Categories > Original > Horror

Jealous Thinking

by Mistaken-Vampire 0 reviews

Starts off normal but can only get worse. Read along and find out how the others join in.

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] [V] [?] - Published: 2011-05-16 - Updated: 2011-11-23 - 4470 words - Complete

A/N I am sorry if this upsets but I wrote it a while ago. I hope you like it. Review after.

Feeling drowsy and drained of energy both Jay and Jo staggered out of yet another drama lecture on how important posture is in a performance. Gaining a bit of energy Jo ran into her and pushed Jay into the poor person behind them. Coming from nowhere there was a voice of familiar sound saying 'that is not proper posture for two young ladies such as you two is it?' With sudden realisation of which it is both of them looked up to find it was their best mate Gerard standing there acting like he was back in his high school band called Romance Isn't Dead.
He was adored by the entire drama group even the guys! He was taller than both of them at 5ft 9 he had black hair that casually fell down his face which most guys would say is a failed attempt at an emo hair cut but secretly inside they are jealous because only certain hair styles could get to that perfection without loads of chemicals. He had a firm build that had been worked on but not so much that it looks unnatural! His white and black tribal tattoo top was gripping tight to him which contrasted with his boyfriend fit grey and black blazer that dropped off his shoulders.
Jo gave an eye roll to Jay who was goggling all over him without him knowing. In the past Jo had been with Gerard but nothing seemed to happen so it ended up that they were best off as mates. Gerard had a different view on it he thought there was still something special between them that were not mutual. Jay on the other hand found him irresistible. Jo had found it hard trying to convince Gerard to consider going on a date with Jay even if it was just to the movies or the mall. Gerard just stood there watching the girls who by this time where standing there looking at each other giving glances as if they could mind read and were in communication.
Suddenly realising what was going on Jo tried breaking the awkward silence by strolling in her bold and audacious way in her so called "slow walk" towards the cafe which was their group's normal meeting point. Jay looked up at Gerard for support and then glanced back in time to see Jo fall and stumble and shout out 'that didn't happen!' they burst out laughing and Gerard put his arm around her shoulder to usher her forewords.
Sitting at the table by the window with music blaring out of Chris' phone was Em, Ben, Callum and James. Chris was always listening to music such as 30 Seconds To Mars and Green Day. Whilst they were having a sing along to the kill, Jo snuck up and hugged Callum. She could tell it was Callum by his long black hair which was slowly turning into Jack Blacks hair. He was studying music which was his lifelong passion. In year 11 he only got a B but that did not matter because every good musician had a bad time in their music GCSE's because it was only for a small amount of people and they perform better when they have a large group to perform in front of. Callum and Jo had a confusing relationship they were almost like a couple but everyone knew it was a joke. Jo was always sorting out Callum's love life but she didn't mind that much because she was always with someone or thinking about someone even if she knew she could never get them. At the moment she was with her boyfriend Clayden and had been with him for what seemed like ever.
Callum twitched by the shock of having someone grab him but almost instantly realised it was Jo. Jay came in a bit later with Gerard still around her shoulders they were still laughing which was a surprise and as Ben turned around he wolf whistled which got the rest of the guys to join in the wolf whistle. Em, being Jay's best friend since primary school, knew what was going on and didn't want to spoil possibly Jay's only proper chance with Gerard by her boyfriend Ben starting something so immature. Em hit him playfully on the arm and gave him a look of disdain which made him stop and get the rest of the guys to stop.
Jay blushed so much that her face almost went the same colour of her hair. Jay had always been into rock music and found it a good way of express herself in times like this. Also she was always in a show and because of the colour of her hair it was easier for the judges to remember her. She loved being recognised and she was always recognised for a good thing. She did drama and English. She was a passionate writer and always had a story in her head. You knew when she was deep into a story because her mid length hair was tied back into a neat pony tail so she could concentrate without being aggravated. She found the story writing was a good way for her to escape and she got so into it that she would believe that the story was real.
Em started up the conversation again by singing the next line of The Kill. They all carried on their chatter over the music until Jo let out a petrifying scream. Everyone jumped to their feet in shock and then realised what it was and all let out their breath and moaned at Jo who was surprised to find out it was Clayden who had ran up behind her and tickled her side which was one of her tickle spots, Which were her sides just above her hips which was quite convenient for a flirt like her because it meant that a guy was close to her waist which was where she loved to be held.
Chris with his curly brown locks slowly getting longer let out a nervous laugh and everyone could tell it was because he had the memory of all of them being out on the campus when Clayden, Chris and Jo had had a tickle war during their last free lesson. All of them where late to their next lesson, which was PE. Clayden who seemed to be a tough man turned out to be more like a puppy on the inside of his luscious short ginger hair.
Jay had had enough of the awkwardness and grabbed Gerard by the hand and this made him face her and she took the opportunity and kissed him which was a surprise to the full group! Gerard gave the group more of a shock by carrying on and not pulling away. Soon enough Ben could not be controlled by Em and shouted out 'get a room!' Em had to give in and join in with the rest of them.
Em was not the person who you would expect to be that way because she had a small child element to her with her cheeky grin and flawless skin. Her eyes were bluey green and always had a gleam to them. Her brown hair had soft curls that looked like they had been done at a hair salon and it was always soft like a child's.
James out of nowhere started to cough nervously trying to get everyone's attention but failed epically. Jo caught out the corner of her eye James' attempt and simply went 'oi' which instantly got everyone's attention which made James look annoyingly at Jo but then dissolve into giggles. Jo waved an arm towards James trying to get him to take over which happened quite quickly. He suggested that they all went back to their rooms to give the new love birds some privacy.
The rooms for the guys were all the way on the other side of campus to where they were. Ben and Em had found a way to get into the same room by asking Jo who was supposed to be sharing with Em to swap rooms which could not have taken her by more delight with the thought of sharing a room with a guy. As soon as Jo got into her room in their first term she found out it was an empty room seeing as Ben was one of the lucky people who had no other roommates so Jo's room was the one which they usually gathered in they just had to survive the mess that was always on the floor but they just learnt to live with it. Jo's room was big enough for 6 people to sleep in and all of the group were happy because it was where you went if their roommates were annoying them or if they wanted a change.
All cramming into Jo's room was not that hard but most of the time they were all fighting over who got the beds. They found out a system that meant they could all get onto the beds but still be close enough to talk properly. James and Callum went straight onto the academic side of things which only really involved what teachers to avoid and what homework we had all missed that they had done part of. Chris got in and straight away logged onto his laptop which always stayed in Jo's room because he knew if he kept it in his room one of his roommates Dan would try to take it. The fight then started on what music was going to be played and whose iPod would get plugged in first. James won so it was more of dancing music so it made us all sing-along in a cheesy fashion to songs that were fun to move to. At the moment it was 'Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor' by Arctic Monkeys which always got some sort of a dance competition between everyone. At the moment it seemed like a hip hop dance competition that actually got James involved.

It was half term before they knew it and Callum was going back home for the holidays because he had had enough of being on his own and missed his family too much. All of the guys knew how much he missed them because they had been with him for a year already and before he went to this school he had not spent more than a week away from them. They all tried their best to be family for him and loved him dearly for it.
Callum was one of the only people in the group who couldn't drive so he got home by train after a lift to the station from Jay. Jay dropped him off then drove off almost as soon as the train came and didn't wait to wave him off properly.

Half term came and went very quickly. They had all got a group email from Callum saying he might be a few days late back but all was well and good and was having a dead laugh with his parents and older brother.
Jay just shrugged it off and turned back to Jo and carried on talking about how much her and Gerard had got up to on the holidays and how her feelings for him were growing. Jay was obsessed so much she didn't see that he was just being friendly to her because he was best friends with her and still had the feeling that they are best off that way. When she was saying about how they had gone far, far was snuggling up on the sofa holding hands, kissing on the cheek and watching a horror movie.
James started to get a bit suspicious when he spoke to the other boys saying about how Callum had always said to James during ICT that chain emails and group emails are the easiest way to get spam's and they are impersonal. Even when it came to Christmas he would send out his Christmas greetings singly and with a separate message for each.

Clayden was starting to get upset at the fact that Jo was spending more time with her friends such as Jay and Gerard and leaving him on his own most weekends.
'Hey James I need to speak to you!' called Clayden seeing James walk past his door.
'Yeah man what's up? You don't look to good? You got the flu that's going around? Your eyes are all red and blotchy!' James was still the sensitive type and as soon as he saw misery he would go and sort it out.
'I need to talk to you about Jo' A creek appears behind them.
'What was that?'
'Nothing. Happens all the time! Any way I feel that she is either cheating on me or she is just ignoring me because she wants to dump ...'
Clayden had fallen in one of the most horrific ways just from simply crying.

Back in Jo's room was Jay, Gerard, Jo and Chris with Em and Ben sitting on the floor. Jo was saying about how she was planning to take time off of school to get married to Clayden. She hadn't spoken to him for a while because she had been talking to Jay and Gerard about where it could happen.
James came running in and burst into tears and fell into Jo's arms talking into her body all she could make out was 'I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything. Jo don't hate me. He fell and he went. He won't wake up. I didn't know it would happen. What was I supposed to do? He said you were gunna hate him! He just went like that.'
By now Jo was scared enough and confused she pushed him back told him to breathe and calm down then asked the simple question of what he was on about. James took a deep breath and looked around the room to find Ben sniggering but ignored it and said in a brave voice 'It's Clayden he has died!'
Ben looked at Em and carried on laughing getting louder getting Chris and Jay to join in. Jo just looked at him in disgust and said 'I want to see where he is?!' James took another breath and grabbed her hand and took her to Clayden's room where he laid on the floor with Warren the head of Dramas son sitting with him.
'I heard a thump on the floor and come in and saw him!' Warren had a deep voice which struck a chord with Jo and all she could do was stare at his bright blue eyes for a while. She then shook her head back into reality.
'He is dead! What can I do?' Jo thought out loud. For a little while she said nothing then came to a decision that shocked them all. 'Bury him and all of his things. I can’t bear to face it. Keep one thing each but all the rest can go down with him. Bury him in all his favourite colours. Tell his family and let them have half the ashes. We shall burn the body and place it over all his favourite things in his coffin. This is what he would have wanted!' She looked around at the stunned silence on everyone's faces. 'Get to it! Now please!' That is when Jo finally broke down and fell to her knees.

It had been 3 months since the incident. James and the rest of the group tried there best not to mention Clayden for the time being because Jo seemed to be a bit tetchy on that subject. Warren had joined the group. Warren seemed to fit in well he was a lot like the others just a bit more quiet but what can you expect in the horrible times that had been leading up to the day.
Ginny ran over in her usually uppity blonde way and sat down with the others. She was always the first to hear about something in school and this time she had the news to tell the group. They all looked at her only Gerard and Jay didn't look in her direction. 'Well guys I was in the heads office and he forgot I was there doing his paperwork and may I add Chris well done on your chemistry. But yeah, anyway, in came Miss Holt the technician and might I add that she still hasn't got the idea of dressing in decent clothes! Well she had a virus that came off of Callum's computer and he should have gone to her and he didn't and like his user hasn't been used since like 2 weeks before half term. His email account has been hacked as well. They took a tracer and found out that a guy all the way in LA sent the emails. And well they phoned up Callum's parents to see when he is coming back because he is taking too much time off and could get kicked out for it and it turns out he didn't make it home! So I turned into super spy Ginny in my gorgeous black skinnies, you know the ones I wore on dress up day well yeah anyway I went to the station and it turns out the day that Callum was supposed to go home like a guy died by mutilation on the train tracks. I hate to say it guys but Callum was the only one with a ticket booked for that day so I think he might like be dead. Any way see ya in form room for assembly don't forget that this is fresher's week so like there is soo many lectures on about drinking responsibly you know about that don't you Jamie!' And Ginny was gone in a flash. The guys weren't sure what to say they simply looked at each other in awkward silence. Ben tried to break it with 'You know the shit that Ginny spreads it prob isn't true we still have the big guy with us don't we?'

The death march was the only thing that rung through our ears for about 6 weeks after. We were at Clayden's funeral and his family came along to pay their respects. We then waited one day and it was back to the same place this time it wasn't us who had organised it and we were dressed in rocker gear as Callum had ordered in his will he made when he was 10. We knew he must have been 10 because he had pictures of his hero's up being Queen and Abba which were the band that his dad got him into and he started playing from the age of 8.
But school had to go on doesn't it. Life stops for no one. The group's mood quickly got high again at the chance of going to the concert of their dreams. The Days Of Danger were doing a tour and they had a 2 day stop near their uni. They had a chance of a meet and greet and a competition for all fan girls to get on stage and sing "Earthly gone" with them and get filmed for their new music video for their album Joykillers. Jay was over the moon but Gerard hated the idea he thought that that music was too mainstream and it was not the Panda for his coffee so to speak.
Jay was the first to grab her blackberry which never left her side and instantly entered the competition but because it had to be one per person through emails she entered it and typed in her friends emails as well. Kid Kobra, Star Jet, Ghoul Fun and Poison Party. They would soon be meeting a very excited teenager who was going to have the best night of her life.
It was the night of the final concert and everyone was at the front in their fly t-shirts which was the band logo. Jay and Jo were missing though. They had won the chance to be in the music video. Jay was very excited and was in her red Joykillers outfit. Jo was in her ninjafied Joykillers outfit. It was going so well. They had managed to meet them beforehand where Jay got quite close to Kid Kobra which was quite heartbreaking for Gerard but what was to be expected. Their preshow drinks came around which meant that it was time for the others to go get their spaces.
"La La La" had just finished and Professor Life Preserving's voice boomed from the speakers which was the signal for the seven girls to come on stage to rave out and dance with the guys. It was only half a hour ago that they had had a lovely talk backstage with the guys looking as perfect as ever. Now they were covered in sweat and everyone even the shy Kid Kobra had their tops off. Kid Kobra turned to Jay and gave the cutest smile. Ghoul fun looked over and laughed his adorable giggle which made Jo's heart miss a beat. It was a gap in the song where Ghoul Fun wasn't needed he swung his guitar onto his back and pretty much leaped on Jo and kissed her so passionately on live TV as it was getting recorded for their music video. It was then that the rest of the gang could come up on stage and join in which they needed no prompting to do. Gerard went to stand next to Jay and she turned to him shouting 'This is amazing thank you for buying the ticket!'
Kid Kobra started jolting unexpectantly which the guys thought was just some involuntary dance moves but made them stop all together and the other 5 girls who were on stage scream with shock. Kid Kobra had fallen to the floor and was foaming at the mouth. The medical team needed to get on stage as quickly as they could. The screaming girls were ushered to the side where they ran backstage to hide away from the trauma which was happening on stage. The camera crew realised what was going on and put it onto break. The medics where going as quickly as they could then looked up to Poison Party and said that he had been infected with some slow release venom. The group gave the rest of the group glances they were all shocked. Jay turned into Gerard's chest where he held her tight and would not let go. Gerard just stood there quietly looking down at the now pale and pasty looking Kid Kobra as his eyes changed colour and his lips went the lightest shade of blue. He was snatched up and put on a stretcher.
The audience where trying their best to get to the front of the stage to see what was going on till the security guards ushered them out swiftly and gave them all coupons to get a free copy of their new album Romance Of A Chemical Kind.

Chris was the next to go. He was in the shower after that long day and wanted to wash the
theoretical blood off of his hands. He started to feel a bit tired but knew he had to stay and get himself clean. He was starting to drift in and out of consciousness. Out of nowhere Jo phoned him which startled him and made him take a step back which made him slip in the water that had slowly gathered at the bottom of the shower cubicle during all that time. He had fallen through the glass and was lying with cuts all over him but the one that bled the most was the shard of glass that went straight through his head. His hands where covered in his own blood. There was a loud beep then a voicemail from Jo saying "Hey Chris just checking you're ok hope to hear from you soon. Hope nothing bad happens!"
Jay had her sneaky suspicions of who it could be. She had had enough of all the killings so stormed up to Jo's room to find her in her bed with Warren. Jay knew from then on who it had been but why. Warren sorted out his clothes in a flash and grabbed Jay and dragged her onto the other bed and sorted out his lip ring as if he was going to start a fight. Jo turned to him and calmed him down. They were almost adults so why not act like it.
Jo turned to Jay and started to explain how it all happened from how Warren had shot a small dart loaded with poison in the barrel into the back of Clayden's head in his hair line. Warren had taken out the dart while they were alone and Jo was arriving. She also said about how Callum had been pushed by her onto the train tracks just after Jay left.
Jay was confused what had that in common with Kid Kobra going? What she had missed noticing was Warren left just a moment before the drinks came along so long enough to slip something in.
The question she failed to think about was why until Jo looked at Warren and he confessed all. 'I'm the teachers son and I am in enough trouble through relationships with ex's so what would it look like if I mentioned about Jo to you all? I am going to marry her and there is nothing you can say about it!' He turned to Jo and grabbed her hand by now she was in tears and couldn't take it anymore and exploded in an out roar that startled both Jay and Warren. 'I love you but I have killed enough and they were and still are my friends I Want them back but I can't have that now can I? So if I can't have them I won't have you either!' She grabbed the knife which was in the cupboard and stabbed Warren straight through the heart and watched as the light left his eyes and she turned to Jay and said 'call the cops get them to take me away! Do it or I might do it again!' Jay was shaken so much but grabbed her mobile and through tears got her best friend taken away and every day she goes to visit her and so do the rest. As far as the others know Jo had a breakdown no one but Jay knows the truth.
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