Categories > Original > Humor

The Forgettable Adventures of the Demon Crew

by zsleepyrockerz 0 reviews

Don't you remember the fun adventures from You-Know-Where? Wait, you don't?! Well, read on my friend and learn about the chocolate covered unicorns, Strawberry Mountains, Goo-Goo Bear, and more~ ...

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-02-10 - Updated: 2011-02-10 - 522 words


Chapter One

Welcome to Utopia. Utopia is a beautiful place in the You-Know-Where realm. The Pleasantness borders Utopia and share the Chunky Monkey Cookie Chain and the Strawberry Mountains. Inthe center of Utopia is the city of You-Know-What, and is surrounded by the meadows of Sweetness. Cotton candy is grown in the meadows and unicorns can be seen frolicking in these meadows and eating the sweet cottony goodness that melts in their mouths.

The city of You-Know-What is where most of the population lives. After all, it has everything a person could want. People were never denied what they wanted and it was easy to get. Their jobs were high paying, better than Pleasantville. The people were given gold and silver for monetary reasons, and this could be traded for whatever they wanted. The people had technological advances. They rode on flying buses, used escalators instead of stairs, used transportation pads if they really wanted to, had 3-D virtual games that actually put you into the game, and had a large supply of food.

All in all, this was the perfect kingdom.

The king stood at Chocolate Cake Castle and looked down o his people. "Sir, we got more lemonade from the Sweet-n-Sour River!" yelled one of his servants, who was almost fatter than him.

"Yeah, put it down on the table and leave," he mumbled, falling back in his chair.

He was tired of this peace. His people were fat and lazy, which pissed him off to no end. There were no wars to fight, there were no rebellions to crush. It was just lazy years to come. The king wasn't even old! He was only 28, a young age for a king of Utopia. He longed for the days of battle, like the ones his father had told him when he was little. The king sighed, stroking his beard. He supposed that he would never get those days. He was doomed to live a life of boredom and no activity.

He wished that there was a war or something he could do.

A devil appeared before him in a puff of smoke. The king gasped and fell back in his chair, hitting his head against the floor. He hissed in pain as the devil in front of him giggled. "What are you doing here?!" the king roared, pushing himself off the ground. His hand fell to his sword and he grinned at the thought of fighting this demon. This was the action he was looking for.

The devil tipped his head to his side. "Don't hurt me. I come to grant your wish!" he said gleefully. He grabbed the king's hand and shook it vigorously. "Thank you Mr. King!" he cackled, disappearing to grant the king's wish. The king leaned his head against the wall and moaned. What exactly did he wish for?

Thanks for reading my frst chapter! If you are interested, wait or me and send me a review. My first story so please be as cruel as possible. I want to get as good as possible. I will introduce the heros in this adventure in the next chapter.
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