Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Think Happy Thoughts

Can I sleep in my clothes?

by Syphiel 5 reviews

The next day.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-04-25 - Updated: 2011-04-25 - 1326 words

Author’s Note: gotta love boring days at work. So yeah, I finished all my work and sat around writing for a couple hours till it was time to go to the ATM. Great way to spend the day. Great for you guys because it means another chapter. Ok so one quick note. I’m not following their actual tour schedule. I just started the tour in New Jersey cause of several reasons. 1) I’m in New Jersey. 2) MCR is from New Jersey. 3) I’m seeing them at Starland Ballroom in two weeks. 4) My band The Metal Mandalorians are in New Jersey. And no we don’t actually play any gigs. We kind of suck. I’m on drums and haven’t played in years. My boyfriend (Bill is not based on this boyfriend. Thunder is) is on bass. My best friend is our singer and our guitarist keeps disappearing to Ecuador. So yeah. This author’s note is way too long now so away with the story we go.


Moira woke slowly. Her head was pounding and her chest ached in a way that made moving hard. She slowly sat up and saw Thunder asleep on the floor next to her. She spoke quietly, less than even a whisper, “How did he get there?”

Slowly, things from the previous night started coming back to her. Images of Bill hitting her, kicking her, and even throwing her into the wall assaulted her memory. Then a softer memory took their place. Thunder taking care of her, making sure she woke up every hour and didn’t die from the concussion she surely had. Moira reached down and stroked Thunder’s soft white hair. It was naturally white, not dyed. He had been born with it that color.

Thunder blinked his eyes open. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his black sunglasses placing them over his eyes, “Morning darling. Glad to see you awake.”

Moira nodded, “Thank you.”

Thunder stood and stretched his arms over his head, “We should go see where we are. Mikey said something about going to Baltimore last night. I hope Matt was ok driving all night.”

A voice from the bunk above them floated down, “You owe me so much man.”

The sentence was followed by a loud snore. Moira giggled slightly before glancing at the bunk opposite her. The curtain was still pulled closed and she could see Bill’s sneakered foot sticking out. Climbing to her feet, biting back the pain in her ribs, she pulled his shoes off for him and covered him back up. Thunder shook his head. He couldn’t understand how someone so sweet like Moira could be with someone like Bill. Thunder yawned and climbed into his bunk above Bill. He turned to Moira, “Just grabbing a couple more winks.”

Moira nodded, noticing that Thunder left his sunglasses on even to take a nap. Moira made her way out to the small kitchen type area on the bus. She saw a note on the table. Picking it up, she read it out loud, “To all bands. Meeting to discuss rotation of opening acts. Yes I have a key to all your busses. Deal with it. Gerard.”

Moira giggled and went in search of her clothes. Finding a baggy shirt and a pair of Matt’s super baggy jeans, she got dressed. She stopped in the bathroom to apply new cover up to her cheek. She walked off the bus and saw at least one member from each of the other bands. The first person she recognized was Eva from Snow Blinded. Moira walked over to the pale girl and nodded a greeting. Eva nodded back to her. Moira yawned and shook her head. Eva giggled, “Long night?”

Moira shrugged, “Never slept on a moving bus before.”

Eva nodded, “I can understand that. Mike hit every bump on the way here.”

Moira laughed slightly, gasping when the motion hurt her ribs, “I think Matt took the same way as Mike. You played last night. You were really amazing on that piano.”

Eva smiled, “Thanks. I’ve been playing for a while. Are you ok?”

Before Moira could respond, she spotted Gerard and Bill walking over to them. Bill had a huge smile on his face. He wrapped his arms around Moira pushing on her bruised and possibly broken ribs, “Hey babe. Thank you for taking my shoes off for me. I guess I had one beer too much last night. Thunder told me how you took care of me this morning when you saw the state I fell into my bunk in. You are so good to me.”

Moira smiled around the pain, “Of course love. Anything for you.”

Gerard clapped his hands together, “Ok guys. Last night was an amazing way to open the tour. Let’s keep the energy going tonight. The guys and I talked it over last night on our bus and we decided that this rotation would be best. Tonight will be The Metal Mandalorians. The next show will be Daisy Chain and the last in the rotation will be Darkened Rainbow. The rotation will stay like that. Any questions?”

Moira looked around and saw everyone shrugging or shaking their heads. The motion left Moira feeling dizzy and she grabbed onto Bill’s arm. Gerard glanced over at her, “Um, Moira right? You ok?”

Moira glanced at Bill and saw the stern look in his eye. She smiled back at Gerard, “I’m fine Mr. Way. I got up last night and Matt hit a pothole and sent me flying but I’m fine now and I’ll be fine for the show.”

Gerard nodded, “Ok. Only if you are sure though. And please, it’s Gerard. That goes for everybody. No formalities here. I’m Gerard to everybody. The others are Frank, Mikey, and Ray. None of this mister stuff here. You trying to make us feel old or something?”

The whole group laughed as Gerard started walking away. Eva glanced at Moira, “Are you sure you are ok?”

Moira smiled big and falsely, “Yeah. I just got thrown around last night on the bus. I’ll be fine in a few hours.”

Eva nodded, “Ok. See you later.”

Moira nodded and turned to walk back to the bus with Bill. Bill glanced at her, “I’m sorry you know.”

Moira nodded, “I know.”

Bill lightly turned her head, “I am. Thunder told me how bad you were last night. I’m sorry. I just got so angry and I had a couple of drinks in me. I would never want to hurt you that bad. Forgive me?”

Moira smiled for real, “Of course. Bill I love you so much. I would do anything for you. I’m sorry if you thought I was looking at Gerard the same as I look at you. I wasn’t. He is just such an inspiration to me. His lyrics and his comic books. The writing is just so amazing. I keep trying to write lyrics like him but I know they are never that good. Your lyrics and his, they are just so amazing.”

Bill smiled and lightly kissed her, “Ok love. Now let’s go get some cereal from that convenience store over there. We have nothing stocked on the bus except for Matt’s stash of KitKat bars and you know he will impale us on a drum stick if we even think about touching one.”


Author’s Note: Bill is still evil. Don’t let this chapter sway you. I just wanted to show that sometimes abusers have different sides. They don’t always want to hurt to the point of almost death. They just want to dominate over someone. Be the bigger man, the alpha male basically. No not all abusers are like that but like I said last chapter I am writing from my own experience.
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