Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Past is Past, Future is Forever.

Chapter 13.

by mcr_killjoy 0 reviews

Arriving at warped.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-06-19 - Updated: 2011-06-19 - 465 words - Complete

The next few days went quickly, and before I knew it I was standing outside my house hugging Adam and Nolee before getting on the bus.
We got on, well I ran on and got dibbs on my bunk.
Top right, with dad opposite on top left, mikey below me then gerard below dad, and then ray and bob on the bottom ones.
We got to the first show which was chigago, we was here a day early, so we could mingle with the other bands, chill and practice.
I got of this bus with my shades on cause it was sunny.
The bus next to ours I realised was Paramores.
Yes! another girl! I wouldn't be the only one. Plus we had Lyn Z and Kitty aswell.
I saw Hayley get off her bus so I went over to introduce myself.

"Heyy, Hayley right?" I said.

"Yepp thats me" she said.

"Cool, I love you band" I said.

"Thanks, sorry but who are you?" she said and I laughed.

"Rosie Iero, Franks Daughter" I said.

"Oh its nice to meet you, I never knew Frank had a daughter" she said.

"neither did I til like the other month" I said and we both laughed.

She said she had to go off to find the rest of her band as they'd left her and I say bye and went back on to our bus.
Bob was sitting on the couch.

"bob bob bob bob bryarrrrr!" I sang.

"Rosie rosieee rosieee ieroooo!" bob sang back.

"haha you frerd" I said.

"what the fuck is a frerd?" Bob asked, looking puzzled.

"Cross between a freak and a nerd, dumbass, don't you know anything" I said.

I walked to the back of the bus to find Mikey playing guitar hero, I grabbed the other guitar, and made him play multiplayer.

"Michael James Way! I will thrash your ass at this bitch!" I said.

"haha like to see you try" he said.

"fine then" I said, and we started to play One by Metallica on Expert, it was fucking hard, but I beat his ass.

"Hahahahaha! Sorry Mikey Way, but you got owned!" I yelled, jumping around hyperly.

"now I'm certain franks your dad!" he yelled, probably because we were both always hyper, he then walked down to Bob.

I followed him down and started jumping on them, "Come on you boring old farts, come have some fun" they couldn't be bothered so I went to find my own fun.

To find Gerard perhaps, hadn't seen him since we got here.

I was walking around then I went round the back, and saw Mindless Self Indulgences bus, I was about to run up to go see Jimmy and Lyn Z but then I saw something that made me stop.
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