Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > That Name

That Name

by Ingsoc 0 reviews

Kennedy muse her relationship with Willow. Kennedy POV.

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Characters: Kennedy,Willow - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2011-02-04 - Updated: 2011-02-04 - 381 words - Complete


I fucking hate that bitch. No, no, it's not fair, I haven't known the woman or even met her. She just a name for me, that name, that hold the keys to Willow's heart, the name she always scream as I bring her pleasure, always that name and never mine.

I assume my attention back to where my head is – between Willow's legs, I could hear her moans become louder and louder so I pump my fingers faster to her cunt as I'm eating her.

Soon she cum with a scream, a scream of that name again (not that I'm all that surprised), I didn't cum, I never do. I wonder when it all began, when I, tough as a nail Kennedy, who did millions of other girls way hotter that Willow, how did I became so pussy whipped? Was it the first moment I saw her, all sexy to foxy with that red hair and cute ass? Or is it because she first rejected me, is that what made me want her like I never wanted anything else in my life?

I now lying at the bed beside her and she snuggle against me and whispering in her low sexy voice that words that I'm always so longing to hear – "I love you".

FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! How could she make me feel so good and so bad at the same time? I know she didn't speak to me, but the way she look at me, so loving… I begin to think she put a glamour on me, make me look like her beloved girl or it's just that the whole situation is turning me into a paranoid lunatic.

I have long abandon all hope that she will one day see me as I am, as Kennedy. I know I should leave her, that she is no good for me, that being with her while she scream that name, while she want to be with her is killing me. But I wouldn't leave, I have no choice, I love her, even though she treat me like shit, even though I'm just a good fuck for her, even though she never could feel the same way I do her. I would never stop loving her.
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