Categories > Movies > Lion King > The Pridelands has a new King

Kiara Awakens

by Pierre_is_my_man 0 reviews

Kiara temporarily loses her memory after the attack but gets it back...

Category: Lion King - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2011-01-23 - Updated: 2011-01-24 - 370 words

Kiara: wakes up to find herself in a unusual place she looks around and panics because she doesn't know who these other lions are she walks out and goes out to the watering hole she finds a big tree out in the middle of the grasslands and sees an old mandrill who she remembers

Rafiki: Kiada... what are you doing at ol' Rafiki's place, hmm?

Kiara: Rafiki, Why can't I remember anything? All I can remember is being attacked by hyenas...

Rafiki: You hit your head vedy hard on dat ground and it caused you to get short term memory loss...

Kiara: goes back to Pride Rock and finds a very worried Kovu, Simba, and Nala

Kovu: Kiara, where were you? I was worried sick!

Kiara: Went to see Rafiki... I hit my head harder than I thought... I have temporary short-term memory loss...

Simba: Well, we're just glad you're safe...

Nala: We would never be able to forgive ourselves if anything ever happened to you...

Kiara: I'm fine, really...
_______________________________________A few years later________________________________________

The cubs have grown into young adults Kiara has aged a little more and her facial features are more complete Kovu has also aged as well and his mane has grown fuller He smiles down at his kids who are chasing each other

Kiara: They are just like us when we were their age...

Kovu: laughs Yes they are... licks Kiara's snout

Kiara: So... I need to tell you something...

Kovu: Alright, what is it? looks at her

Kiara: Remember how we talked about having more cubs?

Kovu: smiles Yes I remember, love...

Kiara: Well, it has happened... we're having another cub.

Kovu: nuzzles her affectionately That's amazing! We'll have to tell your parents and the kids...

Kiara: I'll tell my parents... you tell the kids...
_____________________________________With Kiara, Nala, and Simba________________________________

Kiara: Mom? Dad? I need to tell you something?

Nala/ Simba: Okay...

Kiara: I'm expecting... again.

Nala: That's wonderful, sweetheart!

Simba: hugs his daughter

___________________________With Kovu, Nzuri, Nguve, and Mfalme__________________________________

Nzuri, Nguve, and Mfalme: Dad, what's going on?

Kovu: sighs a happy sigh Your mother's expecting...

Nzuri, Nguve, and Mfalme: Really? Wow, Dad, that's amazing!

next part will be be here when I get 4 reviews!
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