Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Be Apart Of My New Story!

Be Apart Of My New Story!

by CaseyKilljoy 7 reviews

Basically im writing a Killjoy Universe type story and thought it would be neat to have people help me with the character.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-01-12 - Updated: 2011-01-13 - 140 words

Okey like I said before im writing a Killjoy Universe story and figured it would make things interesting to pretty much have YOU in it!!

If you would like to create a character that I will use in my story go crazy with it (but not so crazy that its just not cool XD) make the ultamite Killjoy that you would want to be, or what you think would be neat.

Here are some things to fill out about your character.
Date Of Birth: (Not really needed but yea)
Hair: Colour-
A little abot your character:
A bit about your characters personallity:
Anything else you feel like saying:

(Okey i feel like i have left somethings out but oh well)

Cant wait to see what characters you guys create!! =)

xxx CaseyKilljoy!!!
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