Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dude, just relax

Dude, just relax

by lalatherapist16 4 reviews

a chance meeting between Gerard and Frank end shockingly

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-01-31 - Updated: 2011-01-31 - 873 words - Complete

Gerard's Point of view

The alarm clock on my bedside table went off, making me jump. At first, I didn't know where the beeping was coming from. When my eyes focused on the clock, I groaned and threw it at the far wall. I was already asleep again by the time the beeping had stopped.

What felt like seconds later, the door slammed into the wall and I pulled my pillow over my eyes and rolled over.

“Gerard! Get up or your gonna miss the bus!” Mikey yelled from the doorway.

I rolled onto my back and glared at him, closed my eyes again and waved a dismissive hand in his general direction. He let out an irritated breath and crossed the room. I wasn't sure what he was going to do, so I braced myself for anything.

Without hesitating, he jumped on top of me. The air was crushed from my lungs as he landed sideways on me.

“So I assume you're walking?” he asked breathlessly. I struggled to get a breath to answer with him on top of me.

“Okay, one: GET THE FUCK OFF ME!” I exploded under him. Mikey, oblivious to his danger, just laughed and balanced his self with his hands. “I'll get up if you answer,” he murmured thoughtfully.

“Fine! I'm walking. Now. Get. OFF.” I hissed through my teeth. He chuckled and slid off. I rolled back onto my side, sighing heavily. I was waiting to hear the door close. When it didn't I groaned. “What now?”

Mikey giggled. “Even if you were to walk, you have to get up now if you want to shower.” his voice got further away with his retreating footsteps.

Reflexively, I threw a pillow at him, which he must have caught, because it flew back and hit the back of my head.

The door closed and I rolled onto my back and glared at the ceiling of my room. Oh, joy. Another day in prison.

Frank's Point of view

Fuck! I'm late. I rushed to tie my converse and grab my bag, regretting the extra pancakes. I threw open the door and ran out, catching the handle and pulling it shut behind me.

Shit. I hope I don't miss the- my thought stopped short as I rounded the corner at a dead sprint and saw the bus pulling away.

I slammed to a stop at the edge of my yard and the street. My arms fell to my sides and I groaned. “Fuck my life!” I stood there, clenching my fists compulsively. Great-fucking way to start your birthday
Frank! I thought to myself, trying to slow down my breathing.

A noise from the left caught my attention. My head snapped up to see who was coming, and I froze.

My hands unclenched and my muscles relaxed.

I felt my heart speed up and my breathing slow as the guy came closer.

Gerard's Point of view

Turns out Mikey was right. By the time I'd gotten out of the shower and dressed, I had to run out the door. I'd never tell him he was right though.

Oh well, I shrugged, still walking down the street. I turned the corner and walked down the sidewalk, not hurrying.

There was a kid standing at the end of the street, looking very pissed. I grinned widely, knowing the reason he was mad was because he'd missed the bus. He was clenching his fists and shaking his head.

I chuckled to myself, covering my mouth with my hand. The guy's head snapped up and he glared in my direction. As I got closer, his body relaxed and he went from glaring at me to gaping at me.

The first thing I noticed was his eyes. They were so hazel they were almost gold. And that his deep brown hair- almost black- hair was falling in them.

He didn't look mad anymore. Just confused and kind of scared. My hand fell from my mouth and I smiled again, my breathing speeding up.

I'd come to terms with my bisexuality years ago, but this guy was making my stomach flip with fright and my heart clench deep under my ribs. And I didn't even know him.

“Miss the bus?” I called to him without thinking. He jerked and nodded. I smiled and nodded at the sidewalk. “Well come on,” I murmured as I passed him.

He unfroze and ran up to walk by my side. “Thanks,” he smiled at me, breathless from running to catch up. I smiled back and he blushed slightly.

We crossed the street, and I got to the sidewalk first. “Watch out for the-” my words stopped as I heard a skid and a heavy thud behind me.

Frank's point of view

Oh.........that hurt. I'd been paying so much attention watching the guy in front of me walk that I hadn't seen the big spot of ice in the road.

“Ice.” the guy finished his sentence, turning around to face me. I hadn't heard him warn me, either.

I felt my face get hot and he smiled, holding a hand out to me. I took it gratefully. As my skin touched his, a shocked passed through our hands and I gasped.
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