Categories > TV > Criminal Minds > Coughing Fits, Memories and Phlegm

Coughing Fits, Memories and Phlegm

by Nuada 0 reviews

Reid is sick and Hotch takes care of him.

Category: Criminal Minds - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-05-09 - Updated: 2011-05-09 - 2092 words - Complete

Spencer was getting sick…getting? He was pretty sure that he already was sick. He hadn't felt well for a few days but he knew that the team needed him so he was pushing himself. He hadn't been sleeping well (not a big surprise) and he hadn't felt hungry as a result the dark circles under his eyes was more pronounced, and he'd lost weight (which he had known that he couldn't really afford to lose) and he was pretty sure that his blood had been replaced by coffee. He was existing on fumes and even that was running low. And he wasn't hiding it as well as he thought.

Morgan was the first to notice (as he usually did). He also knew that if Reid was stressed out or particularly focused on something he would forget about certain things (like eating) until whatever it was, was over or completed. That being as it was, Morgan was worried. But before saying anything to Reid, he went and spoke to Hotch.

Hotch had tried getting Reid to stay home that morning but their resident genius wouldn't have it. He argued that the team needed him and that the fresh air and a new case to focus on would do him good. All that considered Aaron wasn't surprised when Derek was standing inside his office.

"Can I help you?"

Morgan stared at Hotch as if he wanted to burn a hole right through his head. "What's wrong with Reid?"

Hotch spoke without even looking up. "He's a bit under the weather." He could feel the heat of Morgan's glare.

"A bit? Hotch, the boy looks like shit."

Aaron looked up. "Probably feels like it too. I tried to get him to stay home, but he insisted on coming in. Maybe you could talk him into going home."

Morgan shook his head. "Pretty boy can be nothing if not stubborn. And if his superior/boyfriend can't get him to change his mind I don't think that anyone can. But I'll try."

He walked out of Hotch's office and back into the bullpen. There was a hacking cough sound coming from Spencer's desk. Derek walked over. "Hey pretty boy, you gonna live?"

Reid cleared his throat, held up a hand and took a gulp of his luke warm coffee. "Yeah."

Derek shook his head. The kid looked worn and pale. He thought that the last thing that he needed was to be here. He should have been at home in bed. "Look, maybe you should have taken Hotch's advice and stayed home."

Reid shook his head. "I'm fine." He suddenly felt way too warm. He slipped his sweater vest over his head and put it on the back of his chair. He unbuttoned the top button on his shirt, and continued with his paper work.

Morgan knew that he'd lost that particular argument but he had a feeling that by the end of the day Spencer would have changed his tune. He shook his head again and walked back to his desk. He couldn't argue with Reid all day, he had his own paper work to deal with.

By that afternoon, Reid had fever spots on his cheeks but he'd gotten his button up sweater from the coat closet because he was freezing. Hotch had stood just outside his office and watched as Reid coughed into a Kleenex and used another to wipe the sweat off his face. Hotch shook his head; enough was enough he had to get Reid home and into bed before he got any worse.

He stepped into Rossi's office first. "Dave?"

Rossi looked up from where he was filing the latest reports that had made their way across his desk, "Yes?"

"I'm requesting the rest of the day off."

Davis looked up, slightly alarmed. "Are you okay?"

Aaron nodded. "It's not for me. Have you seen Reid? He's sick, even if he refuses to admit it. I want to take him home but I know that if I don't stay there with him, he won't get any rest because he'll be working on whatever he managed to sneak out of the office."

Rossi nodded. He knew (or at the very least he was learning) just how stubborn their boy-genius could be. "Take a couple of days, get him well again."


Hotch walked out of Rossi's office and back out into the bullpen. He'd had enough; he was more than prepared to drag Reid out of the building if he had to. He walked over to Reid's desk and smiled as he realized that the young doctor was asleep on his report.

He gently shook Reid's shoulder. Reid sat up sleepily. "Come on, Reid. Let's get you home to bed."

"I'm awake." The young man mumbled.

Hotch chuckled. "I know you are. Let's go." He grabbed Spencer by the arm and gently pulled him up from his chair. He grabbed Reid's bag and his coat and walked out of the office. Reid slept the entire way home.

Once Aaron got them both into their home he sat Spencer on the couch as he left to start the shower. He led Spencer to the bathroom, stripped him and helped him into the shower. "I'm going to put the kettle on, will you be okay on your own for a few minutes?"

Spencer frowned. "I'm sick, not an invalid."

Hotch nodded, "Point taken."

Within half an hour Spencer was curled on the couch, with a blanket, a cup of hot tea and Hotch. Aaron was gently rubbing his back. Every once in a while Hotch would have to steady Reid's cup as his body was seized by a coughing fit. By that evening Aaron had managed to get Reid to take a Tylenol and the boy was tucked into bed.

Aaron lay on his side, watching the young man sleep. After Haley had died Aaron knew that he had to be there for his son but he also knew that he would never really feel warmth again. Then there was the car accident shortly after Haley died. It hadn't been Hotch's fault; it was a drunk driver but in the end Jack had been killed, Hotch had barely escaped the clutches of death. After the car accident Hotch had been hospitalized; he had gone through the windshield; he'd been in a coma for nearly a month. When he finally came out of it, they were worried that he'd be different.

The Aaron Hotchner that they knew was not the man that came back from the hospital. The man that came back was quiet, withdrawn and a workaholic. Spencer had been the one to break him out of the shell that he had built around himself.

Now, Aaron watched him as he slept. He watched as Spencer's eyes moved under his eyelids and he mumbled softly in his sleep. He remembered the moment that he realized that he was in love with Spencer. It was when they had found him in the graveyard with the body of Tobias Hankel.

He had touched Reid's arm and noticed that he was cold and shaking. He remembered the quiver in his voice when he had told Hotch, "I knew you'd understand." And Reid had hugged him. It was the way that he held on; almost as if he was afraid to let go, that made Hotch's heart speed up and his palms get sweaty. He hadn't felt that way in a long time, not since high school. He'd blamed it on adrenaline.

Then there was the first time that Reid had kissed him. It wasn't sexual at all. It had been after the car accident. Reid had visited him in the hospital; he'd been right by his side when the doctor's had told him that his son had been on life support while he was in a coma. They also said that Haley's sister had ordered him off life support. He had lasted an hour breathing on his own and then he had a hemorrhage and died.

When the doctor had been explaining his son's injuries Hotch had been numb, the only thing that had kept him from screaming hysterically was the warm hand holding his. All Hotch had said to the doctor was "Tell Jessica that she did the right thing."

As soon as the doctor left the room Hotch broke down. Spencer had been slightly surprised that Aaron had allowed him to witness his outbreak of emotion. Once his tears stopped he looked up at Spencer, at that point Reid had leaned over and kissed Hotch's forehead. Then they just sat together, neither of them speaking. Reid had never let go of his hand.

It was then that Aaron thought that maybe his feelings that he had for the doctor were returned.

Aaron looked down at the love of his life and realized that Spencer was awake and smiling at him, despite the fact that he was feverish and probably dehydrating.

Aaron got up, got him a glass of water and got him to take another Tylenol. He also got the thermometer; unfortunately the only one that he could find was an ear thermometer. "Okay, turn your head Spencer. I need to take your temperature."

"I hate those; they give me an ear ache." He protested.

Aaron smiled at the whiny tone that Reid's voice had taken. "I know." He heard the beep from the thermometer, and took it out of Reid's ear. "Your temperature is still pretty high."

"I figured. My head hurts and my throat is sore." He started having a coughing fit and wrapped his arms around himself. "My chest muscles hurt." He complained.

Hotch ruffled Spencer's unruly hair. "I'll run a bath and make a hot lemon drink for you. That should help your throat. It should also make you sleepy. You need rest,"

Aaron left the room to start Reid's bath. Reid meanwhile, was wracked by another coughing fit. By the end of it, he'd spit phlegm into a Kleenex; disgusted by its bright green colour. He had an infection; which meant that he'd caught a virus.

That made him think of the time that he'd been exposed to an Anthrax-type virus. He remembered how scared he was. He wasn't afraid of death but he was terrified that he'd disappointed Hotch again (the first time being when he failed his gun qualification even after he'd been tutored).

But that time, when he was inside the house, knowing that he was already infected; he knew that that would be the final straw. He figured that if he survived this, then Hotch would fire him for reckless behaviour.

He tried not to let the fear that he was feeling show through in his voice, as he admitted to Hotch that he'd really screwed up. He was somewhat disappointed when he woke up at the hospital and Hotch wasn't there. He was amazed that he hadn't been fired, he guessed that for the most part they realized that it wasn't his fault (he had no way of knowing that the house was infested with the virus) and relieved that he was okay, after he was given the antidote.

Reid's trip down memory lane was interrupted by Aaron walking into the room. Hotch helped Reid to sit up and he carried the frail young man to the bathroom. Once again, he stripped him and placed him in the bath water, He gave Reid a sympathetic look as Spencer shivered despite the warm temperature of the water.

Aaron took a cloth off the counter, got it wet and began to gently splash water on Reid's back and chest. Reid was silent through his actions, he knew that logically, the only reason that he thought that the water was cold at all was due to his fever. He knew that Aaron would never do anything to hurt him or intentionally make him uncomfortable.

Aaron was looking into Spencer's eyes for any sign that he was uncomfortable. He noted the chattering teeth and the goose bumps covering his skin. "Are you okay?"

Spencer offered him a small, tired smile and nodded, it was the best that he could do at the moment. Hotch smiled back at him, "What are you thinking?" Aaron noticed the slight blush that had crept into his face.

Reid licked his chapped lips. "About how lucky I am. You're a good man Aaron Hotchner.

Aaron smiled and moved some of Reid's hair out of his face, "You must be delirious from your fever."
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