Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Helena

Mama, we all go to hell

by adrenaline_bomb 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-04-12 - Updated: 2011-04-12 - 1718 words

I let Gerard take my hand and walk me outside, up the steps and to the porch, Ray and Bob were holding hands behind us and Brian was on my left, with Mikey on Gee's right. I gave a weak smile and squeezed Gerard's hand and knocked on the door, my usual knock, three times-pause-two times- pause- and then another just for the hell of it. I could see my mother come rushing down the hall through the stain glass window of our front door.

"Frank!" She said and hugged me, I gave her a one armed hug back- still holding onto Gerard's hand.

"Hey Mom, it's great to see you. I'm afraid we won't be staying though, I have something to tell you and Dad." I said, nerves racking through my body. How was I going to tell them that their only son was gay?

"Oh, okay sweetie." She smiled and seemed to let Gerard and I's entwined fingers go unnoticed.

"Frank! Frank's home." My mother called, walking into the kitchen where my father was sitting at the table, reading a newspaper. He set it down and I told my mother to sit, still gripping firmly onto Gee's hand- my father gave a suspicious glance at this, but said nothing about it.

"I have something to tell you, and it's big and you won't like it." I sighed and my father looked up at me.
"You're not turning damn protestant are you?" He growled, shit this was going to be bad. I shook my head.
"You've met a girl haven't you?" My mother inquired and I shook my head again.
"Oh lord. Frank, you've had sex, haven't you?" My mother gasped and Brian snickered slightly. I just had to tell them.
"You unholy creature. How dare you do such a thing! Who was this girl and when are we meeting her?" My father snarled. "You better tell me you got married before hand, at the very least engaged!?" He shouted and even Bob looked scared at my father shouting. Girl. That was the word that made me lose it. Girl. Phsch.
"Actually I have had sex, fucking twice." I spat. "And no, were not married but we're fucking going to be." I spat and my father's face flushed red with rage.
"ALL THOSE YEARS OF CATHOLIC SCHOOL! IF IT WASN'T BAD ENOUGH YOU RUINED YOU'RE BODY AND THEN JOINED A CULT THAT CLAIMS TO 'MAKE MUSIC TO SAVE LIVES'" My mother screamed and Gerard let a snarl lose from the very confines of his chest. Tears were prickling the back of my eyes- no, I can't cry.
"Don't you DARE speak to my fucking fiancé like that you worthless pieces of SHIT!" He yelled, striking my Father to the floor with his right hand- never removing his left from mine.
"What?!" My mother gasped, "Please tell me this isn't... that you're not..." My mother struggled to say the word.
"Gay? Why yes. I'm fucking gay and I'm getting married to Gerard Arthur motherfucking Way and there isn't anything you can do about it." I smirked, though the tears were building in my eyes no matter how hard I tried to blink them back.
"You worthless piece of scum!" My father muttered and punched me hard in the jaw- I didn't even flinch.
"Do you really think that after all those years of Catholic school, being sent away to be beaten up by evil old ladies called nuns, that one smack in the jaw could hurt me? It takes a lot and you're no stronger than me father. So don't start a fight, cause I'll fucking win, old man." I growled, not bothering to wipe away the blood that was trickling from the cut he had made with his wedding ring, just under neath my eye.
"YOU ARE GOING TO BURN IN HELL! ALL OF YOU!!" My mother and father screamed at the same time, I smirked and turned around, walking towards the door, but I stopped halfway and turned around.
"Mama, we all go to hell." I snarled and walked straight out of my front door, slamming it on the way out and running straight back inside the bus.
I curled up on the sofa and started to cry; I'd done well to hold back the tears for so long.
"Aww, Frank. I didn't think it would be so bad." Gerard soothed and pulled me onto his lap, cradling me close against him.
"That was fucking shitty, I have to admit." Mikey said and sat down on the floor seeing as me and Gee were spread on one couch and Ray and Bob were on the one opposite.
"What? Did you think I was over-reacting or something?" I snapped and then shook my head in apology. "It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be though, I think they saw it coming what with the whole Frerard thing on stage- they'd watched a few you tube videos of our shows so I think they were just in denial." I said, drying my eyes and resting my head on Gerard's chest, kissing his cheek first to show I was okay.
"Okay guy's you're home." Brian said and we did the usual goodbye hugs with- 'give us a call if you need anything' and 'keep in touch' es and the like. We grabbed our bags from the under compartment of the bus and made our way up the steps to Gerard and Mikey's family home... which was now mine too.
Mikey opened the door and we all dumped our stuff in the hallway.
"Mom! We're home!" Mikey yelled and Donna Way came crashing down the stairs and into Mikey's arms.
"Oh! I've missed you so much! How was disneyland? Did the tour go okay? Is Frank moving in? What's this I hear about Ray and Bob?" She gabbled and we all chuckled as Mikey answered the questions she had just bombarded them with.
"I've missed you too, mom. Disney land was interesting, the tour went amazing, Frank is moving in and yeah, Bob and Ray are together. Why did you ask anyway? We text all the time!" Mama Donna giggled and smiled at the rest of us.
"Aww! Gerard! My baby boy has a boyfriend! I never thought I'd see the day he admitted to himself he was gay!" She squealed and hugged him tight, causing him to blush.
"You knew?" He gasped, mocking pure horror.
"My boy, you wear feather boas, eye liner, occasional foundation and have shoulder length hair which you always dye. You wear incredibly tight pants, shake your ass a lot and make out with you're best friend on stage-" She was cut off by Gerard.
"OKAY! I think that's enough!" He said, blushing furiously.
"Fwankiepooh's, where's my hug?" She pouted and I hugged her tight. 'Is this what it's like to have a Mom who loves you?' I wondered and Donna pulled away, hands on my shoulder's and looking me in the eye. Shit... I'd said that out loud.
"Frankie? What do you mean?" She asked and I shook my head, I couldn't even go down that road of memories myself, let alone open up for anyone else. She hugged the rest of our group and smiled at us all.
"It's nice to have more people in the house. Ooh! I made cookies!" She said excitedly and we laughed, following her into the kitchen. Mikey sat next to his Mom and Ray sat on Bob's lap, and I sat next to Gerard, him holding my hand on the table. Donna brought out a plate of cookies and some of her famous chocolate milk as well, which we all happily accepted.
"How long have Bob and Ray been together then?" Donna asked and they blushed, we all shrugged, we didn't know ourselves.
"Senior year." Bob muttered and we all looked ate them, shocked.
"Did you even know each other?" Mikey asked, clearly confused, Bob was raised in Chicago.
"Yeah, we met in a music store, I used to work there with my side job as a producer." Bob mumbled and Ray shifted uncertainly.
"So, Ray. When we were looking for a drummer after Matt, did you ask Bob on the grounds that he was you're boyfriend or a kick ass drummer?" Gerard teased and Ray blushed more.
"Both, kinda..." He replied, looking more embarrassed than I have ever seen Ray Toro.
"Why didn't you tell us?" I asked.
"We didn't want it to effect the band, so we kept it low profile." Ray replied and a few things clicked together.
"I get it now! That's why your bunk is always well made and smells clean- you sleep in Bob's! That's where you two disappear to before shows and that's why you two always try and stay in to play video games when we go out! AND that's why you two always go and do the shopping on tour together and why Bob moved in with Ray instead of one of us when he couldn't stay in Chicago because he was short of cash! Why didn't we notice before?" I asked, shocked that none of us had noticed.
"I guess we were just good at hiding it." Bob shrugged.
"We thought it was for the best, man." Ray agreed and Bob smirked.
"We don't need to hide it now though." Bob grinned and Ray kissed him full on, which was actually okay to watch- it was cute. Which is a lot to say that two tall tough guys making out is cute- but hell, it is!
"Please...No more PDA... I can't take it!" Mike begged and we all laughed at his innocence.

R&R- I wanna know what you think of it ;D if it's shit please do tell me.
My mom found one of the sex scenes saved on the somputer and she was like 'well, it's good but how does a 12 year old know so much about gay sex?' and I gave the worst reply possible.
' Experience, I guess.'
I could've died right there.
So yeah, R&R please
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