Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Holly Evans and the Spiral Path

Coming of Age

by wordhammer 1 review

Holly grows up.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror,Humor - Characters: Dumbledore,Professor McGonagall - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2011-01-26 - Updated: 2011-01-27 - 6141 words - Complete

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all related concepts are owned by someone who isn't me. I will never seek or accept money for the circulation of this work. Also, I know you will all hate me soon. I accept that.

Summary of Tangent 9504 (for those who didn't want to slog through the sex for the plot content):

[] Hermione and Padma had sex together just after Hermione was disowned. Padma expressed concern that Holly is insane and sees monsters where there are shadows. Hermione explained to Holly that their alchemy to create Prestwick was done to demonstrate the Scientific Method to Padma, as magical research usually depends on magical luck guiding trial and error.

[] Holly rejected Gabrielle Delacour's attempt to bond with Harry and finally worked out an understanding with Fleur. Both Delacours are sworn to secrecy about Holly being Harry. Fleur enlightened Holly to her pregnancy. She also invited Holly to take the ACME exams with her in late May in order to settle their rivalry once and for all. Holly decided to go, but appear as Jodi the ice cream girl so that she and Fleur could sustain their public images.

[] Working with Hermione, Natalia and Padma, Holly planned out a way to have her baby before the Third Task, while deceiving the world (or at least Albus and Minerva) into thinking she had aborted/miscarried. Padma was Obliviated and they set up the Time Turner 'burn-out' so that Holly could continue using it in the Madhouse without suspicion.

[] On a more curious note, Hermione formally took on Newt as her god-daughter. The ceremony resulted in Newt spawning an infant ink lizard that Newt has named Pog Granger.

Holly Evans and the Spiral Path
Chapter 49
: Coming of Age



What exactly do you mean, 'Doesn't matter'?



7th May, 1995


Quite simple, really. I'm not pregnant anymore. See you tomorrow.



Monday, 8th May, 1995

Albus' Broken Toys

Holly enters the office of the Headmaster this morning in the company of Professor Moody, who had grabbed her the moment she entered the third floor hallway through the one-eyed witch's passage.

The moment she passes through the doorway into the Headmaster's office, Fawkes disappears in a burst of fire.

Those remaining in the room universally pause in surprise. Even the portraits draw silent with a collective gasp. Albus then gestures for Holly to take a seat across from him. She's still wearing her travelling cloak over her robes, so Albus nods towards a coat rack that ambles forward as she prepares to sit.

"Miss Evans, you may hang up your cloak, if you wish."

"I'm good."

Albus sits down at his desk, tipping his head towards the other wizard once settled. Moody looks back to the Headmaster with irritation, finally giving a shrug. Albus' face falls slightly, and he nods twice.

With a nod, Professor Moody sighs and leaves the two alone for their meeting, exiting back through the door to the staircase.

Holly pulls back her hood but arranges her cloak to cover her body. Her hair is trimmed short again, spiked up and away from her face to appear like flames, though without the bleach this time. She slumps fully into the guest chair and stifles a yawn.

The Headmaster observes this and makes comment. "You seem a bit... tired, Miss Evans. Are you sure you should be returning now, what with your illness?"

"What illness would that be, Professor?"

"You're pregnant."

"Who said that?"

"Madame Pomfrey confirmed my suspicions."

"I s'pose that's to be expected. Is that why I've been escorted to your office this morning?"

"Not quite. Miss Evans, you may have taken note in the past that there are a number of devices around this office, commonly moving, or puffing smoke or otherwise making small but meaningful actions."

Holly looks around before answering, "Not today, though. Did you run out of batteries?"

"Run out of...? No, Miss Evans. They are motionless because of you. They had monitored your status up until a week ago, when they all ceased to function. Can you guess why?"

"I'll assume it's not because you changed your mind about invading my privacy."

"It's because you have 'come of age'. You are an adult in the magical world, and my authority over you as a guardian has ended."

"And you didn't even make a cake. Some host you are."

"Miss Evans, I realise that we don't always agree, but if you are committed to having this baby, we will need to fashion some sort of... arrangement to... to... hmmm." The Headmaster wrinkles his brows with a deep concern.


"Have you attempted to change into Harry since your pregnancy began?"

"Yes. I stopped because it was incredibly painful."

"Then... we'll have to find a way to break the Goblet of Fire. You cannot enter the arena as Harry, which puts your magic at risk. You'll have to--"

"Excuse me, Professor, but that won't be a problem. I can change into Harry just fine, now."

"You can?"

"Yes. I'm not pregnant anymore."

Albus Dumbledore's head snaps up to glare at Holly.

"Miss Evans, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

Holly cringes at the force of Albus Dumbledore's anger. The portraits of past headmasters all gasp and yelp in surprise. The echoes of the Headmaster's furor fade before Holly is able to look up into his face again, trying to suppress fear-induced tears from leaking out.

She stutters, "I-I d-did what I felt I had to do! I got myself into the situation, and now I've gotten out of it. Leave me alone, would you? It's not your problem anymore!"

Albus fumes before pointing an accusing finger at the sobbing but defiant witch. "You... have stained your soul with the murder of an innocent, Miss Evans. There is nothing I can... you have doomed us all!"

Holly jumps up out of her chair, though taking care to keep her cloak wrapped around her body. "Nothing has changed! You don't know all that I've gone through! I was already ‘doomed’; all you have to do is look at the stars or pull some tarot cards to see that. Stir some tea leaves or cook some bones while thinking of me and all you'll find is a sign saying 'Condemned'. By the way, I'm overjoyed at my liberation from your authority, as it hasn't done a whole lot for me so far. Would you like to whine about what can't be changed, or would you like to discuss the horror yet to come?"

Albus shakes his head, adding distractedly, "What... horror do you refer to?"

"Solstice. According to seers and stargazers alike, my life will come to a critical juncture right when the Third Task kicks off. You and I both know that this probably means Riddle has a plan in motion. What do you want to do about it?"

A cold resolve settles over the Headmaster. "Well, now that you are an adult, perhaps you'd like to tell me what you think should be done."

Holly slumps back into her chair. She gives the Headmaster a critical look, and then begins speaking calmly. "Harry still has to bow out early- I can't be worrying about doing switcheroos while trying to cover my back. Also, I'd love it if the rules for the last Task would allow me to arm up. Walking around with only one wand and my personality to defend myself won't be half as reassuring as having an arsenal of tricks handy. Keep in mind- I don't care about winning this contest. If I could just bow out at the start without getting into it, I would. And yet, this is the time and the place, so we should prepare our defenses with that in mind. It's as much an opportunity as anything."

"You seem to have given this some thought."

"It's my life, and I've had some idle time to consider the possibilities. If you allow the 'one aid' trick again, I could bring my quiver."

"And what of your brother? How would you suggest we excuse Harry from participating?"

"Points-wise, he can't win and his participation was supposed to be just for show. We have him walk into the maze early on and leave, making a big to-do of Harry being a good sport by not interfering with the competition's final Task. After that, Tonks can be Harry, rooting for everyone from the VIP box. This also puts her in an able spot to take action."

"You believe that this may turn into a combat?"

"I... I don't know. We know 'it' is happening, but we have no idea what 'it' is. Unless you do and were waiting to surprise me. Anyway, we should keep our options open."

"I have no surprises in mind for you, but I do have some ideas. It would make sense to arrange for any allies that we have to attend the Task under whatever excuse we can invent. I should probably also see about restricting anyone known or highly suspected as a Death Eater from attending, if there's a way to do so. I would think you might have some suggestions for your friends in the bootstrap club, preferably ones that will keep friendly-fire injuries to a minimum."

"I can do that."

The headmaster leans back in his chair, expelling a sigh. "Well, it seems I have some floo calls to make."

Holly squints and tilts her head. "That's it? 'Holly, you idiot', and now we're working as equals?"

"Yes. That's it."

"Why do I feel like I've just been kicked off the team?"

Albus sits up in his chair again, taking up a fresh parchment to begin writing. After a moment of thought, he looks back to Holly. "I have no idea what goes on in your mind, Miss Evans. You should return to your studies, now."

Holly stands up, her cloak splaying out in the movement. Albus' eyebrows rise in mild alarm- Holly has picked up at least two stone's weight, along with a bust size.

"And if I may suggest, you might consider a return to your exercise regimen."

Holly turns a gimlet eye towards the Headmaster. "With all due respect, sir..."


"Ehh... never mind. It isn't worth the detention."

"How much wiser you grow, every time that we meet; too little, too late, though it may be."

As Holly moves to leave, Professor McGonagall enters the room at a brisk stride. "Pardon me, Professor Dumbledore, but--" She double-takes when finally recognising Holly. "Goodness! Holly, whatever has happened to you?"

"Chocolate. I've been eating a lot of chocolate. It helps my mood, even when there aren't Dementors roaming about."

The professor takes a moment to look over her goddaughter before commenting, "I doubt that your cover story will stay believable, then. Most people lose weight during an illness."

Holly grumps, "Honestly, Mum. The Headmaster knew I was pregnant, so the school must already suspect. Let me get back to my routine and I'll be dead-sexy in no time. Followed by just dead. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to leave here with haste."

Minerva steps to the side, allowing Holly to exit the office.


Catching up with friends

Holly finds Harry (Tonks) in the second Transfiguration lab, just as a RE-class is breaking up. Some of the students welcome her back; others stare at her with concern. Once the room is cleared, Holly walks up to Harry, takes a careful look around, and then wraps her arms around his head, kissing him with passion. Harry returns the emphatic kiss with a quite un-manly giggle.

Harry breaks the kiss, still grinning. "I thought you said this was against the rules?"

"Change back then; I'd like to show you a good time, while I can."

Harry shifts form into Natalia, though leaving the wizard robes in place- they stretch tight across her bosom. She bites her lip and then gives Holly an apologetic look. "Sweetie, I'd love to love you longtime, but I've got to get back to work. There's a stake-out, and then I'm going back undercover for a while."

"How long? You know I'm going to need you for the Third Task."

"I know- I promise to be ready, and I'll see you before then. In the meantime..." She leans down to kiss Holly deeply again. A minute of passion becomes five, and Natalia groans to separate their kiss.

"Uhhh! I love that! In the meantime, I have a care package from my friend Robbie." Nat reaches behind her to retrieve a manila envelope, handing it to Holly when she turns back.

Holly takes the envelope but gives Natalia a doubtful look. "Robbie of the three-pronged--"

"No! That's Reggie. Robbie works in records."

"Ah. Brilliant." Holly slips the envelope into her robes. She gives Natalia a warm hug and then releases her to let her return to work.

At the door Natalia gives Holly a saucy wink. "My love to everyone."

"Of course. It's like a force of nature."

Natalia leaves and Holly strolls over to a window. She kicks idly at the wall beneath it for several minutes, just thinking.

Her reverie is finally ended when several friends quietly enter the room- four Weasleys and Hermione. Holly turns to face them once they have taken comfortable seats atop the desks.

"Hi. I'm back."

A brief pause is ended when Fred and George burst out laughing. Ron and Ginny appear to be annoyed at the twins, and Hermione looks like she's trying to calculate something.

"Alright, what's so funny?"

Fred offers, "You're a swell friend, Hols!"

George adds, "I can't say this... no, I can! You've GROWN in my esteem!"

Hermione turns to whap George (who's closer) in the back of his head.

"Ow! Worth it."

Ginny suppresses a smirk while mumbling, "Someone's been hoarding the Honeyduke's."

Holly sighs. "Well, I was going to tell you all about how the world's going to end in six or seven weeks, but since we're stuck on my weight gain, I'll say this. I can exercise. You'll still be goofy-looking gingers by then."


Or so I tell the tales.

As you might guess, between the Headmaster and my good friends sans decorum, I am now well-motivated to regain my fighting-shape. It's a good thing I don't get hung up on this sort of...

I concede. I am weak. Keep me away from the chocolate, barring special occasions and Dementor attacks. I'd make it a vow, but I'm not certain I wouldn't give up magic if confronted with a truffle in a moment of yearning frailty.

Interestingly, Florean's ice cream doesn't have this sort of effect. Whatever calories I consume of that is soon worked off in dealing with the side-effects. The man is truly diabolical.



saturday, 27th May, 1995

Holly enters the office of Professor McGonagall, breathing heavily and flushed from exercise. She's carrying her Firebolt over her shoulder and swings it around to rest by the doorway before taking a seat. The professor purses her lips and scowls at Holly as the girl settles into her chair.

Holly finally notices her discontent. "Mum, what's wrong? You look like you've run out of whisky and money at the same time."

The Professor cocks an eyebrow in irritation, prompting Holly to smile weakly and shrink down into the seat.

"Since your return, I have been pleased to note that you have thrown yourself into both your studies and some form of exercise or another. However, I do not understand why you seem to be spending all of your free time in the Forbidden Forest! It is... Forbidden... in case you had forgotten!"

"Mum, I haven't spent much time at all in the Forbidden Forest. I fly over it."

"Several times a day, it seems! I believe I saw you flying out last night, well after last curfew! You may be chronologically seventeen, but the school records and common knowledge expects you to be treated as a Fourth year. In addition, you were impossible to find the whole week before the OWL exams. I originally assumed, as many had, that you had cloistered yourself for exam revision, but I recently found out that even Hermione didn't know where you were."

"I was studying, I just wasn't doing it here. I'm not hurting anyone, and I'm staying out of trouble. What difference does it make, otherwise?"

"Hand it over."

A brief panic crosses Holly's face. "What?"

"Your broom. Hand it over."

Holly turns grim, her voice tensing in a challenge. "The last time you grounded me didn't turn out so well, Mum."

Minerva cuts off her retort and sits back in consideration. She then implores Holly, "Please tell me this is for a good reason."

Holly's stern look doesn't falter. "As opposed to what? An evil reason? A selfish one? The headmaster stopped asking me, so I don't see why--"

"I am your GODMOTHER, not some damned-fool administrator. What are you doing?!"

"My job. I'm fulfilling my obligations. Please believe me when I say, you will know everything later. Right now, I'm keeping my secrets to myself."


"Ask me after the Tournament, okay? Just trust me for that much longer."

Minerva sits back to regard her goddaughter. She gives a sharp nod.

Holly sighs. "Are we done then?"

"Yes. Unless you'd like to know how your OWL results came out."

Holly sits up in surprise. "The exams just ended. I thought they weren't graded until midsummer."

"They're graded immediately, then reviewed by an independent examiner. I have the preliminary results, as I handle the paperwork."

Holly teases, "So, you're willing to break the rules for family?"

"I have no intention of telling you your marks. I just wanted to know if you wanted to know."


Minerva barely suppresses a smile.

Holly relaxes back into the chair. "Since you're giddy, I'll assume I got an 'O' in Transfiguration. I mostly don't care about the rest."

"Really? Why not?"

"Because the rest are EE's. I only tried hard enough to excel without scaring anyone, but my mum and her specialty deserved my full efforts. Am I close?"

Minerva scowls while holding up a sheaf of parchment, making sure to keep the writing pointed away from Holly. "You could have tried harder in Charms and Defense, at least. No one will be convinced that these are your real scores, comparing them to your performance within the Tournament. Also, your Potions grade was 'Outstanding', so your subterfuge was only partly successful."

"Maybe so, but I'm not going to annoy Professor Snape so close to our critical event. It'd be just like him to hold back a key Shielding spell to punish me for insulting the Subtle Art."

So the tale is told.

Um, Newt? We were both there.

I'm training in my apprentice.

Oh. Good form then, Pog.




4th June, 1995

This just cracked me up. I had no idea that Luna was writing them down.

excerpt from the Quibbler; Sunday, 4th June edition.

We have been presenting a retrospective on the Contest of Champions being held at Hogwarts School of Mischief and Misery. A number of our readers have sent letters asking after the circumstances of the most notorious champion, Holly Evans. While we can only theorize as to the causes of her mental makeup, our intrepid reporters have begun to find answers on a more immediate question, the one Miss Evans has been asked more than any other in the last month:

"Why are you always flying off into the forest?"

This question is born of an observed habit of the Shadowy Junior to hop onto her Firebolt and speed off towards the Forbidden Forest, as often as four times in a day. If the behavior is puzzling, I imagine you will find, as we have, that the explanations are even more curious:

>> "I met a handsome centaur and he's taken me as his brood-mare. I can't get enough of him, which is really saying something."

>> "I've got an underground skrewt-fighting league going and half the attendees are wanted criminals, so, y'know..."

>> "I don't really think about where I'm going. I just love the feel of that Firebolt thrumming between my thighs..." (Follow-up question by guest reporter Ronald Weasley:) "Thrumming? It's out of tune, then." "Matter of perspective, that."

>> "I promised Minerva I'd stop having sex on Hogwarts property, and as I'm having a torrid affair with a very young girl, we have to meet in secret. Oh shucks, did I say that out loud?"

>> "Once you've had an Acromantula, there's no going back." (Follow-up questions by rival reporter Katherine Bell:) "Had?" "Eaten." "Oh. Oh!" "What, you thought that was about sex? Pervert. Seriously- you need to seek help. There's something wrong with you."

>> "My father and I are... (sigh)... bonding."

>> "Ever since third year, I've felt the call... the call of the wild. I can resist no longer. I must run. I must hunt. I must howl. I must come back every day for more flea powder."

>> "I'm suckling a dead baby. Requires privacy and a freshening breeze. Leave me alone."

>> "I'm trying to lure Lucius Malfoy back into heterosexuality, and he has a thing for yodeling. We've found some nice spots for the echoes. He's so close; I know it's just a matter of time and pressure... (yodelodelayheehooooo!)"

>> "I'm making a tour of the Tournament champions, individually and in multiples, and we have a tent set aside for orgies. Tonight it's just me and the boys. They wanted to try again as a group since they couldn't outlast me individually or in pairs. And before you ask, no, Harry doesn't get to play."

>> "Why not? It gets me away from young students asking me dumb questions so that they can stare at my teats while I come up with a new answer."

We at the Quibbler have no interest in coming to any conclusion about the truth of these rumours, self-induced though they may be. We will be attentively recording them for the benefit of our readership. We also have approached Lord Malfoy to ask about his yodeling interests, but were denied a quotable comment.

End excerpt

That's why Luna is in Hospital with Madame Pomfrey- I just had to tickle her for the last hour. Poor girl shrieked herself into asphyxiating. Don't worry- as soon as she regained consciousness she smiled and said, 'Do it again!'



5th June, 1995


Why ARE you always flying off into the forest? Others have asked me to explain your behavior, assuming that I still can leverage the theoretical authority I have over you. Even if you choose not to share the true reason, I would like a plausible alternative so that I needn't feel foolish any longer.

With love,



Tell them I'm training with battle magic and need a large space to avoid harming bystanders. Or you could say I was trying to hunt for my own food so as to avoid confrontations in the Great Hall. You could even say I'm learning to ride Thestrals like a Valkyrie. Try and have some fun with it!



23rd June, 1995

The Champions' Eve

Gathered around a campfire nestled in the Forbidden Forest, five champions are sharing quiet stories while waiting for the last two to join them. Cedric is stoking the flames, intending to melt a few more marshmallows, when Holly and Harry enter the firelight.

Holly says, "Hey Ced, make one for me."

Pleasant greetings are shared between them, though Holly and Fleur merely shake hands while looking away from each other and scowling. Harry settles in to sit on the log between Fleur and Viktor, and everyone gives their attention to Holly.

"Okay. I arranged for this little meeting so that you could be brought up to speed on a few things that may make tomorrow's contest much more dangerous."

Ilya snorts. "More dangerous than being poisoned by a goblin dagger?"

"Yeah, mostly because it won't be just me they're aiming at."

The assembly goes quiet.

"It's like this. We've become aware of a plot to assassinate Harry. The people involved are remnants from that cult that followed Voldemo--"

Several of the champions hiss, and Krum mumbles something before spitting into the fire.

"Right. Him. Anyway, we're making arrangements, as you've no doubt heard, to have Harry bow out of the contest early. That means if the assassins were hoping to jump him in the maze, they'll only have us to concern them. That puts their crosshairs primarily on me. That said, I don't expect that they'll be careful about whom they capture if they get frustrated."

Margaux stutters to ask, "Wh-what are you expecting of us? W-we have no desire to be k-killed because of you!"

"Yeah, which is why I'm out here warning you. If you see anybody in the maze that isn't one of us or a magical beast, cast your best Stunner and run. Obviously the officials on the brooms should be minded, but even they might end up being part of the plot- don't trust anyone you don't know."

Krum rumbles out, "Wat if we come upon other champion fighting wizards? I will not run, if friends need my help."

Cedric adds, "Yeah, Holly. I see what you're saying about being jumped by a lone opponent, but if these fiends are attacking any of us, I'd eat my wand rather than run away. I couldn't look any of you in the eye after, if I did."

There is a mumble of agreement from nearly every champion. Holly notes the exception. "Margaux, my advice still stands. If you meet someone who shouldn't be in there, you run. We'll find you. We'll save you."

Harry coughs and adds, "Well, yeah, unless..."

Holly catches on and says, "Oh yeah! If you see someone with a glassy-eyed look, they've been put under the Imperius and should be treated like an enemy."

Fleur scoffs. "Do you 'ave any ozzer 'good news' to share?"

Holly turns towards the blonde. "I've arranged for each of you to receive 1000 Galleons of my own money- you'll get the notice of it tomorrow morning. Don't be swayed by greed or competitiveness. This contest isn't about us against each other, anymore. It's about us surviving the day."

Cedric speaks up, "I don't want your money, Holly."

Just as the other champions are about to chime in, Holly yells, "STOP!"

She calms herself, taking an extra breath. "What you don't understand is this. If I live through tomorrow, I won't care about that money. If I don't live through tomorrow, I really won't care about that money. I have two loyal house elves that will prank you stupid until you take the money. It's a bare pittance of what I got from selling the dragon's parts. I need to know that you will do everything in your power to help each other survive the day. The money is there to ensure that."

Ilya smiles. "You always seem angry. You are rich, sexy, powerful and skilled. Aside from being widely despised by the public and having numerous people trying to kill you, what do you have to be angry about?"

Holly scowls at Ilya for a moment, and then shakes her head. "Nothing, Ilya. This is my happy face. Now gimme my goddamn s'more, Diggory."

Shared laughter warms them almost as much as the campfire.

Or so the tale is told.



24th June, 1995


I don't mean to add to your burdens, but I feel I must inform you; Professor Snape has not been seen since dinner last night. No one knows where he is. The headmaster has sent a few colleagues to check on his usual haunts, but the timing is too telling to think it coincidental.

Take utmost care, my daughter.

With love,



That... really sucks. Not much more to say on that.

Newt's staying with me for the Task. She'll add things to the Journal as the day goes, but we'll save the full recap for a quiet time.

I haven't slept yet. I don't think I will.

Hermione stunned Holly so that she could get a few hours of rest before things start at 3:00. Somehow, having her wake up late and grumpy seems like a really good idea, compared to her being awake, tired and combative.

Already this morning, Holly has ended up in arguments with Moody, Lupin and Bill Weasley. The Moody argument was merely a threat about tampering with his magical eye- Holly found a way to double up the Cloak to block its special vision, which he took personally. Holly told him to 'take his Constant Vigilance and point it at somebody else's privates'.

Remus was being petulant about having to use the Lady Evans postbox to get in contact with Tonks. As best as I can tell, he was trying to distract Holly from the tension of the upcoming event. For his efforts, Holly called him a creepy stalker and threatened to have Dobby filter out his mail entirely.

Bill Weasley's argument started when he and Molly Weasley showed up to join the other Weasleys as Holly's 'family visitors'. It quickly became clear that this was a cover for getting them onto the grounds at the Headmaster's request. The argument started when Holly suggested that Bill's allegiance was to his employers before his family and friends, and that Holly would be sure not to turn her back on him. Everyone was quite surprised at Holly's antipathy. Ron said, 'But everyone likes Bill. He's just, y'know, cool.' Holly replied, 'So are many actors, but you can't trust them with your girlfriends or your secrets. I'd think more of him if he looked me in the eye instead of talking to my breasts. I'd swear he was going to offer them a drink.' Bill was heard to mumble, 'I guess Charlie was right about her. First time for everything.' Either Fred or George enlarged his horn-shaped ear piercing until it was so heavy it dragged his head down to the tabletop.

Molly said nothing about it, but she did give Mum a strange look a little later and said 'Holly dear, I think I have some keepsakes for you to look at; things my boys won't need for a while. You should come by the Burrow when this is all done.'

More to come,




The switch-off looked like it worked. Having the twins hit us with red and gold powder as Harry and I shared a hug served to cover our deception pretty well. Now I'm sitting alone in the Champions' prep tent and I need to tell you something.

I am scared. I am absolutely petrified. There is every chance that what happens for the rest of the day is the rest of my life. I will face it boldly, but right now, I need my mommy to know that I'm frightened down to my toenails.

If things go badly, remember the pendant. You need to survive, especially if I don't. I've left instructions with Winky to take certain actions, depending on how this goes.

If we all survive this day, I want to get drunk with you. We need a serious bender together. I figure we could just hang out at Urquhart's with my charge card until they drag us to the constabulary. No wands, just whisky.

In fact, do you want to go now?




As I'm sure you'd want to know what the public witnessed, I'll do my best to cover our view of the end of the Third Task. It happened only hours ago, but it seems like an eternity to me.

Through the TournaMap, we had seen the progression of the teams as they fought in pairs towards the center of the maze. You may not have heard, but the two other teams met in an encounter with the Blast-Ended Skrewts that they came upon at the same time from different directions. Mr. Izarek was severely burned by a Skrewt's blast when he stood before it to protect Miss Magritte. This took both of the Junior competitors out of the maze in the hands of our broom-riding officials. Soon after that is when you and Cedric entered the center.

We saw you both moving slowly to the Cup- obviously, Mr. Diggory's leg injury had slowed your progress. At the key moment, we saw Cedric touch the Cup, followed by your touch. It took some review of the record by Mr. Pink to ascertain what happened then. An enchanted object labeled 'Portkey redirector coin' appeared for just a split-second, then you disappeared.

We were all stunned. There was much rushing about by the staff and Mr. Pink in trying to find out that critical piece of information. Perhaps twenty minutes after you disappeared, Harry stood up suddenly in the VIP stands. He whispered something, mounted your Firebolt and sped off towards the Forest, Apparating away once past the boundary of the school's protections.

When next we saw you, it was in Harry's arms as he arrived by Portkey in the center of the arena, one hand clutched to the body of Cedric Diggory and yours cradled in his arms, with you clearly the victim of some sort of horrific burning attack. You were quickly moved to Madame Pomfrey's care and at the suggestion of Misses Granger and Patil you have been submerged in an Incubation Bath.

Natalia has refused to change back from appearing as Harry, will not leave your side, and refuses to say little else except 'She'll know what to do. Holly will know what to say.' She did provide a tracer for Madame Bones to return to the 'scene of the crime', but her panic has since overwhelmed her. More than a few people have been harshly hexed for approaching you since the start of her vigil.

My hope is that you'll recover soon to shed some light on the circumstances that brought you to your current state.

And then we can go to Urquhart's.

With love,


25th June, 1995


It is my pleasure to hear from you again. Sadly, I must report that Holly Evans was Port-keyed to a distant graveyard. She participated in a dark ritual that led to the rise of the Dark Lord Voldemort once more. The Death Eaters then spent their time torturing her as a celebration of the Dark Lord's resurrection.
Just as things were getting entertaining, Miss Evans was struck by a curse that backfired, ending the party a little too early for my taste. I am gladdened to hear that she is not dead yet. Little Holly has much to answer for.
The day wasn't a total loss, of course. For one, her troublesome imp was reduced to a scorch-mark. We also gathered an intriguing collection of baubles whilst stripping her down, including this journal. It was sealed by a Blood Ward, but that wasn't much of a deterrent for me. The tricky little bitch did lay in a progressive Secrecy Charm however, so I'll soldier through reading it from the beginning and extract what secrets I can.
I'm particularly delighted that she knew how foolish this was from the start:

"Why am I writing in this journal? I don't trust journals. Every story I've read that a journal was mentioned, it ended up in the hands of the enemy to be used for humiliation and even blackmail."

How... prophetic. As I understand it, you were the cause of her journalistic Compulsion. Bravo, Minerva. I never knew you had it in you.

I hope your summer goes well,



[This was the last entry in the Journal of Holly Evans.]

Minerva clutched at her chest in terror, dropping gracelessly into her desk chair as she re-read the passage. The Journal laid there on the desk open to the last page, the distantly familiar handwriting of Tom Riddle staring back at her. Minerva felt at that point like she had been standing on a ledge above a thousand foot chasm and had just been pushed off that ledge. Her skin paled even more as she began to catalogue, in her mind, all of the secrets that were now laid open to their greatest enemy.

"Merlin... "

Her voice choked on the word for a moment.

"God, help us all."


Tangent Alert
: If you're feeling brave, read 'Tangent 9506: Six Hours'. Or you could wait. Until you're older.

Author's Note: Of course, this is not the end of the story. I apologize for the way this is playing out, structurally. I sorta painted myself into a corner with the Journal format when it comes to this confrontation. If you decide to skip the Tangent, the 'highlights' will be covered in the next chapter.
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