Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mikey's here

Mikey's "Sleep"

by imjustagirlnotahero 4 reviews

Ooo! This is...... I don't know. but there's a really sappy message before the story, so get ready.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-06-16 - Updated: 2012-03-30 - 818 words - Complete

Well, here you are. Can I take a minute to just thank you guys? I really want to because I've never really had people tell me my stories are good other than my three best friends. That might be because I've never let anyone other than them read them, but complete strangers? People who found my story lying around on a website filled with about 1,200 other MCR fanfics? Them saying "Wow, you're story is awesome" well that's a generic response? Means the world to me. I love how you guys give me ideas or opinions, because I never would have some of the new exciting episodes to come without Heymimusic. She I'm gonna go with she. Correct me if I wrong please. has given me some amazing ideas I never would have thought of. And microwavedhamster202, thank you for continuing to read and reviewing. It means a lot that you would do that and encourage me to keep doing it. OKAY, now that the sappy stuff's over with, let's get to the story!
Mikey's POV
I threw the lighter back into the drawer angrily. Slamming it, I stormed around in the kitchen, trying to rid myself of the memory of "me" almost setting Amber on fire. I shuddered at the thought of the flame touching her shirt. Setting my elbows on the counter, I ran my hands though my hair and removed my glasses. I through some water on my face, trying to wake me up from the nightmare I was having. When I dried my face, I saw a piece of paper lying on the counter. "'Sleep' by Amber and Gerard (but mostly Amber :D)" it said. laughing at Gerard's little note, I read over the lyrics each one hitting my heart,
"Some say now suffer all the children
And walk away a savior
Or a mad man and polluted
From gutter institutions
Don't you breathe for me
Undeserving of your sympathy
'Cause there ain't no one way
That I'm sorry for what I did

And through it all
How could you cry for me?
'Cause I don't feel bad about it
So shut your eyes
Kiss me goodbye
And sleep
Just sleep
The hardest part is letting go of
Your dreams

A drink for the horror that I'm in
For the good guys and the bad guys
For the monster that I've been
Three cheers for tyranny
Unapologetic apathy
'Cause there ain't no one way
That I'm coming back again

And through it all
How could you cry for me?
'Cause I don't feel bad about it
So shut your eyes
Kiss me goodbye
And sleep
Just sleep
The hardest parts
The awful things that
I've seen

Just sleep
Just sleep
Just sleep
Just sleep
Just sleep
Just sleep"

Looking towards Amber, I put my glasses back on and sat next to her. I laid back down, my head on her chest, her short breaths soothing my troubled mind. I fell back asleep, trying to stop the nightmares from coming back.
Gerard's POV
After Mikey fell asleep, I removed myself from my hiding spot from the top of the stairs. It shocked me to see my baby brother, the shy, quiet, sweet Mikey, trying to hurt, maybe even kill, the girl he loved and never would let go.
I sat in the chair across from the couch where He and Amber slept. My black hair framed my face and I shook it away, determined to help the two teens I cared for. Pulling out my cell, I dialed Eli's number. She answered immediately, "Hey Gerard. What's up?"
I recounted the vents to her and I could hear her reactions to every word I said, "That's horrible! And she's fine and they're asleep?"
I nodded, "Yup. Fast asleep together on the couch. I have no idea what would make Mikey want to hurt Amber. He loves her way too much for him to even think about doing anything wrong to her."
She sighed, "It's the nightmares and his world. I can tell he hasn't gotten as rid of them as he says he has. Sometimes, and he might not even know he does this, but he looks at her with hate and malice. It's odd, because then, the next minute, he goes back to the same Mikey look."
I agreed and we spoke more about Mikey acting strangely. He was always a little weird, but now, with these nightmares getting to him, he was acting like a very crazy person. I slapped my thigh, "We need to do something bout this before he or Amber gets hurt. I know that what we might do hurt him, but it's for the best if we want to get rid of the dreams."
So, I'm currently deciding between three endings.
They'll all lead to a sequel which I am excitedly awaiting. I love ya'll!
Amber (the author)
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