Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Summer's End

Unexpected and unwanted visit

by lalatherapist16 0 reviews

“Frank! Emily! We thought you two were dead!” a man stepped out and held his arms out, walking toward our company.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-03-03 - Updated: 2011-03-04 - 2201 words - Complete

Gerard's Point of view Frankie was dressed in the most beautiful silk suit I had ever seen. And he was dressed in all black, with a red tie, just like me. Only his was silk my favorite fabric in the world.

I remembered how much he loved velvet and nearly burst out laughing at the little humor Ems had put into this. She had us in our favorite fabrics and colors. A little bubble of laughter tried to press from between my lips and I held it back.

Frankie was still staring at me, mouth hanging open. I grinned and put my hand under his chin, closing his mouth and making him look up. And I gasped again.

He was heart-stopping beautiful. My breath caught in mt throat and I nearly sobbed. His perfect hazel eyes rimmed with just a subtle hint of eyeliner and he lips were parted a bit, and they were very close to the red of our ties.

And his hair was.....indescribable. I just wanted to touch it. Locking my eyes with his, I was able to fight off this silly need to touch his silky looking hair.

The man beside us started talking, making me jump out of my skin. All I had seen was Frankie so far and I hadn't been aware of the man. So I was a little startled when he spoke loudly, his voice ringing through the trees around us.

I looked around quickly. We were on a platform with the man and our best people were spilling out down the stairs that led to us.

There were over fifty people on the flattened wooden floor that spread out among the trees. I noticed it formed a perfect circle, with us at the very top of it. And it looked like everyone could see.

Frankie squeezed my hand, pulling me back. The ceremony was short enough. It seemed like in no time Frankie and I said “I do” and kissed.

Roars of applause echoed back from the trees and I heard a dark laugh from behind us. Not from the old man who had married us either.

No. It was too young to come from a man his age. Frankie jerked and whipped his head around, looking behind us.

I looked at Emily in her beautiful dress. Her back was stiff and her eyes were wide, looking in the same direction as Frankie.

That's when the same deep, young voice boomed around us.

“Frank! Emily! We thought you two were dead!” a man stepped out and held his arms out, walking toward our company.

Frankie's face was so white that I was rocked through with fear. Then a fire burned in his eyes and he glared at the man. “You!” he hissed.

Emily whimpered from below us. “Father.” she whimpered. I looked at the three of them and the air was still.

Frank's Point of view

Oh god. I could kiss Gee forever and never get tired. A deep sound made me freeze though. It was a sound that was etched deeply into my memory.

And it was coming from behind us. I looked and he stepped out. My face went cold and he stepped closer, arms wide.

“Frank! Emily! We thought you two were dead!” his deep voice echoed through the trees. God help us. I thought to myself.

No. He wasn't going to hurt anybody here. Something blazed in my chest and I hissed at him, my voice sounding very snake-like. “You!” it was ripped from my throat and it hurt.

Below us, I heard Emily making strange sounds. “Father.” she whimpered. The air was filled with a thick silence.

The bastard looked at Emily and smiled. “Emily, dear. You look very beautiful. I didn't know you were so tall.” he nodded to her.

Then he turned on me. “And my little Frank. Married now, eh?” he cocked his head and grinned. “And here I thought you liked killing boys instead of loving them.”

My back went stiff as I heard the gasps fill the air behind us. Our family and friends were in an uproar. The piece of shit raised his hands, stepping closer to us.

“Now, now!” he called, causing everyone to sink into a stiff silence. He looked back at me. “Now, Frank, Emily, you know why I'm here. And we can do this the easy way, or the hard way.” he snapped his fingers and the dead leaves in the trees started to rustle.

Dozens of bodies fell from the trees. Shrieks filled the air around us now as the people closer to the middle huddled away from the people in black.

“GET DOWN!!!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. They did as they were told and shriveled to wooden floor. I looked at Gee, Ems and Mikey.

There was a fierce light in all their eyes as Emily started to gracefully bow to her feet. Her hand slipped under her skirt and came back with her flowers. I noticed the shine in them and smiled.

Mikey was un-tucking his tie and I saw hoe stiffly it moved. Gee was pulling his arm up a little into his sleeve and I copied his action.

Together, the four of us shot out and started in on the scouts father had brought. We had all freed our daggers and were cutting at throats and stabbing stomachs.

There was screaming all around us and we danced along the line all the way around the circle.

Once we were back to our starting point, there were corpses all around us, rimming the edges of the circle. The fucker stood in a bit and he stared at us.

I looked at the other three. They all had animalistic grins that matched mine. Mom stood up and walked up to my side. “Mom get down.” I hissed at her. She didn't listen and stood by me stubbornly. Donna copied her, standing by Gee.

My face was swept clean of any emotion as I face him. He was looking at our little group like we were a high school debate team. No danger at all.

“As you can see, we don't want to go. You are free to leave and never come back. But if you do, and if you send more scouts, none of you will be going home. Now, if you want to fight, come fight. But leave my family out of this.” my voice was a scary monotone.

He looked at me like I was a kitten hissing and clawing at him. Then he threw his head back and laughed.

It boomed around us and mom shuttered at my side. I shook her off, stepping forward. When she tried to follow, I held her back with a hand.

“Love?” I said tonelessly. Mom gasped when Gee grabbed her and I felt her weight off of my arm. I continued down the steps.

I went up to stand right in front of him. He looked at me, his eyes full of scorn. Then they went blank and he nodded.

“I accept your challenge, Frank. And as you know, it is to the death.” his voice was flat and I nodded stiffly.

“Well then, shall we begin?” he asked, sweeping his head in a low bow. I followed his stance and when we snapped back up, I started to circle him. He stayed in the same place.

Stupid. I thought and lunged at him. No dagger. Just my hands. He moved at the last second and I brought my leading foot around to keep from falling.

Gerard's Point of view

Watching Frankie fight again nearly killed me. He was my husband now and if he lost...I really would die. It'd be like Romeo and Juliet.

After they got married, they'd both died. Oh my god I hoped Frankie was going to win.

All of my worrying was locked behind my eyes. My face was smooth as Frankie's mom – my mother in law – fight against my arm. She kept trying to get free.

I held her tightly and tears splattered my face as she turned on me. Her eyes were desperate and pleading, but I didn't let her go. Once she saw that she was getting nowhere, she turned and fought against my arm again.

Emily stepped up to me and touch our mother. She stopped and looked at Emily's blank face. Then to Mikey's next to us. Then back to mine.

And she collapsed over my arm, crying silently. I turned my attention back to Frankie.

He was twisting in on his self and away from the man. I leaned forward a bit but didn't move my feet.

His movements were clean as he turned and danced away from his opponent. The man laughed and Frankie started to move faster.

He spun and caught the mans open back. Driving his leg into his spine, Frankie twisted out of reach as the man howled and screeched.

Frankie advanced and started hitting crucial nerves. I could see him hit every one of them from here.

First the neck, then the side, then the arms. He carried on like that until the man was flat on the floor, Frankie looking down over him.

He drew his dagger and knelled by the man.

“Game over.” he said loudly in his frightening monotone and sliced the man's throat.

There was a choke and a gurgle from the man as he tried to move his numb arms. He gave up and a wry smile touched his red lips.

With his last breath, he gurgled, “That's my boy.” and his body jerked once.

Frankie's back had gone stiff and he turned to face us. Our moms had both been watching in silent horror as he fought, his mom pulling herself together.

He opened his mouth and I let go of our mom. I went to him and took his face in my hands. His lip was split and his cheek was swollen from a punch.

I kissed him carefully, trying to not hurt him more. He kissed me back, dropping his dagger to the ground and putting his arms around me.

We pulled away and my lips felt wet. I touched my bottom lip and there was blood on it. Oh he was really hurt. But he still looked at me and smiled, making blood gush from his cut.

We went back to our moms and touched them. All the people who had came were still on the ground. Emily turned and started shouting. “It okay! You guys can get up now!” they started to get up and look around.

The bodies were still sitting where they'd fallen and our friend's pale faces looked at them all. Our moms clung to us and cried and yelled and hit us.

I looked at Frankie over mom's shoulder and kept rubbing her back. “It's over. It's over.” I murmured to both of them as I kept a steady pressure on mom's back.

Frankie shook his head at me and went back to trying to comfort his mom. I felt my back stiffen and my hand stopped. Mikey was holding Emily and there were no tears in his eyes. I noticed that only Emily was crying out of the four of us.

Mikey held her and stroked her hair and cooed randomness at her. There was a mass crying from our guests and I looked at them.

They were all looking at us, sobs breaking through the mass of people and silent tears dripping from sad faces. I wondered how we looked to them.

The four killers broken down and holding our family in loving arms. We must look so strange. I looked over my family and only saw........well them.

It was Mikey holding Emily, Frankie holding his mom and me holding mine. Emily's dress was splattered with blood and Frankie's sleeve was torn. Mikey's plain black cotton suit looked darker in some places and I had no idea what I looked like.

After the sun had started setting, we nudged at our girls and murmured to them. “Mom?” I heard Frankie start and Mikey coo “Emily.”

I looked down at mom and her face was tear soaked and splotchy. She hadn't looked like this since our ass-hole of a dad had left. Oh god. I hugged her tight against my chest and whispered in her ear. “I'm sorry,”

I felt Frankie's hands on my shoulders and I looked up to see him kneeling behind me. He caught my chin and kissed me softly. The crowd, - how had they not left yet? - rang out a sigh of 'awww'.

It rose in the air and my Frankie put his arms around me. Whatever was going to happen next, I think we can handle it. I thought.

The second it formed in my mind, I regretted it. I hope I didn't just jinx things by thinking that.

GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was shocking even to me. Never write anything that comes to you and work from it. Not the last chapter yet so don't delete this from your favorites or close the window!!!!!!! R+R PLEASEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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