Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's so wrong, yet so right.

Chapter 4.

by PatrickIsTheSex 3 reviews

Heh... I can't think of one.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-03-10 - Updated: 2011-03-11 - 644 words

Hey guys! I'm officially in love with you all, really, I mean it! My chapters have been soo short so, I have a plan because I don't have a book where I can write them first because I usually just write them straight from my head onto here on my iPod. (Yeah; my mom would kill me if she knew I came on here!) imma write them in lesson and then update them! Simples! I'm gonna let you read now XD loveyouverymuches(:

Gerard POV
Mikey is so stupid! I just found him in the kitchen shoving a fork into the toaster. Why lord, why me?! Honestly, he can be so stupid.

Anyway, I have art with Frank tomorrow. I truly cannot wait to see him. Even Jesu hearing about him makes me want to melt in a puddle.
-FastForward to art cause I'm not writing about Gee marking work-

Frank POV
"Okay class, please take out your art homework and place it on my desk" Mr.Way said leaning against the whiteboard. Wait a second! Did he say homework? Shit! I forgot to bring it! I got out of my seat walked over to him. "Um, Mr. Way, I forgt my homework" I said nervously looking up at him. "I'll speak to you After class" he replied going back to his own desk. I sighed and sat down at my own desk. Now I'm in trouble, should I call 911 now?

After the bell went I stayed seated at my desk. Mr. Way looked up and called me over. "Hav you actually done your homework?" he asked me raising his eyebrows. "Y-yes sir" I said looking down. "Frank I'm gonna ask you a question okay" he said. I was too nervous to speak so I just nodded. "Will you just call me Gee? There's no one around" he said getting up from his desk. "O-okay" I said lookin up at him. "come here" he said holding his arms out to mr. I smiled and cuddled up to him. "Its lunch now, why don't we go to Starbucks?" he said letting go of me. "Mmkay" I replied walking out.

Gerard POV.
When we arrved at starbucks I smiled at the boy standing next to me. "...that'll be £7.43 please" wait? What? I don't remeber ordering I was busy Frank. "I got my wallet out and quickly payed muttering a thanks and leading frank to a table. "So, Frank, what do you do in your spare time?" I asked him. "Oh, um, I play guitar and read...books, that it and comics. I like me some comics" I said and he let out a laugh. "Oh, and my guitars name is pansy!" I added excitedly. "Pansy?" he said raising his eyebrows. "Hey! Respect the name!" I shouted laughing. We ended up leaning on eachother we were laughing so hard. "So, do you like batman?" gerard asked me which started up our heated conversation about said Batman.

Gerard POV
I looked at my watch and gasped. We only had five minutes to get back to school and it was a ten minute drive! Crap! Ah well. I quickly grabbed franks hand and pulled him out of starbucks." We've got five minutes to get back to school" I told him rushing to my side of the car. When we gt back to school the bell was just about to go. I gave frank a quick hug and kissed his forehead. "I'll drive you home" I shouted to him.

Mmkay, too short? Yeah, thought so sorry! It's just I'm actually revising for a test I've got and doing this but after I've had the test I'll make sure these are alot longer! Test is on frday so extra long chapter then and another update on Saturday then one on Tuesday and then... I don't know. Keep on livin' people.
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