Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Collide [Frerard]

Chapter 11- School

by AcidicDiva 1 review

enjoy :3

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-02-06 - Updated: 2011-02-06 - 1056 words

Chapter 11- School
Gerard: I was ready. Holding my lovers hand, we walked out into the street. Frankie took in a deep breath beside me and I looked at him. Why was this amazing boy with me? He honestly was, no one but him had been able to bring me and my mom, together but magically he had.

I bent down and kissed his unsuspecting lips. It was only gentle and quick but it was enough, to send electricity through me. I smiled as Frankie's cheeks turned scarlet.

Holding hands in public was enough for us to, get called fags. What would happen at school. People though I was wearing my halloween costume last week. I needed to do this though, I wanted to do this.

All three of us stood outside of the school gates.
"You ready for this baby?" I wanted to be sure, he knew what he was getting himself in for.
"As ready as i'll ever be." I smiled we were going to do this.

I held his hand tighter. Mikey was walking ahead of us, I didn't want him to be dragged down if something bad happened. I saw the popular kids, my old 'friends'. They'd either see me or not. I was hoping they didn't.

I could feel the heavy stares on me and Frank. I would've bothered me but it didn't, I was with the one person that meant the world to me. Shit Alex was coming over to me.
"Frankie this could end up by being violent, if it does remember don't get involved please."I said this to Frank before Alex reached us.
"I'm not going anywhere. Haven't we learnt that lesson once?" I understood what he meant, last time I went he'd nearly died, and ended up in a coma.

My eyes were startimg to prick, I couldn't cry especially when Alex was coming over.
"Oi! Gerard what the fuck is going on?" I smiled
"I told you I wanted to be, myself again. I happen to be in love with Frank aswell so if you don't mind, would you please move." I knew I was pushing it, but reluctantly Alex moved out of the way.
"Gerard, your gonna pay for this I promise." I knew he meant that, he never not meant a threat. He was bark and bite in one.
"You okay Gee?" Frank asked me this as we waked to our first lesson biology.
"I'm not okay..I promise." I wasn't I knew what I had coming for me was bad, it was already the gossip of the school. First lesson hadn't even started yet.

We reached biology and I looked at Frankie for the first time. He was pale and looked like a ghost. I couldn't comfor him, I was petrified myself. I knew I could hold my own in a fight, I fought quite well. I knew Frankie couldn't though. He was vunerable.

The bell went and I walked into the class still, holding Frankie's hand. We both sat at the back so we were lucky. It had been a week today since, the incident with Frank's dad. I just hoped this wasn't becoming a weekly thing.

"Frankie it will all be okay." I didn't promise him though because I wasn't certain myself.

The first two lessons passed in a blur. Me and Frank hardly talked but never let go of eachothers hand. One of the hugs he gave me said everything. He was scared and so was I.
"Frank...forget about all the dirty looks." I knew this had been bothering him all day. It had been me to but we shouldn't care.

It was in the lesson before lunch, religious studies. It was my only lesson without Frank as he was clever enough to have got, good enough grades and not have to re take it.

"Gerard Way! Your never going to make it anywhere in life, if you carry on like this." I sighed Religious held no intrest to me.
"I don't wanna make it." I put venom into my voice. It was true all I wanted in life was to be happy, nothing less or nothing more.

I could see myself working in a comic book store, drawing and making my own. That seemed like a good life. Maybe being in a band would be good, but nothing would ever come of that even if it happened.

"Really Mr.Way. What do you plan to do then?"
"Be myself! Be whoever I want to be. I am not afraid to walk this word alone" I got up and walked out. I knew what I had to do.

Frank: The bell went for lunch and I was stood by Gee's locker. I was humming a tune, which I though would be a good begining for, my song Welcome To The Black Parade.

"Well the little fag, who changed Gerard is all alone." shit there was about 10 of them. I had no chance. Inside I was hoping Gerard would turn up, but that knot in the bottom of my stomach told me otherwise.

My back was pressed to the row of lockers. I had no where to go and everyone was just standing there. Suddenly a blow hit my stomach and all the wind was knocked out of me. I couldn't breathe and my ribs hurt, they were only just healing so were probably re broken now. I lay there defenseless on the ground as these, 10 boys kicking the shit out of me.

"Get away from him you pricks." it wasn't a voice I recognised but at least some one was there to help.
"Got one last thing to say faggot?" I stood up with all the might I had, they seemed to be holing back the boy who wanted to help.
"Yeah actually, I won't explain or say i'm sorry i'm unashamed. oh and I DON'T CARE.!" I shouted the last words, and landed the best punch I could on Alex's face. It fucking hurt and after I collapsed on the floor but it was worth it.

I was laying there again slipping out of conciousness.
"Frankie baby, i'm here." he was crying I could tell.
"I love you Gee." I meant every word and even though it came out as a whisper, I knew he'd heard it.
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