Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Faring Well

Chapter 16

by whoah-that 8 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-03-30 - Updated: 2011-03-31 - 1923 words

Gerard collapsed on the couch, leaning his elbows on his knees and holding his head in his hands. He let out a deep sigh of relief, which turned into a light moan when he felt hands massaging his shoulders from behind.

“See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Frank murmured.

“How did you do that?” Gerard asked, grabbing Frank’s hand and pulling the smaller boy into his lap. “It’s like, she looked at you and went from being a complete bitch to a sweet kitten.”

“It’s amazing what simply being polite can accomplish,” Frank answered, looking pointedly at Gerard.

“Hey, you’d be nervous too if you had a little brother they were going to take away from you,” Gerard returned defensively.

“Relax, baby. I’m just kidding.” Frank held Gerard’s hands in his own apologetically, winding their fingers together gently. Gerard sighed, a small smile on his face.

“I--” Just as he was about to tell Frank that he understood, his phone began buzzing on the coffee table. “Son of a bitch,” he muttered, pressing his face into Frank’s back.

“Gonna answer that?”

“Let it go to voicemail,” Gerard replied listlessly. He wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone but Frank right now. He was too exhausted.

“Gerard, what if it’s important?” The smaller boy nudged his boyfriend, making the latter groan and pick up the phone. He looked at the caller ID and groaned again.

“Hello, Sarah,” he mumbled, suppressing an eye-roll, remembering that she couldn’t see him, and rolling his eyes.

“Hi, Gerard!” the excited voice rang out from the other end. It was Sarah Valens, Harper’s little sister. She was in ninth grade, and had been in love with Gerard since he’d befriended Harper in their own freshmen year, when Sarah had been in sixth grade. “How are you? I haven’t talked to you in a while. How’s life? How’re your classes?” she rattled, Gerard biting down on his lower lip to keep from snapping at her.

“I’m just great, Sarah. Listen, did you need something?” He couldn’t completely suppress a slight twang of bitterness in his tone, caused by his annoyance at being interrupted while he was with Frank.

“Oh! Yeah!” Gerard could imagine her blushing at being caught babbling, like she always did when she tried to talk to him. It had been cute at first, but after about a month…well, it was difficult to be civil. And now three years had passed. Gerard felt that he was kind of over her stupid crush. “I was wondering if I could come over to talk to you real quick? I mean, I don’t want to do this over the phone…” Gerard restrained himself from letting out a heavy, disgruntled sigh. If she was going to confess her love for him--again--he was certainly not in the mood for it at the present.

“Is it…important?” he asked, not wanting to be an asshole about it. She was, after all, Harper’s sister.

“I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important,” Sarah responded sourly. Gerard sighed, rubbing his temples with his free hand.

“Fine,” he finally said. “But…I have to go to work at…soon, so try to make it quick.” That was a lie. He had nowhere to be, as he’d taken off that day to make sure he didn’t get a call asking where he was in front of the social worker.

“I’ll be there in a few!” the young teen said breathlessly before hanging up. Gerard tossed his phone back onto the coffee table, leaning back and looping his arms loosely around Frank’s waist.

“What was that about?” Frank leaned back, resting his cheek on Gerard’s chest. Gerard tightened his arms around his waist.

“Harper’s little sister. She said she had something 'important' to tell me. I think she's coming over to tell me she's in love with me...for the third time...this year..." Gerard sighed heavily, but Frank laughed and kissed his cheek.

“Sounds cute,” Frank chuckled.

"It was cute three years ago. Now, I just wish she'd find someone else." Gerard sighed again, wondering why he couldn't have just one day where no one wanted anything from him, at all.

"Well, you've found someone else, and that's all that matters," Frank told him, pushing the taller boy so that he was on his back on the couch. Frank straddled his hips and leaned down to kiss him. Gerard froze; Mikey was in the house.

"Uhh..." Gerard mumbled into his mouth.

"Mikey's upstairs, baby," Frank whispered, beginning to unbutton Gerard's black shirt. "And no one else is around." Even though it had been two months since they'd gotten together, the two teens still weren't public about their relationship, not even with Ray and Harper. A simple hug when out in public made Gerard seize up, let alone hand-holding or kissing.

"I don't know..." Gerard returned hesitantly, at war in his own head. He badly wanted this, but still: Mikey....

"Don't make me beg," Frank whined, pressing his body down onto Gerard's. The other boy gave in, kissing his boyfriend back and wrapping his arms around his waist and neck. Just as they were really getting into it, the doorbell rang.

"Are ya screwin' with me..." Gerard said to no one in particular. Frank sat up and allowed Gerard to stand, his hair slightly mussed, his shirt hanging half off his body.

"You might wanna fix yourself," Frank suggested. Gerard shrugged off the button-up so that he was clad in only a black tee shirt and slacks. He folded the shirt and set it on the arm of the couch as the doorbell rang again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Gerard dragged his feet to the front door, taking a deep breath and braving himself before opening the door.

"Hi, Gerard!" There stood the fourteen-year-old Sarah Valens: short, thin, blonde, nothing at all like the dark-featured Harper. She was smiling widely, all her perfect, straight teeth showing, the same ones that, just months prior, had been decked out in braces.

"Hey, Sarah," Gerard answered, trying to sound polite. He stepped aside so that Sarah could go in. He led her through to the living room, where Frank was still seated on the couch. "Frank, Sarah. Sarah, Frank." Gerard's brief introduction seemed to satisfy the other two teens, who nodded and smiled at one another. "So...what can I do for you?" Maybe with Frank there, she wouldn't do anything drastic.

Well--I mean, uh...” Gerard wanted to smack himself. “ know, I mean...Umm...”

“Spit it out, Sarah,” Gerard said impatiently. “Places to be, remember? I can’t be late.” He didn’t know why he felt the need to lie to her; he just didn’t want to be a complete asshole. Then again, she might get the hint...

“Right,” she said, then took a deep breath. She let it out slowly and began again. “Well, you know how I’m in the drama club at school?” Gerard nodded. “Well, we’re having auditions for the play on Monday, and...well...long story short, Mr. Karp, our teacher, said that he had a role in mind for me in it.”

“And this concerns”

“Well, you know that our department’s mostly girls, right? Well, Mr. Karp said that if he doesn’t get enough boys trying out for the play, he’s gonna cancel it, and--” Gerard gaped and cut her off.

“No, no, absolutely not. I know exactly what you’re going to ask, and the answer is no. Sorry, Sarah, but I am not going to be in any play, at this school or any other.” Gerard folded his arms across his chest defiantly.

“Please, Gerard! Please! I really, really want to get a part. I mean, a freshman getting cast? It would be crazy, it would mean I have real talent. Please, please, please? It’s only a six-person cast, so you probably won’t get cast anyway. We just need boys trying out. Ray’s doing it.” Sarah clasped her hands in front of her face and bit her lower lip, begging Gerard with her eyes.

“How the hell did you get Ray to agree to try out for a play?” Gerard asked, amazed.

“I told him I’d get Harper to forgive him for the little bitch-fit he pitched about her hooking up with Bob Bryar at that party,” Sarah answered with a smug smile, proud.

“Blackmail. Nice,” Gerard told her, nodding.

“Now, don’t change the subject...”

“I’m sorry, Sarah, but my answer is no.”

“But why?” Sarah whined, stomping her foot. “I’m not even asking that you sing a song, or dance, or anything. Hell, you don’t even need a monologue, because you get a cold reading of the play at auditions. All I’m asking is that you show up and read a few lines out of a book. Is that so much to ask?” At this, she jutted out her lower lip and knitted her eyebrows together sadly. Gerard sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, looking at Frank.

“Wanna try out for a play?” he asked, defeated.

Heya! Vassup? So...pretty cool of me, I got this up in ten days. Ten short, tiny, little days. It feels nice. I have so much of this story planned out from here, and it's just so much fun to write. I always find myself having the one story that's really serious and deep, and then I have the story like this one, where I just really enjoy writing it, regardless of how it's received by the others that read it. Funny fact about this chapter: I had two beginnings written to it. It's so funny, because I guess I started writing this chapter after posting the last one, and then forgot I wrote it, and then started writing the chapter again, haha. Weird thing is, they were both COMPLETELY different. Like, they weren't going to follow the same story at all. Crazy, right? I dunno, I found it funny. Make sure to check out the PS for a little something extra if you're interested. So...yeah...Go comment+rate+subscribe, please, and I'll try to update ASAP. OverAndOutxx

PS: To my reader Truthchild8, you thought I was ignoring you, huh? No such luck! See, for those of you that didn't see, this girl asked me to put the name Sarah into my story, just in passing. And I was like, "Um, yes?" You see, I have such trouble coming up with names for characters that aren't the main ones (because I use all the good names for the main people), so this actually helped me a lot. And the name Sarah fits Harper's sister, does it not? So look at that, she asked for a cameo and ended up a major character in the story. So if any of you want me to mention your name (or any name, I guess) in the story, I'd freaking love to. Just put it in your comment, and if I feel like I like you, I'll do it. Now, I can't promise a major character, as this was just coincidence, but I will do my best to get the name in here as long as you can be patient for when it's the right time. =] So, yeah. Thanks.
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