Categories > Original > Fantasy > Magyck


by ArtemysStonedragon 0 reviews

The band room at Jailen Gifted Prep School was the second most interesting, colorful room, only following the art room. The band room had sky blue walls, plastered music notes, composer/musician po...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Humor - Published: 2011-03-15 - Updated: 2011-03-15 - 811 words

So heres chapter 2. Hope you all enjoy! Please review!

Hint Hint The more reviews I get the more likely I am to put up a new chapter. :)

And now on with the story!


The band room at Jailen Gifted Prep School was the second most interesting, colorful room, only following the art room. The band room had sky blue walls, plastered music notes, composer/musician posters, and musical quotes. The room had four rows of chairs, arched for the different sections. The room was really only used during marching season for announcements and learning new music. Today was for both.

Cassie and Seth were in the back of the room, just behind the trombones in the fourth row, setting up their instruments; Seth, his quads and Cassie, her snare. They made sure they ended up next to each other, directly behind the middle of the trombone section. Every now and again they would smack, lightly, a random trombone player in front of them with their sticks.

Once everything was in the right spot, they joked around til the band director was ready. The wait wasn't long. Ms. Summers stepped up onto the directors platform and tapped her baton on her conductors stand. When everyone in the room was quiet she cleared her throat, “as you all know Friday is homecoming day. This year, we, the band, will be doing something different.” She bent down to the box next to the platform and pulled out a stack of sheet music, “Not only are we marching at the night football game, but also playing pep music at the afternoon soccer game. So section leaders please come up and get the pep packets for your sections.” Cassie looked over at Seth. He looked a little sad but got up from his chair to go his sections packets.

Cassie watched him walk to the front of the room, then scanned the rest of the band. She shook her head at the looks Seth was getting from the members of the other sections. Some confused, others disbelief, but most were disgusted. She watched Ms. Summers look up at Seth and smile. A genuine smile, not a fake smile most teachers gave the poor boy.

Cassie smiled then. Ms. Summers was one of those eccentric teachers, the ones that didn’t give a damn about regulations or the school board. All she cared about was music. If you showed a general interest in any music, she liked you. Ms. Summers was Cassie's favorite teacher. Out of Cassie's ten classes, she had Ms. Summers for four.

Just then, Ms. Summers looked at Cassie and motioned for the drummer to come to the conductors platform. Cassie made her way to the music teacher, noticing the looks she got from the others. The looks weren't as bad as the ones Seth received, but they still were ones of disgust. She shook her head, the main difference between Seth and her was she noticed the looks, while Seth didn't.

It only took a minute for Cassie to get to Ms. Summers. When she got to her music teacher, she received a smile. Ms. Summers pulled out a pep packet, “Cassie I need you to play bass clarinet for the soccer game. Are you okay with that?” Cassie took the packet and nodded, “Yes ma'am. Do you want me to sit between the clarinets and saxophones or can I sit in the back with the drumline?” Ms. Summers looked thoughtfully at the band, the section leaders handing the pep music to their sections. She looked back at Cassie, “Which would you prefer?” Cassie answered without thinking, “Drumline.” Ms. Summers nodded, “Alright, go get your bass clarinet and get ready.” Cassie thanked her teacher, turned and rushed to get ready.

Cassie made her way to her locker in the instrument closet. She grabbed her giant case and headed back to the drumline universe. On her way there, she smiled when she saw that Seth was putting her snare away. When she got to where her drum used to be set up she sat and started putting her bass clarinet together.

She smiled at Seth, “Thanks for putting my stuff away.” Seth just shrugged, “Eh.. You would have done the same for me. Plus we would have already started playing by the time you got to putting your bass together if you had to put your snare away.” Cassie smiled, “Very true. It also means I have an awesome best friend.” Seth just smirked, “Or it could be that.” Cassie just shook her head slowly and got her music ready.

Once both Seth and Cassie had their pep music and instruments fully ready, they looked up to watch Ms. Summers. The director raised her baton and started the rehearsal. Seth playing the rhythms of the drumline perfectly, while Cassie belted out the bass line.
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