Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cemetery Drive, Jersey

Abuse! Not really...

by jadesohma 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-05-31 - Updated: 2011-05-31 - 627 words


"Go to hell Frank!" Mikey yelled.

"Mikey don't be a dick!" Frank yelled back.

"MIKES! I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!" Ray's voice came.

"Dear god." I mumble. I get up and go down stairs to end the dumb fight. I pass Ray on the stairs as he runs up to drag Mikey down. I look to Frank.

"What the hell does he have to say?!" I ask, more demanding than really asking.

"Nope, just get in the living room." He says, pushing me down the short hall. I growle to myself and plop next to Gerard and link arms.

"I need a Way brother." I utter under my breath, just loud enough for Gerard to hear. Gerard nods and we both smile as Frank comes to see us.

"Bitches." Frank heaved.

"OKAY!" Ray screamed, throwing Mikey on the ground. "I have something to say and you fuckers are going to listen to me."

"YES MA'AM!" Mikey called out.

Ray returned his insult with a middle finger. "So, uh, Emmy. I-I- really like you and was wondering if you would like to go out with me?" I starred at Ray. He was adorable. His hands were shaking and I could see the breeds of sweat running off is face.

Then I looked to Emmy. Her eyes twinkled, the light catching them perfectly. The brown meet the green. They don't stay locked. How could they when Emmy closed them, showing her huge smile and jumping on Ray.

"YES! YES! HELL YES!" She screamed in his arms.

"KISS HER KISS HER!" I chanted. What can I say? I am a hopeless romantic.

And as if they were magnetic, their lips collided. Meshing together in no order whatsoever. "I don't need to see my sisters tongue thank you very much!" Aj sounded. "Keep it inside the cheek!"

"Okay Devin, really, get off my boy friend!" Frank uttered in my ear before pushing me to the floor and pouncing on Gerard.

I topple to the ground and land with my neck bent and feet pointing to the air. I cross my arms. "Well this hurts."

"Then move?" Mikey suggested.

"Too lazy!" I whine.

Mikey looked at me, moving his hands to my legs. I swear I felt him run his hands up them for a split second before he pushed them down, causing me to fall to my left. "Ouchy!"

"Now that you've both sexually and physically abused Devin, you can leave her alone." Aj said, looking up at Mikey after she crawled on the ground the whole five feet between them.

"I did what now?!" Mikey looked at the laughing Aj.

"You sexually and physically abused Devin. You pushed her, hurting her. And you just violated her leg. Everyone that wasn't glued to another saw it." She looks to Bob. He noded his bloned, buz cut head. "See."

Mikey Flushed a deep scarlet. His hazel eyes flicker around the room making sure not to look at anyone. "I-I didn't..."

"Okay Mikes, whatever you say." Aj rolled her eyes, Mikey just looked down, keeping the same Scarlet.
Sorry for the shortness. I gotta bring the laptop in for school and I don't want the ass holes at school looking at this O.o So I am truely crazy. Just saying. And Im not going to tell you if Tomgirl is going to get knocked up... Too much preview;) But I'll try to write tonight! And Speaking of tomgirl, I was waiting for your review alllll yesterday then it dawned on me that you had school cause your in canada!!!hahaha!~ g2g! school! ~JS~
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