Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > "Stand up fucking tall. Don't let them see your back and take my fucking hand and never be afraid again"

Chapter 5.

by XFrankIeroismyheroX 10 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-04-30 - Updated: 2013-04-27 - 1174 words - Complete

After walking to the park I recognised as the one we used to play in whenever we were allowed out. Mikey and Frank led me over to a tree where four boys and a girl were sitting. One had an afro, big build and very smiley, another had dirty blond hair with a fringe, lip ring on the opposite side to Frank’s and big but not as big a build as the other one. I recognised them…they were our old friends. I remember from the colour of their eyes…don’t ask how but I do. What was their names again? Bob…and…Ray! Bob and Ray!!

“Gerard?” I heard Frank ask. I snapped my head to my left to see Frank looking at me strangely.

“Sorry…are those two called Bob Bryar and Ray Toro?” I asked.

“Yeah…how’d you know?”

“I recognise them, we were good friends…”

“Oh…Well the other two are October Leslie,” He pointed to a boy with blue-ish green eyes, heart shaped face, average nose, light freckling around his nose and cheeks, full light pink lips, hair brown with some white hairs scattered around styled so most was in covering one eye and short in the back. I’d say about 5”6. Cute, was my first thought. “That’s James Williams,” he moved his finger to point at a boy with grey eyes, short blonde hair, average sized nose, tear-drop shaped face, pale pink lips and about 5”9 by the looks of him. Also cute. “And she is Lacie Evans.” Frank finished pointing to a girl with blue-grey eyes, full-ish lips, lip piercing, choppy brown hair with pink streaks and fair skin. She looked about 5”7.

“Cool.” I said nervously walking towards them with Frank. Mikey had already got there.

“Don’t worry Gerard, Leslie and James are both bisexual and Lacie isn’t homophobic."

“Well…Okay.” I sighed.

“C’mon then!” Frank said grabbing my arm and pulling me towards them all.

“Hi guys! This is Gerard.” Frank introduced, happily sitting down on the soft grass, pulling me down with him.

“Hi!” Lacie said smiling a big smile at me.

“Hi.” I replied timidly, looking more closely at her she was wearing black skinny jeans, Misfits t-shirt (exactly like Frank’s) I laughed in my head at that, beaten up converse much like mine. She had a silver studded belt and a few band bracelets and a brass knuckle necklace. She also had lot of brightly coloured bows in her hair.

“I’m James.” James was wearing Cargo pants, a Green Day t-shirt, black and dark purple vans and a black beanie. He had a scar cutting through his left eyebrow and a tattoo on his left wrist of the Japanese symbol for music.

“And I’m Leslie.” Leslie had black skinny jeans, greeny-grey converse, and plain black fingerless gloves. He had a baggy Iron Maiden hoodie too.

“You remember us right Gee?” Bob asked.

“Y-yeah. Hi Bob, Ray.” I said.

“Right well now we all know each other, what shall we do? Mikey asked.

“CHICKEN!” Frank shouted.

“No Frank. Remember the last time we played that? You nearly got ran over!” Leslie said.

“Oh yeah…” Frank said, “Hm…How ‘bout spin the bottle, but with truth and dare?”

“Got a bottle anyone?” Bob asked.

“I do.” Lacie said retrieving a clear vodka bottle.

“Lacie?” Ray asked confused about the bottle.

“I didn’t drink it! Stop staring at me you know I hate being centre of attention! I found it and washed it and though it might come in handy.”

We formed a circle, me staying as close to Frank as possible, still nervous of their friends. Lacie had other ideas though.

“Don’t be shy Gerard.” And she sat right next to me putting a hand on my leg. She must be the flirty kind.

I started shaking slightly, not really knowing why. I’m not comfortable being near people. I don’t really know why I feel so okay with Frank actually. He just makes me feel safe somehow.

“G, are you alright?” He asked concerned.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine.” I answered.

“Sorry I’ll move, not the touchy type?” Lacie said moving away a little.

“S-sorry.” I stuttered, god what’s wrong with me?

“Don’t be I should, I’m kind of a flirty person.” She said timidly, fixing a bow that had become eschew.

“Kind of?” James scoffed. She gave me the finger and placed the bottle in the middle of the circle.

“Okay so…who’s first?” She asked spinning the bottle. The bottle spun around and around till it found her answer at…me. Of course that would happen!

“So Gerard truth or dare?” She asked.

“Uh,” I hate people staring at me. My palms started getting sweaty and I was going to hyperventilate if I wasn’t careful. “Truth.” I decided.

“Okay then, sexuality?” She asked. Great.

“Uh,” Deep breath Gerard.” “I’m gay.” I whisper.

“Aww.” Lacie cooed making me blush. “You have a good selection then G all of these boys are bi apart from Mikey but you know that doesn’t matter unless you have like a Waycest or-“

“Lacie!” James shouted. “Stop babbling so he can spin.”

“Sorry.” She apologised raising both hands.

I just smiled a little and spun the bottle. It landed on Mikey, perfect.

“Truth or dare Mikes?” I asked.

“Truth.” He answered after a bit of thought.

“Okay then…Who do you like?”

“No one.” He answered quickly blushing. Yeah right but oh well I’ll get it out of him eventually.

Mikey spun the bottle and it landed on Leslie.

“Leslie, truth or dare?” He asked.

“Dare!” He said confidently.

“Kiss Frank.” Mikey dared.

“Okay.” He said non-saliently pushing himself over to Frank and sitting on his lap. He kissed Frank pretty hard, well if you count them lying on the ground with their tongues in each other’s throats, hard.

“Should have known that Mikes.” Bob said patting Mikey’s shoulder at his disappointment.

“Yeah, I should have.”

“Guys, you can stop now!” Lacie screamed at them till they stopped.

They did, blushing slightly and getting back into their sitting positions. Leslie spun the bottle and it landed on me again. Great!

“T or D G?” he asked.

“Dare.” I said more confident now.

“Okay then, I dare you to write Mikey Way is hot on your arm in sharpie.”

My mouth fell. “I can’t d- do that-“

“You have to, it’s a dare G.” Frank said. “Anyone got a sharpie for him?” And Leslie, Lacie and James all took clicky sharpies from their pockets. “Blue, Black or Silver G?”

“Uh, black.” I answered taking the sharpie from James. I pulled up my hoody sleeve hoping they wouldn’t see any scars from my past, and wrote “MIKEY WAY IS HOT” on my arm. “Happy?” I asked handing the pen back.

“Yup, but that’s not coming off for a while.” Leslie stated and I face-palmed.
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