Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Bandit! EWW!

by ONotz 1 review

Bandit searches her dad, kinda freard.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-04-22 - Updated: 2011-04-22 - 244 words - Complete

Why did I do it? Why did I click search? Now my dad was all over the screen! With Frank! I thought I was going to screw with him.

(Next day)

“Dad!” I said when I walked in the room. He smiled “Yeah Bandit?” He said still looking at me.

“Do you like Frank?” I said and his eyes widened. “’Cause I see the way you look at him.” I finished. He went to speak and Frank walked in without his shirt on.

Gerard stared at him in horror. “What have you gone mad Bandit?” Dad said in a british accent. I shook my head.

“What were you all talking about?” Frank said and I giggled. Gerard turned towards him.

“She thinks I like you…” He said, Frank’s mouth twitched and he broke out laughing.

Dad just glared at hi. Frank walked over a pecked him on the lips It was a standard thing for them, it really didn’t matter. Dad broke into a grin and walked away. “Proof!” I screamed and he didn’t reply.

Frank turned to me “Am I hot?” e said looking down. I tilted my head “You look 16.” I said and he looked scared. I walked over and pecked his cheek and screamed “Dad your boyfriend’s tacking me to prom!” and I ran upstairs to come face to face with mom.

“What are you all doing?” She said giggling. I explained and she busted out laughing.
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