Categories > Original > Poetry

Scattered Beliefs

by JLawrence_Kenny 0 reviews

A poem on War and Peace.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-05-12 - Updated: 2011-05-13 - 248 words - Complete

A/N, for some reason, Ficwad decides to take upon itself to reformat my poem, taking away from some of the structural ambiance of the piece. Imagine, if you will, that the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 11th, and 12 line of every verse are indented, as well as the second verse being in the middle of the page, and the third verse being on the left side of the page. Of course, only 3 people have seen this poem, but I still felt the need to say that.

A man once asked me,
"What's wrong with War?"
Death and Suffering
are only a small portion
of the bleak atmosphere.
War brings together nations,
Fosters familial bonds,
Is a merchant's paradise.
And regardless of the never-ending
length of the conflict,
There is always the hope and
knowledge that it will someday

A man once asked me,
"What's so great about Peace?"
Calm and Prosperity
are but a small part
of the bright atmosphere.
Peace leads to laziness,
Breeds corruption's canker,
Is a fool's paradise.
And despite the interminable
crawl of peacetime,
There is always the fear and
inevitability that it will someday

A man once asked me
these two questions of
War and Peace,
Questioning the beliefs
I "knew" to be true.
Took away my
Cast it into doubt,
Forced me to justify my thoughts.
And I finally replied,
"The faces of the mothers of
Sons lost in battle are enough
to convince me in the
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