Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Kiss Me Deadly

Bury This Alive

by Artficial_Sunshine 10 reviews

It's been a year, and Sakura is forced once again to deal with her past, except this time, she must go face to face with HIM, the person responsible for her furies. [Warning: really dark]

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Sakura, Sasuke - Warnings: [R] [V] - Published: 2006-05-22 - Updated: 2006-05-23 - 840 words

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, etc...

Chapter Three: Bury this Alive

"Sakura, you haven't changed a bit..." She could feel his warm breathe make it's way down her bare neck.

"Still gorgeous..."

'Another little white lie.'

He was wrong. He had to be. There were too many impurities buried beneath her flesh, pathogens that found their way deep under Sakura's very skin. She was infected, slowly poisoning everything she touched. No, she was no longer gorgeous, not after she killed his dream.

"I'm on a mission." Sakura attempted to keep her body steady, but the charkra being emitted from his curse seal made her nauseous; weak.

"Of course you are. You've become quite the shinobi." Sasuke's words were more of a paradox, even his tone was edged with mockery. Sasuke's time with Orochimaru had changed him for the worse.

Just as how Sakura's time with Sasuke changed her for the worst as well.

-F- The Anbu's muscular arms wrapped around Sakura's waif body. Even though she had just been rescued from Sound, fear still chilled her bones. They were taking her back to Konoha. Her abdomen was sore. Every time they moved from tree to tree she winced.

Sakura knew sooner or later they were going to find out what she was so desperately trying to hide. -F-

"I always was. You've just refused to take note of it." Maybe she was right, but Sasuke disregarded her retort for the time being. He had something else clouding his mind.

"Where are the others?" Sakura quickly snapped him out of thought and he released Sakura from his grip.

"Naruto, Tenten, and the rest of your team made their way to Sound. Don't worry, the girl is being taken care of. If you follow Sound's demands the mission should go smoothly." Sakura played with the fringe on her signature gloves. Something about they way he said 'demands' made her queasy. There was a catch.

"What exactly is he demanding from them?" Sasuke's glower twisted into a smirk, making Sakura even more uncomfortable.

"Oh, no, he isn't demanding anything from anyone. I am calling the shots tonight, and what I want is you."

Dear God No.

-F- Tsunade shook her head. Sakura was in worse condition than she had imagined.

Tsunade's heart went out to her apprentice, whatever happened in Sound must've been sickening.

But she wasn't just concerned about the physical wounds Sakura suffered; No, Tsuande was more worried about the emotional damage inflicted upon her.

Sasuke was involved, and Tsunade knew it. She just didn't want to know how.

"Tsunade, something odd came up in the physical, it's something you need to check out." Turning around the Hokage nodded to the medic nin, shifting the weight of her feet as the she handed her over the file.

Looking through the chart Tsunade couldn't agree more; it was something odd alright. According to the chart...Sakura... she was...pregnant -F-

"You have a lot of nerve to think you could just walk away from me. You've known me long enough to have realized that nothing gets in the way of my ambitions; my dream." Sakura trembled nervously.

Did he know?

As Sasuke began to step dangerously closer Sakura lost her footing and stumbled backwards. "You could've stayed in Sound. I thought you wanted us to be together. After all, you do love me."

Sakura covered her ears. At the time of her confession what she felt seemed like love, but what twelve year old knows the difference between immature lust and the true, grow old together, pure, unconditionally feeling of love?

Sakura didn't know what love was back then, and just like her twelve year old self she still did not know now.

"No!" Sakura shouted. She didn't care about him at this point anymore. She just wanted to go away. Away from him, her life, and the consequences he made her suffer from.

"You..don't love me?" He was pushing her to the brink. "I..I don't mean that. I just..." Sakura found herself drowning in her own words. He was tearing her apart, from the inside and out; just like before.

-F- His arms wrapped firmly around her waist and his face pressed against the nape of her neck. "Wouldn't it be nice if these moments could last forever?" Sakura bit her lip, wanting to answer no even though she knew it was a rhetorical question.

His grip around Sakura tightened causing her to whimper. Sasuke noticed this and decided to exploit the situation. "Does this hurt?" Sasuke pulled tighter and Sakura clenched her fists.

Shaking her head Sakura wasn't sure how much longer she could put up with him. At least not her current condition. '-F-

"Look, I'll do what you want for the sake of the mission. Just..." Sakura got caught in her own words. She was never a good negotiator.

Sasuke grinned, seemingly pleased. "In that case, you know exactly what I want."

Sakura was hoping he wouldn't say that.


Err, some changes there.
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