Categories > Celebrities > Harry Potter


by Vacuous 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-02-22 - Updated: 2011-02-23 - 370 words


"Hey! Over here! Shouted Harry, as he pointed to an empty seat between him and Ron.

Lately, Hermione didn't know what to think of her friendship.

Whenever something happened Ron and Harry would always take sides against her, even when it was in their best interest.

Hermione hated the fact that she was the only girl between Ron and Harry.

Lately, Harry had been flirting with her and Ron had even asked her out.

Of coarse, she politely told Ron it wouldn't be good if they went out and it did not work out for them.

Where was I? Oh right. So..

Hermione sat down between Ron and Harry and put a serving of steak on her plate.

It was impossible to go hungry at Hogwarts.

"When is the first Quiditch match?" Hermione asked Harry as she swallowed a big spoonful of soup.

"Wood wants us to meet him outside of Snitch's classroom."

"Wonder why." Ron grumbled.

Ron was obviously jealous that Harry could afford everything that came his way.

He, Ron, had a big family that could barely afford to send him to Hogwarts, much less, buy him broomsticks.

Suddenly the whole dining hall went silent.

Harry looked around and saw Professor Dumbledoor standing on his chair getting ready to speak.

"As you all know, 3rd years are aloud to get permission to go to Hogsmeade on dates." He winked at Harry.

"So, Anyone who wants to go tonight must meet outside the Staff Room at 6 p.m. where you will meet with one of the teachers who will escort you all."

He stepped off and the chatter started back up.

Harry got up and walked over to Alice, a girl from Hufflepuff.

Hermione started and saw Alice was giggling.

She heard Harry suddenly say, "See you at six." He then walked back to the table and acted as nothing had happened.

Ron clapped.

"You two going out tonight?" Ron asked, he was now helping himself to a second serving of the fish.

Harry simply nodded.

Hermione looked at her watch and said, "We better get going. Professor Lupin wont be happy if we are late for his class."

All three of them got up and headed for class.
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