guys. How can you say I’m right over your best friend?”
“Because you are right!” Izzy insisted.
“Yeah Riley! What Axl did was low!”
“I know that, but you’ve known him longer than you’ve known me. Shouldn’t you be siding with him? Or are you saying one thing to me and another to Axl?”
“Well you know I’m not,” Izzy said confidently. “I was with you all night.”
“Yeah but you were gone this morning. Where were you then?”
Izzy was silent. “And what about you Duff? Did you say anything to Axl when he left?”
Duff wasn’t as silent. “Dude, what the fuck?! You honestly think I’d do that?”
“No, but I just want to make sure. I’ve put up with too much bullshit to truly trust anyone.”
“Look I didn’t say shit, Slash didn’t say shit, Izzy didn’t say shit, and Steven doesn’t even know what happened yet. Will you chill out?”
“Sorry! I’m a little on edge right now!”
“It’s ok.” Duff hugged me quickly. “Don’t worry about it alright? We’re on your side 100%.”
“Thanks guys.” Slash’s door opened and let him out, hair tangled and matted. He looked at us, then turned away suddenly very interested in making sure his door got shut properly. “But I think I’ve got another problem,” I whispered, indicating to Slash.
Duff and Izzy followed my gesture. “Slash? Riles relax. He’s not mad,” Duff insisted.
“Want to bet? Watch this. Hey Slash!”
“Sleep well?”
“Morning Iz. How’d you sleep?”
“Dude, don’t be a prick to her. Why should you be mad at her anyway?”
Slash looked me over. “I’m not mad at her.”
I scoffed. “You’re such a fucking liar…”
“What was that Riley?”
I smiled at him innocently. “You’re such a fucking liar.”
“Oh that’s a great way to treat your best friend. Go ahead, call me a liar. I don’t give a fuck anymore.”
“God dammit, don’t you start shit too! I’ve got enough to deal with without your ass being pissed at me too!”
“I’m not starting anything! I said I don’t give a fuck!”
“But I know you better than that! Of course you give a fuck!”
“Will you assholes shut the fuck up out there!? You’re making it kind of hard to concentrate!” Axl called from behind his closed door.
“Hard to concentrate? Wow, she must suck in bed if you can’t concentrate on sex!” I taunted.
“You little bitch! I ought to go out there and kill you!”
“Get some clothes on and get your skinny ass out from under Axl, out here and you can try.”
Erin scoffed and sure enough I heard footsteps. “Babe, come on. It’s not even worth it!”
Axl’s door opened up and allowed a very pissed off Erin to storm into the living room and straight up to my face.
“You seriously want to start shit with me?”
“I started shit with you the last time you were here and I kicked your ass then too.”
“You had Axl on your side then.”
“So? He didn’t do anything. You getting shoved into the table was all my doing.”
“Are you going to keep talking or are you going to hit me?”
“You really don’t want me to do that.”
“No, I think I do.”
“I’d fuck your face up so bad that nice little modeling career you have would go down the drain.”
“Is that a threat? Are you seriously threatening me?”
“No, it’s the truth. If I hit you, you’re done.”
“You’re awfully self-assured. But I guess I’m not surprised. There’s a lot of you to be assured of.”
It got eerily quiet. I glared at Erin, more pissed off at her than I had ever been at anyone before. I clenched my fists, set my teeth, and tightened every muscle in my body.
“Riley, stop,” Duff warned, standing up.
“She doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” Slash insisted, not pissed off at me anymore.
Izzy stood up and walked behind me. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me further away from Erin. “She’s right.”
“What?!” I screamed, turning my fury on Izzy.
“But not like that. You have a better life than she does, that’s a lot to be self-assured about.”
I smiled. “Huh, didn’t think about it that way.”
“That’s what I’m here for.”
“How the hell does she have a better life than me? I’m the one with Axl! I’ve got the guy she’s always wanted!”
I shifted my gaze to Axl, standing in the doorway watching the events unfold and looking like he really couldn’t care less. “No you don’t.”
Axl looked at me evenly. Something changed about his air and suddenly I felt like I had hurt him.
“What the fuck?! If you didn’t want him then why were you with him?”
“I never said I didn’t want him, and there was a time when he was the man I always wanted.” I looked back at Erin. “But he’s gone now. He’s not the Axl I love.” I turned around in Izzy’s arms. “You can have that Axl. I don’t want to fight for someone who takes advantage of my kindness.”
“Riley…”Axl began before becoming silent again.
I pressed my lips against Izzy’s, opening my mouth when his tongue eventually begged for entry to my mouth.
“How could just stand there and let here call me all that stuff?” Erin whined to Axl. A door slammed and I guessed Axl had gone back to his room. When I pulled away from Izzy and turned to see everyone else I noticed I was right.
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