Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Kids From Yesterday

Chapter 7

by KimmaLoveLaugh 0 reviews

"I'll always be here for you."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-04-15 - Updated: 2011-04-15 - 667 words

Chapter 7- Autumn's POV

I  laid in my bed with my music blasting through the house. It was the only thing that drowned out the lovebirds next door. They were ridiculous. Frank was always here. Even when Mia wasn't he would just stay here waiting for her to come back from class. Didn't that kid have a life? Or a family? I sighed and rolled over, staring up at the ceiling. 

It has been three days since my fight with Gerard and I missed him. I really did but he was just such an asshole to me. I wasn't wrong. I just didn't want to get into this that quickly and then have it fall apart at the seams. It wasn't fair to either of us. He really didn't understand that but how could I tell him? How would he understand? He wouldn't. I sighed again and covered my eyes with my arm. I just want to be able to talk to him again. 

Suddenly there was a knock on my door that took me out of my thoughts. I reached over and paused my music, “Come in.” I yelled. I looked over to the door and saw Mia slowly make her way into the room. 

“Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?” She spoke quietly. 

I looked over at her and raised an eyebrow, “Yeah, what's up?” She walked over to the bed and sat down looking at me. 

“What happened with you and Gerard?” She bit her bottom lip and I could tell she didn't want to upset me even more. I didn't know what to say to her. I wasn't really even sure what happened between us. The fight was so unexpected. 

“I just...” I sighed and looked away from her. “I feel like he's pushing me to be with him.”

I could still feel her eyes on me, “But I thought you wanted to be with him.” I groaned and bit the inside of my lip. 

“I do! I just. I don't want to move too fast.” I closed my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair. “It's going to end badly if we move too fast.”

“Why would it end badly? He adores you, Autumn.” I could feel her move on the bed and when I opened my eyes she was now sitting cross-legged, facing me. I sat up and folded my hands in my lap. 

“It would. Something would happen and I'd get hurt. That's what always happens. Relationships cause people to get hurt.” I looked down at my folded hands, slightly embarrassed with what I just disclosed to Mia. 

“That's not true. Autumn, Gerard would never hurt you. You know that. He's a great guy.” I didn't know what to say back so we just sat in silence for a few moments. I knew she was right. Gerard would probably cut off his own arm before he hurt me but I can't shake this feeling that this will end badly. I was about to speak before I heard Mia talk again, “And you pushing him away is only going to hurt you more. It's fine to take things slow but if it goes too slow you're going lose him.” 

I looked up at her and I knew she was right. She knew she was right. And again before I could respond, she stood up and looked at me again, “Just think about it, Autumn.” She said before she walked out of my bedroom, walking back into her room. 

I sat staring at my wall for a long time. Can I really just tell Gerard that we can be together and that would be it? Will it be that simple? I looked over at the my night table and grabbed my phone off it. I started a new message to Gerard, contemplating what to say to him. What if he was still mad? What if he had given up on me? I swallowed and sent him a '
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