Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > By Your Side (frerard)

The New Frank

by BelleThePunk 1 review

With Frank's mother being too busy to look after him, he is given to his father...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2011-05-25 - Updated: 2011-05-25 - 534 words

"Oh god... Oh god oh GOD!"
I've never been good with changes. Changes scare me. Well, most of them. They don't scare me so much when i WANT them. But when i don't, i just wish the floor would melt underneath me and eat me up!
I recently moved back to Belleville to live with my dad, My mother stayed in Cherry Hill. My parents slit when i was little, so them not being together doesn't really bother me. I'm used to it! And sometimes when they have to talk to eachother (and I mean HAVE to), they can get along. A little joke here and there in the conversation.
Moving back in with dad ment alot of changes. New house, new school, new friends (not that i had any in Cherry Hill), new life really! And kind of a new parent in some aspects. Plus a name change. Since my parents split up, i took on my mums last name, Pricolo, and she gave me an extra middle name. So name was Frank Anthony Thomas Pricolo. My dad must of made some agreement with my stubborn mother, since the last i heard, my name is being changed to Frank Anthony Iero jr (After my dad).
My mum really hates my dad. You can kind of see why! With my mum always dressed in something like a glittery black dress, a red coat with big red buttons, tights and pair of shoe sthat must of cost about 400 quid. Then theres my dad, simpley wearing his jeans and t-shirt. He used to wear really rocker clothes when i was younger. I had been looking at my baby pictures and all the pictures of me and my dad (mostly with black pen scribbled over his face by my mother) he always seems to be wearing black, red and leather. He looked so cool! Rad even...
He was a guitarist in a band. Well, lots of bands. He kept getting kicked out for being overly drunk. In the end this cost him not only 48 jobs, but his reputation and career. 14 years down the line, hes a totally washed up guitarist who having his troublesom punk kid chucked into his life by his Ex wife.
That came out wrong. Its sounds like my mother doesn't want me! She does, honest. But she things it best for me. My mum is a totally work-a-holic. She like this perfect career woman! clean and shimmering brown locks that go down to her waist, designer gear, little dog in her handbag (i'm being serious! I feel so sorry for Ruby the Chihuahua...), dark shades and leather fitted gloves. Always serious, all ways on time, always typing on a laptop or calling someone on her mobile/cell. Theres just one thing that gets in her way...
Her 14 year old son. Me. She loves me and all, so thats why shes handing me over to Dad. She's always working, so she has no time for me. Plus she can't handle whats been happening at school. Bullies.
In the end, mum decided that her last option, was also the best option. So she drove me to Belleville and dropped me on hsi door step.
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