Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > Animos, Zoe

Chapter 2: Welcome to Crazyville

by lolkitteh 0 reviews

Zoe arrives at the Lab

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Published: 2011-02-21 - Updated: 2011-02-21 - 460 words

I got in the back of the truck. There were two other kids around my age. Both were guys. They both glared at me, then turned away. The van made a few more stops before the six of us arrived. Only one other kid was a girl, but she completely ignored me. The Back doors opened and we were asked to come out. We were all brought to different places. There was a very bright room with a table in that I was lead to.
“Um, sir?” I said to the tall, good-looking blonde guy taking me there. “What are we doing?”
He looked down at me and grinned. “You called and said it was okay to experiment on you. So, I’m taking you to the lab. This would be it.”
“Okay… what is the test for?” I stared at the cart next to the table. It had all different needles on it. I hate bloodie needles.
He got around in front of me and backed up. “This.” All of a sudden, he started growing taller, more muscular, and more… hairy. His legs re-shaped to something similar to a cat’s hind legs. He grew a mane. Before me stood a lion. And it was standing on its hind legs. It roared at me, and I screamed like a little girl. It-He laughed. And laughed. And laughed and laughed and laughed. He laughed until I fainted.

I woke up to find myself strapped to the table. The lion-guy was standing over me in human form. He was standing next to someone that was about to stick a bloodie needle into me. They stuck a testing tube on the end of the needle and poked me. Blood- my blood began to seep into the tube. Did I mention I’m- what’s the word… Bloodaphobic? I fainted again. This time I woke up in some sort of waiting room. Lion-guy was sitting next to me.
“Oh, good, you’re awake. I never caught your name?” He leaned forward and turned in his seat to look into my eyes. His were narrow slits like those of a cat’s, and his breath smelled like tuna.
“Um… I’m- I’m Zoë Bethard. I’m sixteen years old, in high school, and filthy stinkin’ rich. And I am not bloodie crazy.”
“Hm! I can tell. We are waiting for your test results so that we can give you your shot.” He laughed.
“My- My shot?” I stammered nervously.
“Yes, your shot, so you can be like me.” He looked at me like I was stupid.
“Like you? I don’t even know your name. And you expect me to act like you?” I stood up and put my hands on my hips.
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