Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 100 Ways To Torture Gerard Way

6. Hanging By Thumbs

by theescapist99 3 reviews

"He tried to move around a bit to distract himself, but it was an inescapable situation."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-06-15 - Updated: 2011-06-15 - 461 words - Complete

A/N: Longer chapter and something else next time around. :)

6. Hanging By Thumbs

Still naked, a humiliated Gerard scarfed down the next plate of food they gave him. Fuck it, he had lost all his dignity anyway. Gerard had also noticed something different in the room. He had woken up to see there was now a small metal bar drilled to the ceiling far off on the left to the bed. He stared at it as he ate, wondering what it was for. They must have installed it while he had been asleep. He finished his plate just in time for the next two masked man to arrive. Gerard thought he might be raped again, and a blush crept to his cheeks. But instead the men walked over to him and made him get off the bed and stand.

They walked him over to the bar on the ceiling. He was instructed to put his arms up above his head. One of them took out what looked to be a piece of cloth.

Without warning the one behind him grabbed him by the waist and lifted him upwards. He wobbled a bit out of surprise, and he was yelled at for not keeping his arms the way they had told him to. He restored them to their previous position. They told him to make his hands into fists and put his thumbs up.

Then they tied an intricate knot around his thumbs, tying them to the bar. Once the man made sure it was secure, the other one released his hold on Gerard's waist. As he did, he immediately felt his body weight yank downwards, causing friction on his thumbs. He yelped from the pain and the men chuckled.

They walked away silently and left him there.

He kicked his legs, trying to get his feet to rest on something. But there was nothing. His toes were mere inches off the floor, and there was nothing in the surrounding area.

At first he felt as if it wasn't so bad. If this was all it was. Yet the more time passed the more he became aware of the growing strain on his thumbs. The dull pain started building itself more and more. It felt as though his thumbs were dislocating themselves at snail like pace. He tried to move around a bit to distract himself, but it was an inescapable situation.

He wondered when someone was going to be coming back. They couldn't leave him like this for that long, right? All he had to do was wait. And that he did. He spent hours just waiting.

Just waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting.

Next chapter: "Crack that whip! Give the past the slip! Step on a crack! Break your momma's back!"
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