Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Bang Bang

by PatrickIsTheSex 2 reviews

Mmkay, so basically this is a Poem I wrote at school in science. XD I dont listen in lessons. Ah well, it's frerard btw. Um, it's third person POV. Reviews are nice y'know. (:

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-03-04 - Updated: 2011-03-05 - 93 words - Complete

You've always been there,
Whenever Im up or down you stick around
Bang Bang
The last thing I hear, before the ambulance
why am I dead? I ask myself
Don't cry death is romantic,
Just carry on,
In the end, we'll be together,
in heaven and in hell,
Just know, I'll always love you,
No matter what.

Fini. (: What ya think? It's not that good but it's okay. Sorry if it doesn't make sence, my writing was really messy in my book fir sone reason lol. :)
Hi Coralie. (: I know your Reading this.
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