Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vicissitude

The Pressure

by -impervius 1 review

Bree goes on a date with Frank.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2011-02-22 - Updated: 2011-02-22 - 913 words

The sun was descending on a Monday night over Bree and Jackson’s house, and the siblings could be found slouched in front of the television with Carrie, watching White Zombie. ‘So, are you excited for your date tomorrow?’ Carrie asked, taking a sip of her bourbon and soda.
‘I guess,’ Bree shrugged, feigning nonchalance.
‘Do you wanna tell me where this came from, anyway?’ Jackson asked as he watched a group of zombies try to turn the wooden wheel of a sugar mill. ‘How long have you been dating Frankie?’
Bree frowned. ‘Well, this is our first date. I don’t think the party counted.’
Jackson made a face. ‘What?’ Bree asked.
Jackson shrugged. ‘Don’t worry about it.’

Bree’s eyes narrowed as she looked at her brother. ‘Spit it out.’
‘Frank smokes a lot of pot, that’s all.’
‘And I don’t want you to start.’ Jackson sat up from his spot on the sofa and began dusting fluff off his jeans.
Bree stared at Jackson, incredulity written all over her face. ‘You seriously think I’d start smoking weed just because the guy I was dating did? Carrie does it all the time and I haven’t caved yet!’
Jackson shook his head. ‘Forget I said anything. I know you wouldn’t. You never do anything wrong. I don’t know what I was thinking, don’t worry about it.’
Bree frowned as the cogs in her head began to turn.

Did she never do anything wrong? She did not rebel, she supposed. She hadn’t done drugs before, and sure, she had been curious. But she’d always stopped herself because of whatever pictures of drugs health class had painted in her head. Was she boring? Frank seemed to like her enough the way she was. However, she couldn’t help but think Frank didn’t know her well enough to be able to determine whether she was boring or not. What if he got to know her better and realised she wasn’t interesting enough? She mentally scolded herself. Bree was not the girl who sat around wondering if she was edgy enough, riddled with insecurities. She didn’t like her own attitude at that moment. She was interesting in her own way, and if that wasn’t good enough for Frank, then that was his loss. She nodded to herself, and got up from the sofa to get a drink, leaving her brother and best friend behind, wondering what in the world she was thinking.


Bree slipped and fell on her ass as she ran to answer the door when the doorbell rang the following night. She hastily opened the door to Frank, who was leaning against the doorframe, wearing a dark blue t shirt and black jeans. He laughed at her hair, which had a windswept look from her fall on the floor.
‘Take a fall, did we?’ He grinned.
‘You saw?’ Bree bit her lip, glancing at the window next to the door.
Frank nodded. ‘But I can pretend I didn’t, if it’ll make you feel any better.’
‘No, don’t worry about it,’ Bree said, cringing on the inside.
‘Oh good, because I don’t think I could pretend, that was hilarious.’ Frank snorted.
‘Hey!’ Bree said, her face feeling hot. ‘I’m glad you found it funny, because it was pretty fuckin’ painful.’

The car ride was short, owing to the easy conversation between the two. Bree found Frank to be chatty, friendly, and hilarious. She was still a little perplexed as to why he found her so fascinating. He seemed like the type to date edgy girls, and certainly not girls who still went to high school. But he nodded enthusiastically as she told him all about the teachers she hated, her arch enemy Nicole, and how much more bearable Carrie made classes. He asked about her job, her dreams, what she was afraid of. He revealed his fear of spiders to her, and though she tried to choke back a laugh, he was not fooled. And so they both laughed about it. Amidst all this, she thought she should stop questioning the reasons why he liked her, and just go with the flow. And so she did.

‘You hate pasta?’ Bree repeated incredulously, as they stood in line at the venue.
‘I don’t hate pasta, I’m just sick of it. Italian family,’ he shrugged as he pulled out a cigarette. ‘Gets kinda old.’ Bree watched fascinatedly as he lit the smoke and inhaled deeply. He watched her gaze at him. ‘Do you wanna try?’
‘Um. Sure.’ She agreed, and he handed her the cigarette. She put it between her lips and sucked. She coughed as she felt the smoke rake down her throat. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling and she knew she wouldn’t cough if she tried again. So she did. This wasn’t so bad. In fact, she was enjoying it. Frank grinned as he tried to take the cigarette back, only for her to hold it out of his reach. ‘Mine now,’ she teased, holding the smoke as far back away from him as her arm could stretch.
‘Oh, is that so?’ He smirked trying to reach around her to retrieve it. She nodded and giggled.
‘Fine,’ he conceded. ‘But I deserve some kind of payment.’
‘Like what?’ She replied, grinning. And with that, he leaned forward, and kissed her.
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