Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Young Love (request)

by jlyEchelonMCRmy 2 reviews

What will happen when Jasmine falls for her best mates older brother?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2011-05-10 - Updated: 2011-05-10 - 1865 words

A/N: For xDinoRawrx Sorry it's taken so long, and it's still not finished, but heres what I've got and I'll post the rest as soon as its done :) Enjoy


It was so scary starting at a new school. It was the beginning of my last year, I don't see why my parents couldn't have waited and moved after I had finished.
When I got to home room on the first day everyone was sat in big groups talking or chucking bits of paper across the classroom. The teacher appeared to have given up trying to calm them down.
'Um, my name's Jasmine, I'm registering with you,' I introduced myself to the teacher.
'The head mentioned you,' she replied. 'Take a seat please.'
Most of the seats were taken or in close firing range of the groups. It was then that I noticed someone at the back, almost invisible on a table on his own. He looked friendly, just sitting in his chair staring around absently, his glasses almost slipping off the end of his nose.
I ducked my head and made my way to him. As I sat down he moved his notebook to make space on my side of the table. I saw some doodles in it before he closed it.
'I'm Jasmine,' I said.
'Mikey,' he replied.
We sat in silence for a while.
'Have you just moved here?' he asked me suddenly.
'Yeah,' I replied.
'Cool,' he paused again.
We smiled at each other awkwardly. Then the bell rang.
'Mikey,' called the teacher. 'Would you show Jasmine around please?'
'Sure,' he replied. 'What lesson do you have?'
I pulled out my timetable and he had a look.
'That's just down the corridor from my class.' He turned to leave the room and I followed. We were silent until we reached the right corridor.
'I'm sorry,' he said. 'I'm kinda shy.'
'Me too,' I said. 'Don't worry about it.'
'This is your class,' he said. 'I'll meet you out here after double and I'll show you around during break.'
'Thanks a lot.'
And that was how I became best friends with Mikey Way.
About a week later he invited me round his house for dinner.
'Mum, this is Jasmine,' he introduced me. 'Jasmine, my mum, Donna.'
‘What a pretty name,’ said Donna Way, shaking my hand.
I smiled politely, I didn't know what else to do.
'My dad's at work and my older brother is probably in the basement.'
The last half of the sentence made me look at Mikey strangely.
'His bedroom's down there. We don't just lock him in the basement,' Mikey half smiled when he saw my expression.
'Right, fair enough,' I smiled back.
We sat in the living room talking for a bit before Mikey put a horror movie on.
I surprised myself by actually enjoying it quite a lot, despite jumping and screaming a few times. Mikey just laughed at me.
'Dinner,' called his mum suddenly from the kitchen-cum-dining room.
That was the first time I ever saw Gerard Way. He had a bigger build that his brother but was ever so slightly shorter.
'What was all that screaming for?' he asked as he walked through the living room, barely even looking at us.
'We were watching a movie,' Mikey replied.
'Right, so your friend is a scaredy cat.' I couldn't work out the emotion in his voice.
'Anyway,' said Mikey, 'this is my mate Jasmine. Jasmine this is Gerard, my brother.'
'Hey,' he said, when we were in the kitchen. 'Nice to meet you.'
'Same to you,' I replied shaking his hand. We lingered on the hand shake, just looking into each other's eyes for a millisecond longer than normal etiquette required. His eyes were gorgeous a sort of green-brown. His black hair didn't quite reach his shoulders and had a sweeping fringe that half hid one of his eyes.
'What were you doing downstairs?' Donna asked her oldest son.
'Just doodling,' he replied as he tucked into his dinner.
'By that he probably means he just created a master piece,' Mikey told me.
'Are you an artist then?' I asked Gerard.
'No, I just like cartoons,' he replied. 'I'm drawing some random characters but I doubt anything will come of it.'
'What are they, like, superheroes or something?' I wasn't a huge fan of comics but superhero powers always fascinated me and there had always been a small part of me which thought they could be real.
'I only have two at the moment, one I'm not sure about yet, but his human head has been put on a giant apes body because of a bad accident. Then there's this one that I call 'The Séance' and he can channel dead superheroes powers so he is super awesome and could do pretty much anything.'
'Nice,' I nodded. He had a seriously awesome imagination.
'I have loads of other random pictures I've drawn too. Actually, Mikes, I've drawn one for you. You'll either love it or hate it and I wanna see how you react.'
'Right,' said Mikey sounding unsure.
'I'll show you after dinner.'
So as soon as we'd finished eating Gerard lead me and Mikey down to his room. It was tiny and dark. The bed was in the middle of the room and there were pictures all over the walls and desk.
Gerard pulled a piece of paper from a pile on his desk where all his pencils and paints were scattered and handed it to Mikey.
'Ah, cool,' said Mikey smiling.
'You like it then?'
'Yeah, it's awesome.'
I peered over his shoulder. It was a drawing of a shark with 'JAWS II' written under it and human limbs flying around.
'What's so cool about that?' I asked wrinkling up my nose.
'I love Jaws. It's, like, my favourite movie,' Mikey explained.
'But he's scared of sharks,' added Gerard.
'Because that makes sense,' I replied sarcastically.
'Anyway, here are those heroes I was telling you about,' Gerard continued, pointing at two of the pictures on his desk. 'I think he can fly as well.' He pointed at the one with SEANCE scribbled next to it.
'So if you could have any super power, what would it be?' I asked Gerard.
'I don't know,' he said thoughtfully. 'I think the Séance has an awesome power coz he can do anything. What about you?'
'I would want to be able to say anything, and it to come true,' I said. It was something I had already thought about, being fascinated by super powers the way I was.
'Interesting,' said Gerard in a far off voice looking at his art stuff. 'Give me your number, I might need it.'
So I scrawled it down on the corner of a piece of paper.
'Thanks,' he said. And then sat at his desk.
'Let's leave him to it,' said Mikey and we left.
The next day I woke up to a text: 'Hey, it's Gerard, Mikey's brother. Just wanted to text you so you have my number. Have a good day :)'
I saved the number immediately. I felt guilty because of the huge smile that spread across my face when I saw who the text was from. Although Mikey was only my best friend and I never wanted him to be more, I felt like my feelings towards his brother were somehow betraying him.
I couldn't stop myself texting back. 'Thanks a lot. Hope to see you again soon. :)'
I got to school that day and sat with Mikey in form.
'You know, Gee hasn't left his room since you came round,' he informed me.
'Really?' I asked. 'Is he drawing?'
'No one knows, we don't go down there without an invitation,' he said, laughing softly.
My phone buzzed again: 'We can meet up tonight if you like? Gee'
I couldn't believe it, he had just asked to see me again! 'Sure' I text back, 'After school?'
'Yeah, I can meet you and walk you home if you like?'
He didn't even go to school; he had just left, so the fact that he was going to walk to school just to see me and then make sure I get home was so cute.
I spent most of the rest of the day texting Gerard. It turned out he had something he wanted to show me.
At the end of school, after my and Mikey's science lesson, I hugged him and said goodbye as I headed towards the back gate where Gee (I was now so friendly with him I was allowed to use his nickname) would be waiting for me.
'Hey,' he said. 'Did you actually have any lessons today?'
'Yeah, but our conversation was so much more interesting,' I smiled.
'So, I now have no idea where we are going,' he pointed out, looking around.
'This way,' I said as we walked off. 'What did you want to show me?'
'The Rumour,' he said pulling a piece of paper out of his bag. 'My latest superhero.'
'And what's her power?'
'Well, if, for example, she said, I heard a rumour they are giving away free ice-cream, it would come true,' he explained.
'So, whatever she says comes true?' I smiled.
'As long as she says 'I heard a rumour...'. That picture is for you,' he looked at me sheepishly.
'Thanks,' I said. 'You have just created my alter-ego!'
He laughed. 'Well, it's just a hobby at the moment. I'm hoping to get into SVA next year though.'
'Wow, good luck,' I said. 'I hope you get in, you deserve it.'
He looked away modestly.
'Come on.' I couldn't believe how modest he was being. 'I've been in your room and I've seen your drawings, they are amazing.'
'You can stop being nice now,' he said.
'I'm not just being nice,' I argued.
'Ok, I'm going to change the subject now.'
I looked at him expectantly. There was nothing but an awkward silence.
'What do you do to pass the time then?' he asked.
'I listen to music, and apparently I now text you all the time!' I replied.
The conversation covered the rest of the journey home, which wasn't really very long.
'Thanks,' I said when we reached my front door. 'Did you want to come in?'
'Not today thanks,' he replied. 'Maybe next time.' And with that he turned to walk away.
I closed the door behind him and looked at 'The Rumour', who's picture I was still holding.
'Next time,' I mutered to myself and headed to my room.
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