Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

MSI Nonscence!

by ONotz 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-05-26 - Updated: 2011-05-26 - 317 words

Yea…I was listening to MSI(Mindless Self Indulgence) and I wanted to use for a jacked up story so….yea! Enjoy.

Lyn-z was standing in front of Gerard. “NO!” She yelled. Gerard was angry.

“STOP YELLING OR I’LL HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!” He yelled. Lyn-z walked up to Gerard. They were nose to nose.

“There is nothing you can do that I have not already done to myself,” She mocked. She pushed him back. He grabbed her shoulders.

“I didn’t mean-“ He began. But he saw the lust in her eyes. “There is nothing you can do that I have not already done to myself,” He said in Jimmy’s voice. (I’m guessing that’s the singer!)

Lyn-z yelled put “Be nice to me!” Gerard stood up bigger and went nose to nose. Again.

“Don’t let me.” Gerard hissed and got shoved away.”Be nice. Be nice to me!” He yelled and Lyn-z giggled.

Lyn-z stopped “Don’t let me go!” She said as Gerard grabbed her waist and pushed himself against her.

They were rocking back and fourth now and softly sang “I am too cool for the second...GRADE!
I'm amazed!
I'm afraid!
I am too cool for the second..GRADE!
There is nothing!--
You can do!--
That I have not already done to myself...HEY!” They giggled and turned to the coughing. Jimmy was standing there with his camera. “Totally going on the internet.” They all laughed and Jimmy walked out. “Oh Gerard.” He said and Gerard looked at him.

“I don’t sound like that.” He said and closed the door. They were all silent until they laughed. The next day the whole fight was on the internet.
“I am going to kill him.” Lyn-z mumbled.

:O Whatda think y bitches? Yup! Brinin back MY BITCHESSS! All fair play, not sussposed to bed offended ok? K! :~)
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